Notice of the General Office of the State Council on forwarding the "Work Plan for Accelerating Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction in the Construction Sector" by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development

Guo Ban Han [2024] No. 20

People's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, ministries and commissions of the State Council, and agencies directly under the State Council:

The National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development's "Work Plan for Accelerating Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction in the Construction Sector" has been approved by the State Council and is now forwarded to you. Please implement it carefully.

general office of the State Council

12 March 2024

(This document is publicly released)

Accelerate the work plan for energy conservation and carbon reduction in the construction sector

Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, National Development and Reform Commission

The construction sector is one of the main areas of energy consumption and carbon emissions in China. Accelerating the promotion of energy conservation and carbon reduction in the construction sector is of great significance to achieving carbon peak and carbon neutrality and promoting high-quality development. This plan is formulated in order to implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, promote the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development, and accelerate the promotion of energy conservation and carbon reduction in the construction field.

1. Overall requirements

To accelerate the promotion of energy conservation and carbon reduction in the construction sector, we must be guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, fully implement Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, and strive to promote high-quality development, adhere to conservation priority, problem-oriented, and systematic concepts, and take carbon peak and carbon neutrality as the guide to continue to improve energy utilization efficiency and reduce carbon emission levels in the construction sector. Accelerate the improvement of the quality of green and low-carbon development in the construction field and continuously meet the people's needs for a better life.

By 2025, the institutional system for energy conservation and carbon reduction in the construction sector will be more complete. New urban buildings will fully implement green building standards. The new ultra-low energy consumption and near-zero energy consumption building area will increase by more than 200 million square meters compared with 2023, and the existing building energy conservation renovation area will be completed. Compared with 2023, electricity consumption accounts for more than 55% of building energy, and the renewable energy replacement rate for urban buildings will reach 8%. Positive progress has been made in energy conservation and carbon reduction in the construction sector.

By 2027, ultra-low energy consumption buildings will achieve large-scale development, energy-saving renovation of existing buildings will be further promoted, building energy structures will be further optimized, a number of green, low-carbon, and high-quality buildings will be built, and remarkable results will be achieved in energy conservation and carbon reduction in the construction field.

2. Key tasks

(1) Improve the level of energy conservation and carbon reduction in new urban buildings. Optimize the energy-saving and carbon reduction design of new buildings, make full use of natural lighting and ventilation, adopt high-efficiency energy-saving and low-carbon equipment, improve the thermal insulation and fire protection performance of building envelopes, and promote the allocation of energy management systems in public buildings and qualified residential buildings. Vigorously promote ultra-low-energy buildings, encourage government-invested public welfare buildings to be built according to ultra-low-energy building standards, and accelerate the large-scale development of ultra-low-energy buildings in areas where conditions permit. Increase the proportion of mid-star green buildings in new buildings. Strictly implement the responsibilities of all parties in project construction, focus on the review of construction drawings and acceptance of engineering projects, strengthen the energy conservation review of building projects with annual operating energy consumption of 1000 tons of standard coal (or power consumption of 5 million kilowatt-hours) and above, and strictly implement building energy conservation Mandatory standards for carbon reduction.

(2) Promote the renovation and upgrading of existing buildings in cities and towns. Organize and implement energy efficiency diagnosis, conduct a comprehensive survey of existing urban buildings, and establish a database and project reserve for energy-saving and carbon-reduction renovation of urban-level buildings. Formulate an annual renovation plan for existing buildings on a city basis, reasonably determine the renovation timing, combine the safety situation of the house, clarify key energy-using equipment such as air conditioners, lighting, and elevators, and key contents such as exterior wall insulation, door and window renovation, and combine the energy efficiency of public buildings in key cities. Work such as improvement, community public environment improvement, renovation of old communities, and clean heating in winter in northern areas are promoted in an integrated manner. Cities that are included in the central government's winter clean heating policy support in the northern region must accelerate the energy-saving renovation of existing buildings. The energy efficiency of the energy-saving renovation part of residential buildings should meet the current standards, and the overall energy efficiency of public buildings without energy-saving measures should be improved by more than 20% after renovation.

(3) Strengthen the management of energy conservation and carbon reduction in building operations. Increase the promotion of high-efficiency and energy-saving home appliances and other equipment, and encourage residents to accelerate the elimination of inefficient and backward energy-using equipment. Establish an energy conservation supervision system for public buildings, scientifically formulate energy consumption limit benchmarks, clarify requirements for renovation of buildings with high energy consumption and high emission, publicize renovation information, and strengthen social supervision. All regions must speed up the establishment and strict implementation of indoor temperature control mechanisms for public buildings, focus on public buildings such as office and technical business buildings of public institutions, office buildings of state-owned enterprises, and transportation stations, and carry out indoor temperature control and energy-using equipment in winter and summer in accordance with the law. Inspection of system operation and other conditions, and seriously investigate and punish illegal energy use. Regularly carry out debugging and maintenance of key energy-using equipment such as air conditioning, lighting, and elevators in public buildings to ensure low-energy-consuming and energy-efficient operation of the energy-using system under all operating conditions. Select a number of public institutions with great energy conservation potential to carry out pilot projects for energy cost trusteeship services. Promote the construction of digital and intelligent operation and management platforms for buildings and promote the application of efficient and flexible intelligent control technologies. Promote the overall participation of building complexes in power demand response and peak shaving.

(4) Promote the low-carbon transformation of building energy. All regions must make overall plans for the application of renewable energy buildings based on actual conditions, and determine work advancement schedules, roadmaps, and construction drawings. Formulate and improve relevant standards and atlas for integrated building photovoltaic construction, and pilot promote the integrated photovoltaic construction of new buildings such as industrial plants, public buildings, and residential buildings. Strengthen the management of installing photovoltaic systems in existing buildings. Promote cogeneration central heating according to local conditions, support the application of geothermal energy, biomass energy, and solar energy heating in the construction field, and carry out the utilization of waste heat such as thermal power, industry, and nuclear power. Explore normalized supervision and post-evaluation of renewable energy building applications, and timely optimize the operating strategies of renewable energy building application projects. Improve the level of building electrification, promote the comprehensive electrification of new public buildings, and increase the penetration rate of residential heating, domestic hot water, cooking, etc.

(5) Promote heating metering and charging based on heating volume. All regions should formulate household heating metering and renovation plans based on actual conditions, clarify quantitative goals and tasks and renovation time limits, and gradually promote qualified residential buildings and public buildings to be charged based on heat consumption. Existing residential buildings that do not have the value and conditions for heating metering and renovation can be measured by building. Newly completed buildings in northern heating areas should meet heating metering requirements. Accelerate the implementation of two-part heating prices that combine basic heat prices and metered heat prices, and reasonably determine the proportion of basic heat prices and terminal heating prices. Strengthen supervision and inspection of measuring instruments such as heat meters, gas meters, and electric energy meters.

(6) Improve the green and low-carbon level of rural houses. Adhere to the principle of farmers 'voluntariness, adapting measures to local conditions, and one household policy, promote the construction of green and low-carbon farmhouses, improve the insulation performance of the enclosure structure of new farmhouses in severe and cold areas, and optimize the moisture-proof and heat insulation of new farmhouses in areas with hot summer and cold winter, hot summer and warm winter., sunshade and ventilation performance. Carry out energy-saving renovation of existing rural houses in an orderly manner, and carry out menu-based micro-renovation of house walls, doors and windows, roofs, floors, etc. Promote the low-carbon transformation of rural energy use, guide farmers to reduce the use of coal combustion, and encourage the use of electricity, natural gas and renewable energy according to local conditions.

(7) Promote green and low-carbon construction. Accelerate the development of prefabricated buildings, improve the versatility of prefabricated components and parts, and promote standardization, fewer specifications, and multiple combination designs. Strict construction safety management to ensure the quality and safety of construction projects. Actively promote prefabricated decoration and accelerate the construction of green and low-carbon residences. Give full play to the leading role of government procurement and support the promotion and application of green building materials. Government procurement projects included in the scope of implementation of government procurement policies to support green building materials to promote building quality improvement should purchase green building materials that meet the government procurement demand standards for green buildings and green building materials. Accelerate the certification and application promotion of green building materials products, and encourage all regions to establish green building materials acceptance and application databases based on actual conditions. Continue to carry out green building materials to the countryside activities. Promote energy-saving construction equipment and coordinate the comprehensive utilization of temporary and permanent construction facilities. Standardize construction site management and promote the classified treatment and resource utilization of construction waste.

(8) Strict management of building demolition. Promote the organic renewal of cities, adhere to the simultaneous development of "retaining, renovating and demolishing", and strengthen the repair, transformation, preservation and utilization of old buildings. Strengthen supervision and management of building demolitions in various regions. All regions must grasp the construction timing and resolutely put an end to the waste of energy resources caused by large-scale demolition and construction.

(9) Accelerate the research and development and promotion of advanced technologies for energy conservation and carbon reduction. Support the research and development of new generation building technologies such as ultra-low energy consumption, near-zero energy consumption, low-carbon, and zero-carbon, and continue to promote ultra-low energy consumption building components, high-fire performance exterior wall insulation systems, high-efficiency energy-saving and low-carbon equipment systems, and building operation adjustment. Research on key technologies such as support the application of thin film battery technology and equipment such as perovskite and cadmium telluride in the construction field, and promote the integrated application of reliable technologies and processes and products and equipment. Promote the certification of energy management systems in the construction field, and regularly collect and publish a number of typical cases of the application of advanced and applicable energy-saving and carbon-reduction technologies in the construction field. Accelerate the large-scale production of mature technology products for building energy conservation and carbon reduction, form a competitive building energy conservation and carbon reduction industry chain, and cultivate leading enterprises in the building energy conservation and carbon reduction industry. Support qualified enterprises to build building energy conservation and carbon reduction technology research and development and training platforms, and strengthen engineering practice training for employees.

(10) Improve the statistical accounting system for energy consumption and carbon emissions in the construction sector. Improve the energy consumption statistical system and indicator system in the construction field, and build a cross-departmental building energy data sharing mechanism. Establish and improve the building carbon emission accounting standard system, compile carbon emission accounting standards for the construction industry, construction enterprises and the entire life cycle of buildings, and unify the accounting standards.

(11) Strengthen the support of laws and regulations. Promote the accelerated revision of laws and regulations such as the Energy Conservation Law and the Energy Conservation Regulations for Civil Buildings. Distinguish different stages, building types, and climate zones, formulate and revise a number of building energy conservation standards in an orderly manner, and gradually raise the energy conservation standards for new urban civil buildings to ultra-low energy consumption levels. Accelerate the improvement of the prefabricated building standard system covering the entire process of design, production, construction, use and maintenance. Encourage all regions to formulate local standards that are stricter than national building energy efficiency standards based on actual conditions. Carry out energy efficiency assessments of new buildings and energy-saving renovations of existing buildings to ensure that buildings meet design energy efficiency requirements. Strengthen the construction of building energy efficiency assessment capabilities.

(12) Increase policy financial support. Improve and implement fiscal, taxation, financial, investment, price and other policies that are conducive to building energy conservation and carbon reduction. Increase central funds 'support for energy-saving and carbon-reduction renovations of buildings. Implement preferential tax policies to support building energy conservation and encourage comprehensive utilization of resources. Encourage banking and insurance institutions to improve products and services such as green finance, and support the development of ultra-low-energy buildings, green buildings, prefabricated buildings, intelligent construction, energy-saving renovation of existing buildings, building renewable energy applications and related industries.

3. Work requirements

All regions and relevant departments must conscientiously implement the deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, fully understand the importance of accelerating the promotion of energy conservation and carbon reduction in the construction field, effectively improve the working mechanism, refine work measures, continuously improve energy utilization efficiency, and promote high-quality development in the construction field. All provincial people's governments must combine the actual conditions of the region to implement the key tasks of this plan in detail, clarify the goals and tasks, consolidate the responsibilities of all parties, strengthen overall coordination and policy and financial support, and form a synergy in work. All regions must adhere to the concept of system, take into account the interests of all parties, effectively solve possible problems and contradictions, and ensure that the bottom line of people's livelihood is covered; they must carry out extensive publicity and education on energy conservation and carbon reduction, and guide the whole society to consciously practice simple, moderate, green and low-carbon lifestyles.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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