Date: 16/04/2024

Author: Emma

Category: mineral

Comprehensive dust prevention measures for non-coal mines:Protect health and promote sustainability

With the continuous and rapid development of China's economy, the mining scale of non-coal mines is also expanding. However, the ensuing dust pollution problem has become increasingly serious, which not only affects the health of workers, but also restricts the sustainable development of enterprises. Therefore, the research and implementation of comprehensive dust prevention measures in non-coal mines is particularly important. ** 1. Analysis of dust hazards and current situation ** Dust is one of the main pollutants in the production process of non-coal mines. Long-term inhalation of dust can cause various occupational diseases such as silicosis, which seriously affects the health and life safety of workers. Currently, China's non-coal...


Date: 16/04/2024

Author: Emma

Category: mineral

Sharing is the greatest support, and attention is the best encouragement

Anhui Province Non-coal Mine Production Capacity Verification Standards (Interim) Chapter 1 General Rules Article 1 is to scientifically verify non-coal mine production capacity. This standard is formulated in accordance with relevant laws, regulations and industry technical specifications. Article 2 To verify the production capacity of non-coal mines, the following conditions must be met: (1) Obtained mining licenses, production safety licenses and business licenses in accordance with the law;(2) Meet industry access conditions, have sound production, technology, safety management institutions and necessary professional and technical personnel, and special operations personnel must obtain special training.


Date: 16/04/2024

Author: Emma

Category: mineral

Strictly investigate mine accidents to ensure life safety

** 1. Production safety laws and regulations must be strictly implemented ** The primary prerequisite for investigating and handling production safety accidents in non-coal mines is to strictly implement relevant national and local production safety laws and regulations. No accident can escape legal sanctions. For safety accidents caused by illegal operations and poor management, the relevant responsible person must be held accountable in accordance with the law. At the same time, for production safety supervision departments, law enforcement must also be strengthened to ensure that various laws and regulations are effectively implemented. ** 2. The cause of the accident must be investigated in depth. ** Production safety matters in non-coal mines...


Date: 16/04/2024

Author: Emma

Category: mineral

Sharing the greatest support, attention is the best encouragement

Safety management of non-coal mines is a complex and arduous task, involving many contradictions and problems. Among these contradictions, five major contradictions are particularly prominent. They are the contradiction between safety and production, the contradiction between safety and efficiency, the contradiction between safety and investment, the contradiction between safety and development, and the contradiction between safety and personnel quality. Below, we will analyze these five contradictions one by one and explore how to properly resolve these contradictions in non-coal mine safety management. ** 1. The contradiction between safety and production ** In the production process of non-coal mines, safety and production often...


Date: 16/04/2024

Author: Emma

Category: mineral

Sharing is the greatest support, and attention is the best encouragement

Safety supervision in non-coal mines is crucial. It is related to the life safety of workers, and is also directly related to the stable development of enterprises and the harmony and stability of society. In order to do a good job in safety supervision in non-coal mines, we need to start from the following aspects: 1. Establish and improve the safety supervision system The primary task of non-coal mine safety supervision is to establish and improve the safety supervision system. This includes formulating detailed safety management rules and regulations, clarifying safety supervision responsibilities at all levels, and ensuring that everyone from mine managers to front-line workers can clarify their safety responsibilities. At the same time, safety supervision must be strengthened...


Date: 16/04/2024

Author: Emma

Category: mineral

Fifteen think about it and build a strong safety line for non-coal mines

Production safety is a basic principle that any industry must strictly abide by, especially for non-coal mining industries. The following are the "15 Think About" contents that need to be used in safe production in non-coal mines to remind and strengthen safety awareness and ensure safety in the production process. 1. Think about whether safety responsibilities are clear. In non-coal mine work, every position and every employee should clarify their safety responsibilities. Do you clearly know your role and responsibilities in production safety? Is safety really put first? second


Date: 16/04/2024

Author: Emma

Category: mineral

Safety inspections of non-coal mines ensure safe production

Non-coal mine safety inspection is an important link to ensure safe production in mines. Its purpose is to discover and correct potential safety hazards in the mine production process and prevent accidents. This article will introduce in detail the main contents of non-coal mine safety inspections to help mining enterprises improve production safety levels. 1. Mine infrastructure safety inspection The safety inspection of non-coal mine infrastructure mainly includes inspections of mine roads, drainage systems, power supply systems, ventilation systems, communication systems, etc. Inspectors should inspect the operating status of these facilities in detail to ensure that they are in compliance with safety regulations.


Date: 16/04/2024

Author: Emma

Category: mineral

Sharing helps security and focuses on achieving the future

How to take safety precautions in non-coal mine operations? This is a major issue involving life safety, corporate development and social responsibility. In mining operations, safety precautions are crucial. They are related to the life safety of every operator and directly affect the stable operation and social image of the company. Therefore, we must start from multiple aspects to comprehensively improve the safety level of non-coal mine operations. 1. Establish and improve the safety management system Safety prevention work in non-coal mine operations must first start with establishing and improving the safety management system. Enterprise response


Date: 16/04/2024

Author: Emma

Category: mineral

Strengthen gas management to ensure safe coal mining

1. Gas status The absolute gas emission volume of the entire mine is ³, the relative gas emission volume is ³, and the absolute gas emission volume of the coal mining face is ³, which is determined to be a low-gas mine. 2. Ventilation management: A mine "one connection and three prevention" plan must be prepared every month. The Ventilation Section is fully responsible for mine ventilation management and comprehensively implements the ventilation management system and relevant ventilation technical requirements. Each fully mechanized working face adopts independent ventilation systems. , make major adjustments to the mine ventilation system


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