近日,国家能源局印发《关于促进新型储能并网和调度运用的通知》(国能发科技〔2024〕26号,以下简称《通知》)。《通知》规范新型储能并网接入管理,优化调度运行机制,有助于充分发挥新型储能作用,支撑构建新型电力系统。就社会和行业关注的问题,国家能源局有关负责同志接受记者采访,回答记者提问。 ask:What is the background for the issuance of the Notice?

Guided by the goal of reaching carbon peak and carbon neutrality, China is accelerating the construction of a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system, actively developing clean energy, and promoting the construction of new power systems. As a key technology to support new energy to play its role as the main power source, new energy storage is an important guarantee for achieving the safe and stable operation of the power system. In recent years, the National Energy Administration has actively promoted the high-quality development of new energy storage, established and improved new energy storage policies and management systems, and initially established the "four beams and eight pillars" of industrial development.

By the end of 2023, the cumulative installed capacity of new energy storage projects completed and put into operation across the country reached 31.39 million kilowatts/66.87 million kilowatt hours, an increase of more than 260% compared with the end of 2022. While the installed capacity is growing rapidly, new energy storage still faces the problem of low utilization. With the rapid development of new energy sources, the power system has placed greater demands on regulation capabilities, and the contradiction between large-scale construction and insufficient mobilization of new energy storage has become increasingly prominent. The National Energy Administration adheres to a problem-oriented approach, refines policies and measures, and formulates and issues the "Notice", aiming to standardize the grid-connected access of new energy storage, promote efficient dispatch and application of new energy storage, promote high-quality development of the new energy storage industry, and provide new power systems and new energy systems. Provide strong support for the construction of new energy systems.

ask:How to define the scope of new energy storage scheduling in the Notice?

The "Notice" regulates new energy storage that is connected to the power system and has signed a dispatch agreement, and is specifically divided into two categories: new energy storage for dispatch and call and new energy storage for power stations. Among them, dispatch and call new energy storage refers to new energy storage that has independent metering devices and operates in accordance with market clearing results or instructions from power dispatching agencies. It mainly includes independent energy storage power stations, new energy allocation and energy storage with conditions for independent operation, etc.; New energy storage for power stations for self-use refers to new energy storage that is operated jointly with power generation companies, users, etc., and controlled by power generation companies, users, etc. according to their own needs. It mainly includes new energy allocation and energy storage that is not operated independently, thermal power combined frequency modulation energy storage, user-side energy storage with the ability to accept scheduling instructions, etc.

ask:What specific requirements are put forward in the Notice?

The notice puts forward specific requirements from the aspects of management measures and technology. In terms of management measures, the first is to standardize grid-connected access, requiring power grid enterprises and power dispatching institutions to formulate new detailed rules and guidelines for grid-connected energy storage, and clarify the grid-connected process, relevant standards and grid-related test requirements. The second is to optimize the dispatching mode, which requires the power dispatching institutions to scientifically determine the new energy storage dispatching operation mode, support the joint transfer mode, and clarify all kinds of new energy storage transfer principles. The third is to strengthen operation management, and when formulating power market rules or "detailed rules for the implementation of Power Auxiliary Service Management" and "detailed rules for the implementation of Power Grid-connected Operation Management", various localities should clarify and refine the detailed rules for the assessment and implementation of the new type of energy storage. In terms of technical requirements, the first is to standardize the access technical requirements, the new energy storage access system should meet the requirements of safe and stable operation of the power system, and complete the corresponding performance tests and network-related tests. the new energy storage equipment should meet the relevant requirements of national and industry technical standards and management standards. Second, it clearly calls the technical requirements, and puts forward that the new type of energy storage should be equipped with power control system or coordinated control system, and all new energy storage within the range of regulation should have the ability to automatically adjust active power and reactive power according to dispatching instructions. The third is to encourage the transformation of the storage power station. After the new type of energy storage has passed the technical transformation and has the ability to accept dispatching instructions, the power dispatching institution should carry out the new energy storage grid connection and dispatching work in time. The fourth is to promote regulation and control technology innovation, combined with new energy storage multi-scenarios and market-oriented operation needs, to carry out all kinds of new energy storage wisdom regulation and control technologies, and strengthen the research and application of new technologies.

ask:How to promote the effective implementation of the Notice in the next step?

The "Notice" focuses on proposing safeguard measures from four aspects, clarifying the responsibilities of each unit regarding the grid connection and dispatch operation of new energy storage, and better leveraging the joint efforts of management. The first is to strengthen project management. Provincial energy authorities, together with relevant units, need to strengthen the construction of management systems involving planning, filing, construction, operation, and transfer. The second is to provide grid-connected services well, clarify the responsibilities of power grid companies and power dispatching agencies in providing grid-connected services, and require optimization of the access process to the power grid and fair and non-discriminatory provision of power grid access services. The third is to promote calls in a market-oriented manner and advocate giving priority to dispatching new energy storage power stations in a market-oriented manner. All localities should enrich their business models based on the characteristics of new energy storage and promote new energy storage to participate in various power markets. The fourth is to strengthen supervision and management. The dispatched agencies of the National Energy Administration and provincial energy authorities strengthen the supervision and management of grid connection and dispatch of new energy storage in accordance with their responsibilities, establish and improve the coordination mechanism for grid connection and dispatch operation management of new energy storage, and coordinate and handle relevant disputes.

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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