对家长反映的食堂有“2015字样过期进口冻牛肉”问题,经调查,根据报关单和入境货物检疫检验证明,该批进口冻牛肉生产日期为2024年5月,保质期2年。包装标签上的“2015 SIF”字样为进口食品境外生产企业注册编号,非生产日期。

  1. A case has been filed for investigation into the inadequate fulfillment of the responsibility for running the school by Yunnan Jinnuo Education Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd., the organizer of Changfeng School, and the legal representative of the school.
  2. The principal of Changfeng School and the legal representative of the school have been removed from their positions in accordance with laws and regulations.
  3. Responsible for the legal reorganization of the board of directors of Changfeng School, revising and improving the board's charter, and strengthening the performance of duties and school management in accordance with the law. Guide the school in improving and implementing democratic governance systems such as the teachers' congress, participation of the parents' committee in major decision-making, and school affairs transparency.
  4. Order Changfeng School to establish and improve the campus food safety supervision mechanism, effectively implement the school leadership dining with students system, and support student parent representatives to dine with students.
  5. Pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, Changfeng School has been ordered to rectify and given a warning for failing to fulfill its food safety management responsibilities as required. Additionally, a fine of 10,000 yuan has been imposed on the school for the operation of substandard food.
  6. 市、区教育部门成立驻校工作专班,加强指导检查,保障学校正常教育教学秩序,确保教学质量和教师队伍稳定。
  7. Pursuant to the relevant provisions of the "Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "Measures for the Administration of Food Business Licensing and Filing," the company Yunnan Runsheng Property Services Co., Ltd., which is contracted to operate the canteen, has had changes in its business projects without applying for the necessary changes as required. Consequently, it is ordered to cease operations, confiscate illegal income in the amount of ten thousand yuan, and impose a penalty of ten thousand yuan. Additionally, for its operation of substandard food, it is ordered to make corrections and is fined ten thousand yuan.
  8. 责令食材供货商云南采云间餐饮管理有限公司停止经营,接受调查,并依据调查结果作出处罚。
  9. The Kunming Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has initiated a higher-level oversight and is investigating and handling relevant departments and officials. Currently, the director of the district education and sports bureau, the deputy director in charge of the district education and sports bureau, and the deputy director in charge of the district market supervision administration have been placed under suspension for inspection.

Author: spike

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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