Breaking! Hezbollah Intelligence Headquarters in Lebanon Attacked by Israeli Forces
据央视新闻消息,当地时间10月20日,以色列国防军发表声明称,以空军对黎巴嫩真主党情报总部指挥中心、黎真主党位于贝鲁特的地下武器生产车间进行了打击。The Israeli military stated that an air force operation in the southern Lebanese town of Tebnine resulted in the death of one individual.黎真主党南部战线的高级指挥官哈吉·阿巴斯·萨拉马(Al-Haj Abbas Salama)。以军称,萨拉马负责黎真主党在宾特朱拜勒地区的战斗并针对以色列发动多次袭击。此外,以军还打死2名黎真主党成员,One is a senior communications expert, and the other is the head of the weapons manufacturing department.
Israeli Air Force conducts airstrike on southern suburb of Beirut (file photo). Image source: CCTV News Client
According to Agence France-Presse, citing the Lebanese National News Agency, the Israeli Defense Forces conducted two airstrikes on the southern suburbs of Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, on the mentioned date, with one of them hitting a residential building.
According to previous reports, the Israeli military issued an "urgent warning" earlier in the day, requiring residents near two buildings in the southern suburbs of Beirut to evacuate. The warning stated that these residents "are near Hezbollah facilities, and the Israel Defense Forces will strike these facilities shortly."
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Editor: Dai Shuo Chief Editor: Song Fangcan
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