3月14日,为深入学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,团结引领百万石油员工牢记重大嘱托、当好标杆旗帜,全力奋进高质量发展,加快建设世界一流企 业, The Party Leadership Group of China National Petroleum Corporation issued the "Notice on Carrying out the Theme Education Activities of" Changing Concepts, Courage to Innovate, Strengthening Management, and Creating First-Class "and deployed the 22nd theme education activity of" Situation, Goals, Tasks, and Responsibilities ".

Since 2020, PetroChina has organized and carried out a series of themed education activities on the "Changing Concepts" for five consecutive years. The activities have clear orientation, powerful measures, and obvious results. They have become an important carrier and characteristic brand for educating cadres and employees to continuously change their concepts, be brave in pioneering and innovative, and actively take on responsibilities.

2024年是新中国成立75周年,是习近平总书记提出能源安全新战略10周年,是集团公司实现“十四五”规划目标任务的关键一年。 This year's thematic education activities are in line with the thematic education activities since 2020, but also deepen and expand It is not only an urgent need to focus on the country's needs, resolve outstanding contradictions, continuously enhance core functions, and improve core competitiveness, but also a "mobilization order" and "charge call" to promote high-quality development and achieve goals and tasks throughout the year.。 今年突出强调“勇创新”“强管理”,就是要强化创新驱动,加快发展新质生产力,提升管理水平,推动实现由从严管理向精细管理跨越,并向精益管理迈进。

《通知》指出, “Changing concepts "is the precursor of thought ,要结合实际转观念、认知先行转观念,把思想和行动统一到党中央决策部署及集团公司任务要求上来,坚决纠正不合时宜的思想观念。 “Courage to innovate "is the only way ,要以科技创新立企、管理创新兴企,构建开放包容创新生态,打造卓越高科技人才队伍和原创技术策源地,推进实施新一轮国企改革深化提升行动。 “ Strong management "is an important guarantee ,要更加突出管理的科学化、规范化和制度化,打造提质增效“增值版”,加快建设现代市场营销体系,强化依法合规管理,纵深推进全面从严治党。 “ Creating first-class "is the goal direction,要在保障国家能源安全、发展新质生产力、高水平科技自立自强等六个方面当好标杆旗帜,永做党和国家最可信赖的依靠力量、骨干力量。

The "Notice" emphasizes that one point is deployment, nine points is implementation, and thousands of points are not implemented. 各单位要聚焦推动集团公司2024年工作会议各项部署落实落地,重点抓好组织学习讨论、广泛宣讲阐释、开展调查研究、履行责任使命、强化协同联动等五个方面措施。各单位党委和各级党组织要全面落实主体责任,加强组织领导、精心谋划安排,切实推动主题教育活动务实有效开展。

reporter:Jin Wenqi

edit:Yang Ziyi

editor:he Li

audit:Li Xiangyang

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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