Inner Mongolia in March

Although the temperature is still hovering around zero degrees Celsius

But the breath of spring is getting stronger and stronger

8:20 in the morning

The car moved slowly along the narrow rural road

Like a thin needle "wandering" in the heart of the Mu Us Desert

In the fields on both sides of the road

Cattle and sheep can be seen everywhere

Flying birds of various shapes from time to time above your head

With a deep and loud chirping sound coming from the distance

I saw more than 30 national second-class precious animals gray cranes

Take off gracefully

From Changqing Sulige Gas Zone Sunan Company

Passing over the C3 gas gathering station

Then we settled in a cornfield not far away and ate

"Through a year of continuous monitoring, I deeply feel the positive contributions made by central energy enterprises in protecting biodiversity. At present, there are thousands of crane birds that can be monitored in the southern Jiangsu block, the largest number in history." A professor of wildlife at Northwest A & F University told reporters.

In recent years, while promoting the three main businesses of oil, gas and new energy with high quality, Changqing Oilfield has increased its efforts to control and incremental protection of ecological and environmental stocks year by year, adhering to the "harmonious coexistence of man and nature, which is not only a supplier of clean energy, but also a promoter of low-carbon transformation of society." green development concept.

In the southern Jiangsu block, Changqing Oilfield actively promotes ecological gas field construction and biodiversity protection measures such as ecological design, intensive construction, factory drilling and gas testing operations, clean and civilized production, and integrated comprehensive management. Protect biodiversity at the landscape level from the source of the gas field development plan design, and establish and improve biodiversity management and operation mechanisms. Since 2015, the Eqian Banner Forest Public Security Bureau and Northwest A & F University have been entrusted to scientifically monitor the migration and breeding populations of demoiselle cranes in the southern Jiangsu block. By building a crane population information database, a professional monitoring report has been formed to develop a gas field Biodiversity protection provides a scientific basis.

At the same time, under the condition that the average well layout per well site in the conventional development of the Sulige Gas Field is less than 5 wellheads, the standard well layout of 9 wells in large well clusters has been fully implemented in the southern Jiangsu block, and the spacing between well sites in the block has been maintained. More than 3 kilometers, which reduces the land area occupied by wellpads and roads in the same area by 80% less, reduces the dedicated roads for the gas field by thousands of kilometers, and the density of roads and pipelines per square kilometer in the block is more than 50% lower than that for conventional development. The continuity of the grassland ecological landscape is protected to the greatest extent.

Changing the development model is only the "first step" to protect biodiversity. Optimizing management and innovating technology are the key.

Changqing Oilfield incorporates ecological and environmental factors into the planning and design of gas field projects in accordance with the idea of integrating industrial ecology and ecological industrialization. By applying "factory-based" drilling, fracturing, and gas testing in the Sulige Gas Field, supporting facilities such as wellhead foundation, drilling clear water tanks, and mud systems can be shared. Through the implementation of non-landing mud technology, drilling mud recycling and recycling, and drilling cuttings resource utilization technologies, drilling production has no waste and no discharge, and fracturing fluid and flowback fluid have been recycled as resources. At the expense of economic benefits, we will fully launch the exit plan for environmentally sensitive areas, and step and plan to relocate and seal the oil and gas wells, pipelines, stations, etc. in the "Three Reservoir and Four Rivers" water sources in the development area and the ecological protection zone.

Changqing Oilfield is also actively exploring scientific and effective environmental protection models in the desert environment, building green grass grids in large areas around single wells, planting various green forest belts and lawns with cold and drought resistance beside the accompanying roads of gas gathering stations and gas fields, and building gardens, lawns and other garden landscapes in natural gas processing plants and employee shift places. More than 4500 acres of green space are added in the oil and gas area every year, with a green coverage rate of 95%.

"After monitoring by experts, the flora and fauna in our area show diversity. There are 2 national second-class key protected plants: Ephedra and licorice, 6 national second-class key protected animals such as gray crane and demoiselle crane. There are 6 species of grassland wild plants under key protection in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and 2 species of wild animals under key protection." Miao Zhen, deputy chief safety engineer of Sunan Company, said that to achieve the harmonious development of man and nature, as long as we find the right balance point and continue to make efforts, we can protect while development and develop while protection.

reporter:du Jia

correspondent:Li Ruobin Shi Cheng

picture:Shi Chengdiyi

edit:Summer Yuqing

editor:he Li

audit:Li Xiangyang

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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