Yu Bing, General Manager of National Energy Investment Group Co., Ltd.

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■ China Economic Times reporter Hu Pan

With the release of the "double carbon" goal, China's new energy system and new power system are accelerating the construction, and the energy green and low-carbon transformation is accelerating.

Yu Bing, general manager of National Energy Investment Group Co., Ltd., said at the Symposium on Carbon Neutralization and Global Climate Governance at the 2024 Annual Meeting of the China Development Forum on March 24 that in recent years, the global climate has undergone profound changes and the pace of global carbon reduction. As well as climate governance, there is a long way to go to achieve global carbon neutrality.

To this end, Yu Bing put forward three suggestions on how to help achieve the global carbon neutrality goal.

First, promote high-quality development with more "green content" and create a new structure for the energy industry.

Yu Bing said that one of the hallmarks of carbon neutralization success is the dominance of clean energy in the energy structure. Based on the national conditions of various countries, we should take measures in accordance with local conditions, set up first and then break down, give full play to the synergistic and complementary advantages of clean energy and traditional fossil energy, and promote the green and low-carbon transformation of industrial structure, energy structure and transportation structure in a steady and orderly manner. It is necessary to vigorously develop clean and renewable energy, focus on desert, Gobi, and desert areas, adhere to the parallel development of land and sea, centralized and distributed, local consumption and outward consumption, and speed up the construction of large-scale wind power photovoltaic bases. we will speed up the layout of strategic emerging industries such as hydrogen and ammonia energy, and actively promote the development of pumped storage and various types of new energy storage. It is necessary to continue to promote the clean and efficient utilization of fossil energy, improve the efficiency of energy utilization, carry out in-depth clean and efficient development and utilization of coal, tackle key problems in the key areas of green and low-carbon coal to oil and gas, and do a solid job in the linkage of the "three reforms" of coal and electricity. we will promote energy conservation and emission reduction, reduce consumption and increase efficiency, enhance the flexible regulation capacity of the power system, and provide support for renewable energy to become the main body of power supply.

Second, promote high-quality development to "include new quantities" and create new productivity in the energy field.

Yu Bing said that in the process of achieving the goal of carbon neutrality, scientific and technological innovation will profoundly reshape basic elements such as productivity and production relations, promote revolutionary technological breakthroughs, and deeply transform and upgrade industries. It is necessary to use new technologies to promote transformation and upgrading, target new industrialization, accelerate the promotion and application of green and low-carbon equipment in energy, steel, petrochemicals, building materials, transportation and other industries, promote the deep integration of emerging technologies such as the Internet, big data, AI+ and traditional industries, and promote Productivity has leapt to a new level and accelerated industrial modernization. It is necessary to use new technologies to promote new business formats, actively cultivate industrial chains such as new energy vehicles, lithium batteries, smart grids, hydrogen energy, ammonia energy, and CCUS, and promote the research and development and application of new generation nuclear energy technologies.

Third, promote high-quality development with a lower "carbon content" and create a new mechanism for carbon market management.

Yu Bing said that the carbon market is an important policy tool to achieve the "double carbon" goal. At present, China's carbon emissions trading market covers annual carbon dioxide emissions of approximately 5.1 billion tons, and more than 2000 units have been included in key emission units, making it the world's largest carbon market. It is necessary to highlight the responsibility system, further expand the coverage of the carbon market industry, strengthen the constraints of the carbon market, establish a carbon footprint management system, and improve the statistical accounting and verification capabilities of carbon emissions. It is necessary to highlight marketization, promote the construction of a unified national market, or even a unified global standard market, improve the carbon pricing mechanism, establish green financial policies, financing instruments and financial products that are compatible with the market, and promote voluntary emission reduction mechanisms and carbon emission rights trading. In order to interconnect and two-way regulation, we must highlight connectivity, establish a transmission mechanism for carbon costs, strengthen carbon emission rights trading quota trading, and promote the orderly connection between green certificates and carbon markets in the power market.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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