■ Yuan Liang

Since the new era, China's energy consumption has accelerated its structural transformation from raw coal to diversification and cleanliness, and its development driving force has accelerated its transformation from traditional energy to new energy. The proportion of coal consumption continues to decrease, and the utilization level of renewable energy such as wind power and photovoltaic power generation has increased, shifting from pursuing scale expansion to improving development quality.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in the face of new changes in the energy supply and demand pattern and new trends in international energy development, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has proposed a new energy security strategy of "Four Revolutions, One Cooperation", providing high-quality energy in the new era. Development points out the direction. This year's "Government Work Report" makes important arrangements and puts forward clear requirements for further promoting the energy revolution, controlling fossil energy consumption, promoting carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, developing a green and low-carbon economy, and actively participating in global governance to address climate change. Energy is an important support for economic and social development, and green transformation of the energy structure is an inevitable requirement for China's economic transformation and upgrading and high-quality development.

Green transformation and development effectiveness of energy structure


Based on its energy resource endowment, China adheres to establishing first and then destroying, and comprehensively plans. On the basis of continuously enhancing its energy supply guarantee capabilities, it accelerates the construction of a new energy system, promotes a significant increase in the proportion of clean energy consumption, and achieves remarkable results in the green and low-carbon transformation of the energy structure.

First, resource-based industries develop in an orderly manner. 坚持创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的新发展理念,以创新驱动为引领塑造经济发展新动能新优势,以资源环境刚性约束推动产业结构深度调整,改造提升传统产业,培育壮大新兴产业,布局建设未来产业。持续深化供给侧结构性改革,能源结构绿色转型步伐加快,改变过多依赖资源消耗、过多依靠高耗能高排放产业的发展模式,对高耗能、高排放、低水平项目实行清单管理、分类处置、动态监控,严格落实煤炭减量替代等要求,并推动能耗双控向碳排放双控转变。在保障产业链供应链安全的前提下,积极稳妥化解过剩产能、淘汰落后产能,对钢铁、水泥、电解铝等资源消耗量高、污染物排放量大的行业实行产能等量或减量置换政策。

Second, fossil energy utilization is clean and efficient. 以促进煤电清洁低碳发展为目标,开展煤电节能降碳改造、灵活性改造、供热改造“三改联动”,新增煤电机组执行更严格节能标准,发电效率、污染物排放控制达到世界领先水平。推动终端用能清洁化,推行天然气、电力和可再生能源等替代煤炭。在城镇燃气、工业燃料、燃气发电、交通运输等领域有序推进天然气高效利用,发展天然气热电冷联供。实施成品油质量升级专项行动,用不到10年时间走完发达国家30多年成品油质量升级之路,成品油质量达到国际先进水平,有效减少了汽车尾气污染物排放。

Third, non-fossil energy consumption continues to grow. 加快推进以沙漠、戈壁、荒漠地区为重点的大型风电光伏基地建设,积极稳妥发展海上风电,积极推广城镇、农村屋顶光伏,鼓励发展乡村分散式风电。因地制宜发展太阳能热利用、生物质能、地热能和海洋能,安全有序发展核电,积极发展氢能源,大力发展城镇生活垃圾焚烧发电。加快构建适应新能源占比逐渐提高的新型电力系统,开展可再生能源电力消纳责任权重考核,推动可再生能源高效消纳。截至2023年底,煤炭消费比重由2012年的68.5%降至55.3%,全国可再生能源发电总装机达15.16亿千瓦,占全国发电总装机的51.9%,在全球可再生能源发电总装机中的比重接近40%。

Challenges faced by green transformation of energy structure


China's energy industry has achieved remarkable results in the green transformation and development process of energy structure with the goal of building a "clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient" energy system. However, it still faces problems such as large total energy carbon emissions, high-quality development of distributed energy and energy storage. Problems such as difficulty in large-scale layout, and gaps in energy technology level compared with major developed countries. The specific manifestations are as follows.

First, the contradiction between large total energy carbon emissions and short time to achieve carbon neutrality is prominent. 中国能源领域碳排放总量大且实现碳中和时间短。2022年,中国与能源相关的二氧化碳排放量约为121亿吨。从碳达峰到碳中和,中国仅有30年时间(全球最短时间),欧盟将用71年,美国用43年,日本用37年,所用时间分别是中国的2.4倍、1.4倍和1.2倍,中国将完成全球最高碳排放强度降幅。而中国经济社会发展高度依赖煤炭资源,煤炭作为基础能源和重要工业原料,为中国国民经济社会发展提供了可靠的能源保障。据统计,2022年中国原煤生产、消费分别占全国能源生产、消费总量的68.9%和56.2%,与此同时,煤炭领域碳排放也占到全国碳排放总量的80%,对中国温室气体排放的影响最大。因此,能源领域减排时间紧且任务重。

Second, the contradiction between the high-quality development of distributed energy and the difficulty of large-scale layout of energy storage is prominent. 今年的《政府工作报告》指出,要“推动分布式能源开发利用、发展新型储能”。中国支持分布式能源发展的政策正在不断增加,发展分布式能源的顶层设计和战略已经基本确定。截至2022年,中国分布式能源累计装机容量约为250GW,已投运电力储能项目累计装机规模为59.8GW,占全球市场总规模的25%,其中,抽水蓄能装机量为46.1GW,新型储能累计装机规模首次突破10GW,但分布式能源高质量发展与储能规模化布局仍存在较大缺口。规模化储能应用将成为新型电力系统的重要标志,需求高景气叠加应用场景多元化,储能工程化和规模化布局亟须进一步突破。

Third, the contradiction between the difficulty of breakthroughs in low-carbon technologies and the cultivation of new energy productivity is prominent. 当前,中国能源利用效率低,2022年,中国单位GDP电耗713.7千瓦时,是世界平均水平的1.5倍。虽然中国节能降耗减排稳步推进,但支撑低碳低能耗的技术未实现高水平科技自立自强,煤炭清洁高效利用、甲烷全浓度开发利用、清洁能源多能耦合、新型储能、CCUS等关键技术仍须进一步突破。今年的《政府工作报告》围绕新质生产力提到了十多个产业领域,其中多个领域与能源直接相关,同时提出“绿色低碳发展”,全国碳市场相关的碳资产管理以及国际碳规则衔接都是新质生产力的范畴。由此,打造能源领域“三高”(即高科技、高效能、高质量),通过创新技术和产业模式,推动能源产业的转型升级和可持续发展迫在眉睫。

Countermeasures and suggestions for green transformation of energy structure to promote low-carbon economic development


Guided by the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development and with energy green and low-carbon development as the key, we will coordinate the promotion of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation, and accelerate the formation of industrial structures, production methods, lifestyles, and spatial patterns that conserve resources and protect the environment. At present, it is necessary to proceed under the overall idea of establishing and improving the monitoring, evaluation and organizational coordination mechanism for the green transformation of the energy structure, strengthening the comprehensive development and utilization of traditional energy and new energy, building a "multi-energy complementary" energy system, and promoting the energy technology revolution.

The first is to establish and improve the monitoring, evaluation and organization and coordination mechanism for the green transformation of the energy structure. 重点监测评价各地区能耗强度、能源消费总量、非化石能源及可再生能源消费比重、能源消费碳排放系数等指标,评估能源绿色低碳转型相关机制、政策的执行情况和实际效果。加强各能源品种之间、产业链上下游之间、区域之间的协同互济。建立跨部门、跨区域的能源安全与发展协调机制,加强省际、区域间电网互联互通,进一步完善跨省跨区电价形成机制,促进可再生能源在更大范围内消纳。协调开展跨省跨区电力、油气等能源输送通道及储备等基础设施和安全体系建设,加强能源领域规划、重大工程与国土空间规划以及生态环境保护等专项规划衔接,及时研究解决实施中的问题。按年度建立能源绿色低碳转型和安全保障重大政策实施、重大工程建设台账,完善督导协调机制。

The second is to strengthen the comprehensive development and utilization of traditional energy and new energy, and build an energy system with "multiple energy complementary". 煤炭、油气是传统保供能源,推进能源革命并不是要革传统能源的命,而是要以系统观念推动能源高质量发展,推进传统能源清洁高效利用,与风、光、水、核、储等高效耦合,确保能源供应安全。以中国主体能源煤炭为例,要建立煤矿绿色发展长效机制,优化煤炭产能布局,大力推动煤炭清洁高效利用,支持煤炭深度加工、对路消费和高效利用,推动煤炭由燃料向原料转化,有序推进现代煤化工产业发展,推动煤炭转化向高端高固碳产品发展,大力发展煤基特种燃料、煤基生物可降解材料等,完善绿色智能煤矿建设标准体系,健全煤矿智能化技术、装备、人才发展支持政策体系。鼓励利用废弃矿区开展新能源及储能项目开发建设。按照电力系统安全稳定运行和保供需要,加强煤电机组与非化石能源发电、天然气发电及储能的整体协同。深入开展煤炭与新能源、可再生能源协同耦合发展的新模式研究。促进新型储能多元化发展,推动热储能、氢储能、电化学储能等各类储能形式发展,支撑多能互补能源体系建设,坚持集中式与分布式储能并举,积极发展源网荷储控一体化和多能互补发展,同时创新储能产业模式,培育发展新动能。

The third is to build a major scientific and technological collaborative innovation system for green transformation of the energy structure. 健全科技创新体系,完善研发投入机制,支持创新技术成果转化,让更多科技成果从“实验室”走向“生产线”,转化为现实生产力、新质生产力。支持在深部煤炭安全开采领域具有领先创新能力的国家级科研平台建设。形成以国家战略科技力量为引领、企业为主体、市场为导向、产学研用深度融合的能源技术创新体系,加快突破一批清洁低碳能源关键技术。支持行业龙头企业联合高等院校、科研院所和行业上下游企业共建国家能源领域研发创新平台,推进各类科技力量资源共享和优化配置。围绕能源领域相关的大型科学装置、基础零部件及元器件、基础软件、基础材料、基础工艺等关键技术开展联合攻关,实施能源重大科技协同创新研究。加强新型储能相关安全技术研发,完善设备设施、规划布局、设计施工、安全运行等方面的技术标准规范。推广新一代信息技术应用,分级建设智能化平台,探索服务新模式,持续延伸产业链,加快人才培养,提高人才队伍保障能力,加强国际合作,积极参与“一带一路”建设。

Development motivation determines development efficiency. The development of a green and low-carbon economy requires promoting the energy revolution and promoting the transformation of the energy structure. The world today is undergoing major changes unseen in a century. In the process of realizing the "double carbon" goal, green and low-carbon development has broad prospects and huge potential. We must unswervingly follow the path of green development and provide institutional guarantees for China's energy structure transformation., and contribute more experience in China's green and low-carbon economic development to the world.

(The author is a representative of the National People's Congress, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and the president of Anhui University of Science and Technology)


Author: Emma

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