
](http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MjM5NjQ1NjY4MQ==&mid=2663652235&idx=1&sn=0ae83baec2a5476865559637ba93d71a&chksm=bdd84a0d8aafc31bab0cb4001cce19af0a0aed59da4147f22676a03bdc5a06b56667b4ab5b93&scene=21#wechat_redirect) Strive to be the vanguard of high-end equipment manufacturing innovation中共中国东方电气集团有限公司党组


I. Equip with Higher Standards to Provide Better Service for National Development


Since the founding of New China, through the arduous efforts of several generations, China's manufacturing industry has achieved a leap-forward growth in scale and a significant improvement in development quality, becoming the world's largest manufacturing power. Currently, China possesses the most comprehensive and largest industrial system globally, with its manufacturing value-added accounting for about % of the world's total. As an important component of the manufacturing sector, the equipment manufacturing industry has also realized a historic leap from following, running alongside, to leading in some areas, achieving remarkable accomplishments. Especially since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the rapid development and numerous highlights in China's high-end equipment manufacturing sector have been evident, with significant achievements in manned spaceflight, lunar and Mars exploration, deep-sea and deep-earth exploration. In the energy equipment field, China has successfully developed the world's largest single-unit capacity hydroelectric, wind, and thermal power units, forming independent brands such as the "Hualong One" and "Guohe One" for third-generation pressurized water reactors and advanced high-temperature gas-cooled reactors with fourth-generation features, establishing a relatively complete clean energy equipment manufacturing industry chain. Meanwhile, taking the demonstration projects of industrial foundation strengthening as a starting point, a series of "bottleneck" issues in core basic components, key basic materials, and advanced basic processes have been resolved. The level of energy-saving and environmental protection, clean production, and other green technologies and equipment has steadily improved, and China is steadily advancing towards becoming a modern equipment manufacturing power.

Serving the national strategy of new industrialization, comprehensively building an independent, controllable, secure, and competitive modern high-end equipment industrial system is the mission of central enterprises to dedicate themselves to the nation through industry. As a central enterprise that emerged from the "Third Line Construction," the Dongfang Electric Group possesses the gene of technological self-reliance and self-strengthening. It always stands on the needs of the nation, the trends of the industry, and the capabilities of central enterprises, firmly pursuing a path of high-quality development, and proactively shouldering the significant responsibility of serving high-end equipment manufacturing and ensuring national energy security. In recent years, the Dongfang Electric Group has consistently focused on equipment manufacturing, improving the quality and efficiency of traditional energy equipment, and advancing hydropower, coal power, nuclear power, and gas power to higher levels. It has also aligned with the needs of building a new power system, promoting innovation and upgrading in wind power and solar power industries. Leveraging its strengths in energy equipment research and manufacturing, the group has continuously expanded into strategic emerging industries and future industries such as new energy materials, hydrogen energy, energy storage, and intelligent manufacturing, forming a relatively complete supply capability for energy equipment. As of now, the company's cumulative power generation equipment production has exceeded 100 million kilowatts, with business covering multiple countries and regions around the world, making it one of the leading global energy equipment enterprises.

Currently, a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation is deepening, with major disruptive technologies emerging continuously. The 20th Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party clearly stated, "Accelerate the advancement of new industrialization, cultivate and expand advanced manufacturing clusters, and promote the high-end, intelligent, and green development of the manufacturing industry." On the new journey, the Dongfang Electric Group will thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party, deeply implement the "Leading Strategy" focusing on talent, technology, quality, cost, and industry, accelerate the development of strategic emerging industries represented by wind, solar, hydrogen, and energy storage, further enhance the resilience and security of the industrial chain and supply chain, continuously improve the industrial innovation ecosystem, focus on cultivating and supplying scientific and technological innovation talents, and continuously strengthen core functions and enhance core competitiveness, consolidating and enhancing the favorable momentum of high-quality development.

2. Firmly Win the Battle for Key Core Technologies

President Xi Jinping emphasized, "The essence of manufacturing lies in innovation, in mastering key core technologies," and urged that "we must seize the day to advance technological self-reliance and self-strengthening, urgently break through the 'bottleneck' issues, and strive to keep key core technologies and equipment manufacturing in our own hands." Bearing this directive in mind, the Dongfang Electric Group has steadfastly pursued a path of "independent innovation and scaling new heights," striving to create a series of original, leading, and strategic technological innovations, and promoting the localization and self-reliance of core technologies in energy equipment.

The gas turbine is hailed as the "pearl on the crown" of the equipment manufacturing industry. In 2022, the Dongfang Electric Corporation successfully delivered the H-25 Gas Turbine, a megawatt-class heavy-duty gas turbine with complete independent intellectual property rights, marking a breakthrough from "zero" to "one" in China's independent heavy-duty gas turbine field. On this basis, the Dongfang Electric Corporation continued to advance the technological iteration of the prototype machine. The picture shows the prototype machine after the technological iteration test on January 20, 2023. Photo provided by the Dongfang Electric Corporation. Standing on the perspective of safeguarding national energy security, the Dongfang Electric Corporation has overcome a batch of key core technologies that were previously constrained by others. In recent years, as the global competition in the energy sector has intensified, the risks of "bottlenecks" in some key equipment and high-end materials in China have become more prominent. The Dongfang Electric Corporation has consistently focused on enhancing the country's independent innovation capabilities in energy, targeting a series of key core technologies for concentrated research and breakthroughs, providing strong technological support for ensuring national energy security. For instance, gas turbines are strategic equipment related to national defense security, energy security, and maintaining industrial competitiveness. Due to their multidisciplinary nature, the development of gas turbines is extremely difficult and is known as the "pearl on the crown" of the equipment manufacturing industry. For a long time, domestic gas turbine manufacturing mostly only possessed cold-end components and assembly manufacturing technologies, and a complete, independently controllable industrial system had not yet been formed. The Dongfang Electric Corporation took the lead in developing a megawatt-class heavy-duty gas turbine with complete independent intellectual property rights in China, constructing a complete gas turbine R&D and manufacturing system based on this product, and promoting significant breakthroughs in the localization of medium and small power heavy-duty gas turbines in China. Currently, the megawatt heavy-duty gas turbine has successfully entered commercial operation, and the series product, the megawatt heavy-duty gas turbine, has also been assembled and rolled off the production line. Addressing the integration bottlenecks between the innovation and industrial chains, mastering cutting-edge technologies that lead the industry's development. Deep integration of the innovation and industrial chains is an important approach to achieving breakthroughs in key core technologies. The Dongfang Electric Corporation has consistently focused on breakthroughs in key core technologies to strengthen industry leadership, helping to enhance China's position in the global industrial and value chains. The million-kilowatt unit is a synonym for advanced technology in the power industry and has long been a blank spot in world hydropower. The million-kilowatt hydroelectric generator unit has extremely high requirements for key indicators such as stability, temperature rise, and power generation efficiency, posing a significant challenge to the overall equipment manufacturing technology capabilities. Based on long-term technical accumulation, the Dongfang Electric Corporation took 13 years to lead the development of the Baihetan million-kilowatt hydroelectric generator unit, achieving multiple key technological breakthroughs, with the generator's rated efficiency exceeding 99%, and thereby constructing a third-generation large hydropower technology system with 100% independent intellectual property rights, realizing a significant breakthrough in China's high-end equipment manufacturing. In addition, the company has been committed to promoting the integration of the innovation and industrial chains, participating in the development of China's first 10,000-meter continental scientific drilling rig, "Earth Crust No. 1," breaking through key technologies for high-speed, fully hydraulic top drive drilling equipment, making China the third country in the world with specialized equipment and related technologies for implementing the 10,000-meter continental drilling plan, and bringing its technical level to the forefront of the world. Serving the construction of a new energy system, taking the path of prioritizing ecology and green and low-carbon development. In recent years, the Dongfang Electric Corporation has vigorously pursued technological breakthroughs in green and low-carbon technologies, promoting the integrated development of new and traditional energy through technological innovation, providing strong support for energy transformation. Deeply engaged in the research and development of offshore wind turbine units, overcoming the difficulties of complex offshore wind power construction environments, large investment scale, and high technical requirements, from successfully independently developing the largest megawatt offshore wind turbine unit in the Asia-Pacific region in 2019, to successfully independently developing the world's first megawatt-class offshore wind turbine unit in 2022, achieving significant breakthroughs in the localization and technological autonomy of major offshore wind power equipment. Carbon capture, utilization, and storage technology is considered one of the most promising cutting-edge emission reduction technologies. The Dongfang Electric Corporation, leveraging its advanced technical capabilities in circulating fluidized bed boilers, achieved the world's largest chemical looping carbon capture equipment system test for the first time internationally, with an expected cost reduction of 1/3 compared to traditional carbon capture technologies, providing solutions for deep decarbonization in industries such as global power, heating, petrochemicals, chemicals, and oil and gas.

The Baihetan Hydropower Station is a major national project for the implementation of the "West-to-East Electricity Transmission" initiative. The installation of the world's most powerful single-unit capacity million-kilowatt hydroelectric generating units marks a significant breakthrough in China's high-end equipment manufacturing. All the million-kilowatt hydroelectric generating units on the left bank were developed and supplied by the Dongfang Electric Corporation. The image shows an aerial view of the Baihetan Hydropower Station on the day of the full commissioning of its generating units. The photo was provided by the Dongfang Electric Corporation.

新征程上,东方电气集团将持续深入推进原创技术策源地建设,瞄准世界能源装备最前沿,以重大能源装备研制和应用带动关键基础材料、核心基础零部件、先进基础工艺等不断进步,以更多“国之重器”更好服务“国之大者”,努力成为堪当时代重任的国家战略科技力量。**  **III. Enhance the Resilience and Security Level of the Industrial and Supply Chains  习近平总书记强调,“要围绕发展新质生产力布局产业链,提升产业链供应链韧性和安全水平”。党的二十届三中全会对“健全提升产业链供应链韧性和安全水平制度”作出系统部署。东方电气集团将围绕发展新质生产力,进一步提升产业链供应链韧性和安全水平,切实增强防范化解“脱钩断链”风险的能力。  **持续优化产业结构。**加快实现优化升级,全面提升现代化水平,是不断增强高端装备制造产业链供应链韧性和安全水平的必由之路。在传统优势能源装备领域稳健经营的基础上,东方电气集团加快发展战略性新兴产业,聚焦新能源、新材料、智能制造、电力电子等产业体系化布局,加快推动综合能源、新材料等产业跨越式发展,加快推动氢能、储能多场景应用,加快推动电力电子、燃气轮机关键核心技术攻关,前瞻布局深层油气及矿产资源勘探开发、可控核聚变、前沿材料等未来产业。“十四五”以来,战略性新兴产业累计投资占总投资额比重达35%,2023年战略性新兴产业营业收入占比超过40%。同时,加快数字化转型,累计建成20个数字化车间,80%的核心制造车间已完成数字化改造。新征程上,我们将积极对接制造业重点产业链高质量发展行动,扎实推进战略性新兴产业焕新行动和未来产业启航行动,切实推动短板产业补链、优势产业延链,传统产业升链、新兴产业建链。  **积极培育产业创新生态。**构筑一体布局、自主可控的技术体系,是推动创新成果转化的有效途径。东方电气集团坚持以原创技术策源地和产业链链长为依托,牵头成立中央企业电力装备领域创新联合体,先后参与中央企业组建的创新联合体14个,联合60余家上下游企业协同攻关,促进能源装备集群内上下游企业高效协作、大中小企业融通发展,围绕水电、风电、核电等方向开展基础性、紧迫性、前沿颠覆性技术研究,目前已累计建立4个国家级研发平台、18个省部级研发平台,组织上下游单位共同实施超300项任务,已形成一批标志性成果。新征程上,我们将在协同创新上继续加力,不断做大“生态圈”、“朋友圈”,促进创新生态的形成、创新效率的提升。  **持续优化全球产业布局。**随着我国对外开放的广度和深度不断拓展,特别是提出共建“一带一路”倡议以来,中国制造朝着国际化、全球化方向稳步迈进。东方电气集团是中国最早“走出去”的企业之一,累计出口电力装备规模超过9000万千瓦、石油钻机620余台,具备良好的国际化经营基础。一方面,坚持“以我为主”,着力构建从项目规划、参股投资、工程总承包到运营维护的一体化业务体系,出色完成巴西杰瑞水电站等项目;另一方面,积极与全球合作伙伴“强强联合”,与国际知名高校、科研机构、企业开展全方位合作,打造具有全球竞争力的开放创新生态。新征程上,我们将坚持世界眼光、全球布局,主动对标国际高标准经贸规则,深度融入全球创新网络,推动国际化经营行稳致远。  IV. Continuously Deepen the Innovation of the System and Mechanism for Scientific and Technological Research and Development  习近平总书记强调,“坚决破除束缚科技创新的思想观念和体制机制障碍,切实把制度优势转化为科技竞争优势”。党的二十届三中全会对构建支持全面创新体制机制作出重大部署。东方电气集团将进一步深化科技体制机制改革,努力在新型举国体制中展现更大作为、作出更大贡献。  **优化科技创新组织机制。**优化重大科技创新组织机制,统筹强化关键核心技术攻关,是推动科技创新力量、要素配置、人才队伍协同的重要举措。东方电气集团坚持党对科技创新工作的领导,成立由党组书记担任主任的集团科技委员会,完善由党组统一领导,以技术专家组、科技发展咨询委为支撑的科技创新顶层治理机构;成立由中央研究院、区域研究院、联合创新研究院构成的“1+N+X”科技研发体系,完善科技创新规划落实机制;聚焦国家战略、目标市场、客户需求、技术竞争力、优质解决方案、商业盈利模式“六条标准”优化出题机制,强化资源调配力度和科研出题能力。“十四五”以来,东方电气集团研发投入强度保持高位增长,新增专利数量较“十三五”末增长近50%。新征程上,我们将持续推动构建“集中力量办大事”的科技创新体系,面向战略性重大技术装备关键卡点,围绕产业链供应链核心堵点,聚焦科技竞争和未来发展制高点,进一步强化技术攻关组织领导,持续加大攻关投入。  **推动产学研深度融合。**产学研深度融合,是提升科技创新水平的重要举措。东方电气集团坚持强化企业科技创新主体地位,与知名高校和科研院所共建全国重点实验室、国家能源研发平台和联合创新研究院,投入专项经费实施校企“双向揭榜”攻关,推动产学研深度融合,着力解决基础性、科学性问题,培养复合型科研人才,不断激发创新活力。与院士团队联合研发的海上风电海水无淡化直接制氢技术中试成功,实现绿电制绿氢技术从原创理论到试验验证的突破,就是携手高校推动科技创新成果转化和产业落地的一个生动缩影。新征程上,我们将持续强化企业牵头的产学研协同创新机制,持续调动各创新主体积极性,推动科技创新“关键变量”转化为新质生产力的“有效增量”。  **完善科研人员激励机制。**科技的竞争归根到底是人才的竞争。东方电气集团坚持人才培养和创新激励互促共进,大力营造真心爱才、诚心引才、倾心聚才、暖心留才的一流科研人才生态。持续实施科技创新人才培养工程,建立起领军人才、杰出人才、青年骨干人才三层次的梯队培养体系,建立与行政职务序列并行的“3层10级”科技人才职级序列,对绩效优、贡献大的科技人才打通加速晋升“绿色通道”。开展科技领军人才放权赋能,在科技人才中分类实施项目收益分红、超额利润分享、虚拟跟投等中长期激励,鼓励科研人员安心、潜心、放心投入创新攻关。新征程上,我们将持续强化科技队伍建设,优化激励机制,面向世界引才聚才,以更实举措用好人才,引导科技创新人才敢闯、敢试、敢创。

Source: Qiushi / Author: Party Leadership Group of China Dongfang Electric Corporation / Produced by: Han Chen / Reviewed by: Ma Jianhui


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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