Focusing on bone health throughout the entire life cycle, Haleon holds a series of public welfare science popularization initiatives to support the Healthy China initiative.
On a specific date, after nearly a month of continuous efforts, the "Whole Life Cycle Bone Health" series of public welfare science popularization activities by Haleon concluded with a vibrant hundred-family walking event in Shanghai's Riverside, marking a perfect end. The "Whole Life Cycle Bone Health" public welfare science popularization initiative aims to support the "Three Reductions and Three Health Promotions" bone health special action, and in conjunction with the World Osteoporosis Day theme campaign "Say No to Fragile Bones," it calls for the adoption of scientifically accessible self-health management plans to continuously improve bone health levels in daily life for every Chinese person. Chen Lingji, Head of Haleon China's Nutrition and Health Division, stated, "Adhering to the corporate mission of 'Putting People First, Enhancing Daily Health,' Haleon has fully supported the 'Bone Movement in China' osteoporosis prevention and control project initiated by multiple institutions including the National Health Commission's Disease Control Division. After more than a decade of unremitting efforts, 'Bone Movement in China' has continuously evolved and upgraded, now covering multiple cities across the country, persistently influencing hundreds of millions of Chinese residents, and providing free bone density tests for over ten million Chinese residents, making bone and joint health the top concern for Chinese people."
▲骨动中国 全生命周期骨骼健康倡议仪式
The more we walk, the more exciting it ends
Persist in exploring the meaning of walking
** 《中国居民膳食指南2022版》建议,成年人每周至少进行5天中等强度身体活动,累计150分钟以上,主动身体活动最好每天6000步。今年5月,赫力昂联合腾讯公益发起“越走越带劲”全国行走活动,从长江源头扩散全国12个城市,号召全体国人走出户外,“每日6000步”维持骨骼健康,继而持续提升整体健康水平。过去大半年里,“越走越带劲”走进全国12座大中城市,掀起当地行走热潮。截止目前,线上捐步人次超200万,线下参与群众超过1万。
Charity guest Lang Ping gave his opinion
Emphasis on healthy bones and practice
** 公益嘉宾郎平女士空降活动现场,强调规律且充分的身体活动对骨骼健康具有重要意义。“10年前谈骨骼健康,大部分人会觉得是中年人、甚至是老年人才会关心的事情。现在,骨骼关节已经变成老百姓关心的第一等健康问题。有一副带劲的身子骨,是全年龄段不同人群的真切向往。”自2010年起,郎平女士开始大力呼吁社会各界关注骨骼健康,并在每年世界骨质疏松日参与群众公益科普活动。谈起10余年的公益推广经历,郎平感触良多,“最为有效的普及方式当然还是身体力行。健康骨骼不能只停留在一句口号,我们要降低参与门槛、提供便利手段,潜移默化地走进老百姓的日常生活,比如每日健骨操、每天6000步,都是行之有效的群众科普形式。”
▲Bone Health Exercise (Bone Active Vitality Edition) Upgraded and Launched, Public Welfare Guest Coach Lang Shares on Site
Bone Strengthening Exercise (Bone Active Vitality Version) Upgraded and Launched
Maintain physical activity every day
** 中国健康知识传播激励计划最新升级的健骨操(骨动活力版)也在活动现场首先公开亮相。健骨操(骨动活力版)把受众人群从中老年人延伸到中青年职场人群,从骨质疏松高危人群拓展到低骨量人群,充分体现了骨骼健康防治关口前移和全程管理。动作设计结合了力量、有氧、柔韧、协调等等多种运动元素,分梯次进阶挑战,更能激发年轻受众的互动传播,比如针对职场人群常见的久坐不动问题,设计了坐姿提踵勾脚尖、坐姿内外旋、坐姿手腕拉伸等一套坐姿运动,方便随时随地训练缺乏活动的髋部、踝部、手部。
▲Bone Health Exercise (Bone Motion Vitality Edition) Upgraded and Launched. "If bones are only hard without flexibility, they will be brittle and prone to fractures; conversely, if they only have flexibility without sufficient strength, they will lack certain support. The Bone Health Exercise (Bone Motion Vitality Edition) is like an activity alarm clock set for the body, reminding everyone to maintain scientific exercise throughout their lives to have strong bones and enjoy a healthy life," said Wang Mei, Deputy Director and Secretary-General of the Physical Fitness and Health Branch of the Chinese Society of Sports Science. "We hope to join forces with all sectors of society to build a bone health prevention ecosystem, eliminating all obstacles to improving bone health, so that every Chinese person can have a scientific bone health management plan suitable for different ages," concluded Chen Lingji. In the future, Haleon will continue to focus on bone health throughout the entire life cycle, contributing to a healthy China!