Try not to eat these two things together**
有人贪嘴“3+2”肠子都被切掉一大段!3个柿子外加2只大闸蟹肚子痛到全身冒冷汗Ms. Feng from Hangzhou, Zhejiang, is in her prime years and has always been in good health, especially meticulous about her diet. Recently, with persimmons in season, she occasionally buys some to enjoy. A few days ago, Ms. Feng went to a fruit shop and bought a bag of them again.柿子**,口感格外好,Eat it in one go,晚餐又吃了朋友送来的hairy crabs一吃就是2只。That evening, Ms. Feng suddenly felt a stomachache and thought it was just a common abdominal pain, so she didn't pay much attention to it. Unexpectedly, the pain worsened the next day, causing her to break out in a cold sweat and vomit continuously. After enduring for two full days, she could bear it no longer and went to the hospital for treatment. Dr. Yin Guang, the deputy chief physician of the Department of Gastrointestinal and Anal Surgery, conducted a series of examinations on Ms. Feng, and the results revealed...她的小肠已经发生了梗阻!****肠子里切出一堆“石头”****切掉5cm小肠医生高度怀疑,冯女士很有可能发生了strangulated intestinal obstruction,必须尽快进行腹腔镜探查和小肠取石术。术中证实,她的小肠内有许多硬质结石,The largest one has,呈鸡蛋大小,肠道已经被这块大结石顶得极度扩张,被堵塞的肠壁周围呈现淤血样改变。由于肠管在此处狭窄,异物无法通过,而且出现了缺血坏死。最终,医生只能切除了她5cm长的一段小肠。After learning about Ms. Feng's recent experience of frequently eating persimmons and hairy crabs, the doctor believed that她的小肠柿石****就是饮食不当引发的

医生介绍,胃肠柿石的发病首先与季节有关,多在秋季柿子上市后发生。这是因为柿子的鞣酸含量比较高,鞣酸会与蛋白质结合,If persimmons are consumed simultaneously with high-protein foods, it can easily form insoluble precipitates in water.,沉淀物还会吸附胃里的食物残渣,像滚雪球一样越滚越大,形成柿石。如果柿石比较小,可以通过肠腔被排泄出来,冯女士体内这枚大柿石,好不容易经过了胃腔却堵在了肠腔内,引发肠梗阻。“谁知道吃了几个柿子还挨了一刀,以后再也不这么吃了。”术后,冯女士心有余悸。Master this, enjoy healthy persimmon consumption.由于害怕柿石,很多人对吃柿子心有余悸,其实也不必谈“柿”色变,以下是吃柿子正确的打开方式:1、选择吃Mature persimmon,成熟的柿子鞣酸含量会大大降低。2、eaten in moderation,柿子虽然营养丰富,但不能大量食用。每天食用1-2个成熟柿子即可,避免空腹吃柿子,最好的食用时间是饭后半小时。3、**不要与含蛋白高的食物一起吃。**柿子中的鞣酸与胃肠液中蛋白质结合,会生成不溶于水的沉淀物,易形成柿石。4、**儿童与老人谨慎食用。**小儿肠管相对成人管腔细、肠壁薄,进食后更容易发生肠梗阻;而老年人胃肠蠕动慢、消化功能差,进食过多柿子后也容易引起肠梗阻。5、吃柿子后要多漱口。柿子含糖高且含果胶,容易残留在牙齿上或牙缝中,加上弱酸性的鞣酸对牙齿可造成侵蚀继而形成龋齿。划重点!


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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