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Digital RMB hard wallets refer to digital RMB wallets that provide services to customers based on secure chip technology and rely on specific hardware carriers such as cards, mobile terminals, wearable devices, and Internet of Things devices. They enable payment through tap-and-pay or scan-and-pay methods on terminals or other acceptance devices.

So how to activate a hardware wallet? How to use a hardware wallet for tap-and-pay? Let's find out together with the editor below!

How to activate a hard wallet?

Currently, there are three common forms of hardware wallets: card hardware wallets, mobile hardware wallets, and mobile hardware wallets.

Card hard wallet:您需在运营机构的线下柜面或线上活动页申领。申领后,打开数字人民币App,点击“贴一贴”,将硬钱包与现有软钱包关联。

Mobile phone hard wallet:在安卓手机上,打开数字人民币App,点击“手机Pay”进入开通页面。支持开通手机Pay硬钱包的机型可在App内查看。

Mobile phone hard wallet:您需前往中国移动、中国联通或中国电信营业厅更换一张支持开立数字人民币硬钱包的SIM卡,将SIM卡插入手机卡槽一。随后,在安卓手机上,打开数字人民币App,点击“手机SIM”进入开通页面。

How to use a hardware wallet for tap-and-pay?

Card hard wallet:直接触碰商户的收款终端设备即可支付。

Mobile phone hard wallet:无需打开数字人民币App,双击手机电源键可唤起硬钱包,触碰商户的收款终端设备即可完成支付。支持手机无网无电支付。

Mobile phone hard wallet:无需打开数字人民币App,手机亮屏或息屏时均可触碰商户的收款终端设备完成支付。支持手机无网无电支付。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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