On April 12, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the Ministry of Transport issued the "Notice on Carrying out Pilot Work on Filling Shortages of County Charging and Replacing Facilities" stating that according to the needs of new energy vehicles in the region and in transit, public charging and replacing infrastructure should be increased. Construction efforts will be made in rural areas suitable for using new energy vehicles. The newly built charging and replacing infrastructure in pilot counties should be open to the whole society, with an availability rate of no less than 99%, and a rated power of more than 120 kilowatts (including 120 kilowatts). Smart fast charging and replacing infrastructure should be vigorously promoted.

following is the original text

Notice of the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Transport on Carrying out pilot work on filling shortcomings in county charging and replacing facilities

Caijian [2024] No. 57

Finance departments (bureaus), industry and information technology departments, transportation departments (bureaus, commissions) of relevant provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government:

In order to implement the relevant decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and in accordance with the relevant spirit of the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Learning and Applying the Experience of the" Thousands of Villages Demonstration and Ten Thousand Villages Renovation "Project to Effectively Promote Comprehensive Revitalization of Rural Areas", we will speed up the filling of public charging and replacing electricity in rural areas. Shortcomings in infrastructure further release the consumption potential of new energy vehicles. In accordance with the relevant requirements of the "Guiding Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Further Building a High-Quality Charging Infrastructure System"(Guo Ban Fa [2023] No. 19), from 2024 to 2026, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the Ministry of Transport (hereinafter referred to as the three departments) will carry out pilot work to make up for shortcomings in county charging and replacing facilities. relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

1. Overall requirements

2024-2026 In 2001, in accordance with the principles of "planning first, scenario traction, scientific and orderly, and adapting measures to local conditions", the pilot project of "100 counties, thousands of stations and tens of thousands of piles" was carried out to strengthen the planning and construction of new energy vehicle charging and replacing facilities in key villages and towns. The central government will arrange incentive funds to support pilot counties in carrying out pilot work. The provincial (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, hereinafter collectively referred to as the provincial) level must give full play to the overall coordination role and implement specific work in detail. Relevant local departments at all levels must actively introduce relevant policies in terms of land, electricity prices, service fees, etc., form a policy synergy, effectively make up for the shortcomings of public charging and replacing infrastructure in rural areas, and strive to achieve "full rural coverage" of charging and replacing infrastructure.

2. Pilot content and goals

(1) Improve the ability to guarantee public charging and replacing Infrastructure services in rural areas. 根据本区域及过境新能源汽车需要,加大公共充换电基础设施在适宜使用新能源汽车的农村地区建设力度。试点县新建充换电基础设施应面向全社会开放、可用率不低于99%、额定功率120千瓦以上(含120千瓦),大力推广智能快充公共充换电基础设施。试点县重点村镇及周边地区要打造“布局合理、场景丰富、技术先进、体验优良”的农村公共充换电基础设施建设运营示范先行区。鼓励各地区充换电建设运营龙头企业,与当地电网、邮政、物流等大型企业集团联合,在适宜使用新能源汽车但社会投资公共充换电基础设施意愿不足的农村地区,加快建设面向公众全面开放服务的快充公共充换电基础设施,力争逐步建立农村地区公共充换电设施市场化运营模式,不断提升农村地区“薄弱环节”的公共充换电服务保障能力。

(2) Stimulate the consumption potential of new energy vehicles in pilot counties and surrounding areas. 重点培育符合本地及周边地区新能源汽车发展特点的充换电应用场景,完善提升县级邮政快递网点、农村物流节点、农村客货运场站(包括乡镇运输服务站、农村客货邮站点等)、3A级及以下旅游景区、农村公路沿线、交通综合服务站等适宜新能源汽车充电场景的服务保障能力,做好节假日充电高峰期与高速公路服务区充电的导流衔接。试点县要与当地新能源汽车促消费政策同向发力,形成新能源汽车消费拉动效应,推动提升本地及周边地区使用新能源汽车意愿。具备条件的试点县要与周边地区形成联动,围绕旅游公路、“四好农村路”等规划布局充换电基础设施,推动充换电基础设施“跨县域场景全覆盖”,带动试点县及周边地区新能源汽车消费潜力提升。

(3) Actively cultivate the promotion and application of new technologies and new models in rural areas. 充分结合本地区场景应用条件,积极探索车网互动(V2G)、快速充换电、液冷大功率充电、智能有序充电、无线充电等新技术新模式应用。分布式光伏覆盖较好的农村地区,可结合实际建设光伏发电、储能、充换电一体化的充电基础设施。

(4) Optimize and improve the support management policy system for charging and replacing facilities. 鼓励各地结合本地区实际,出台公共充换电基础设施建设支持政策,保障充换电基础设施及配套电网建设用地需求,加快充换电基础设施及配套电网建设审批流程,拓宽充换电基础设施投资运营企业融资渠道。鼓励充电基础设施场站租期采用10年及以上期限,降低运营企业用地风险,引导企业长期持续经营。鼓励地方因地制宜出台建设运营补贴、土地租金减免、用电价格优惠等财政支持政策。加强充换电基础设施建设、安装质量安全管理,建立事故责任倒查制度,形成完善的充换电基础设施支持管理政策体系。

3. Selection of pilot counties

(1) The reporting entity. 申报试点的主体应为新能源汽车推广应用场景丰富、公共充换电基础设施建设相对薄弱、地方推广应用积极性高、社会资本投资意愿较弱的县(不含市辖区)。重点挖掘应用场景,编制试点申报实施方案(编制大纲见附件1)。

(2) Declaration conditions.

1. The degree of market-oriented development of charging and replacing infrastructure is relatively low. The degree of marketization of the development of charging and switching infrastructure in rural areas under the jurisdiction of pilot counties should be low. The operating income of existing charging and switching infrastructure should be poor, and the enthusiasm for social capital investment should be weak.

2. It has a relatively complete planning and layout plan. Development plans for public charging and replacing infrastructure have been formulated and promulgated at the provincial and municipal levels where the pilot counties are located. Pilot counties should formulate a complete and reasonable charging and replacing infrastructure planning plan, clarify the regional line layout, construction quantity, annual plan, work ideas, safeguard measures and division of responsibilities of public charging and replacing facilities, and do a good job in planning and land space. Close connection between power grid planning, rural construction revitalization planning, transportation planning, energy planning, etc.

3. It has scenarios suitable for the consumption and use of new energy vehicles. Pilot counties should have relatively rich demand for new energy vehicle charging and replacing scenarios, and comprehensively cover county-level postal express delivery outlets, rural logistics nodes, rural passenger and freight stations (including township transportation service stations, rural passenger and cargo postal stations, etc.), 3A and the following tourist attractions, along the "Four Good Rural Roads", and comprehensive transportation service stations, etc. according to local conditions. The prefecture-level cities where the pilot counties are located should have no less than 200,000 car ownership in 2023 and have good new energy vehicle consumption potential.

4. Have sufficient power supply guarantee capabilities. Pilot counties should have good basic conditions for rural power grids and sufficient power support and guarantee capabilities for the construction and operation of charging and replacing infrastructure.

(3) Allocation of quotas. 2024—2026年,三部门根据地方当前新能源汽车和公共充换电基础设施发展状况及未来潜力、地域面积、省内县(县级市)数量、当前财力状况等因素分配省级试点县名额(见附件2)。

(4) Selection process. 试点实施方案以县为主体编制,逐级申报至省,省级有关部门根据各县新能源汽车推广潜力、充换电需求等因素,通过竞争性评审的方式择优确定本省试点县名单,鼓励对省内偏远地区且具备新能源汽车推广应用潜力的县、“四好农村路”全国示范县予以适当倾斜。各省试点县名单及试点实施方案按程序上报三部门备案,相关材料电子版需一并上传至第三方“新能源汽车公共充换电基础设施奖励资金清算平台”(以下简称清算平台)。2024年集中受理试点材料的截止时间为2024年5月17日。

The three departments will conduct necessary reviews of the technical indicators, policy objectives, safeguard measures and application scenarios of charging and replacing infrastructure in the provincial reports, and return the plan to the relevant provinces if it does not meet the filing conditions. The relevant provinces should revise the pilot counties and application plans based on the review opinions of the three departments, and report them to the three departments in accordance with the procedures within 5 working days. If the filing conditions are still not met, the pilot quota in this batch will be reduced accordingly.

4. Reward criteria

The central government will provide incentive financial support to pilot counties that have been approved by the three departments to file and complete their task goals. The demonstration period for each pilot county is 3 years. The reward standards are set based on the compliance of the power utilization rate of charging and replacing facilities in the pilot county each year, and are divided into three levels. During the demonstration period, pilot counties that achieve the highest goals every year will receive a maximum of 45 million yuan (see Annex 3 for specific annual assessment indicators and reward standards).

The incentive funds are mainly used for related expenditures such as the construction and operation of charging and replacing infrastructure in pilot counties. They shall not be used to balance local financial resources, and shall not be used for new energy vehicle purchase subsidies and new energy vehicle operation subsidies. After the pilot is over, the three departments will award excess rewards based on 10% of the reward standard to counties that have exceeded the target and have obvious demonstration and driving effects on surrounding areas.

5. Fund review and allocation

In accordance with the method of "pre-allocation first, then liquidation", the three departments will make centralized publicity to the pilot counties that have agreed to file. After the public announcement period ends, the central government will allocate no less than 70% of the incentive funds in advance to support pilot counties in launching pilot work to make up for shortcomings in county charging and replacing facilities. Subsequent liquidation of incentive funds will be carried out based on the annual target assessment results of the pilot counties.

Before the end of February each year, the provincial leading department shall work with relevant departments to organize and complete the review of the demonstration situation in each pilot county in the previous year, including the construction of charging and replacing infrastructure, power utilization, application of new technologies and new models, etc., and the accessibility of county rural roads and charging and replacing sites, and upload the review results to the clearing platform.

The three departments entrust third-party agencies to organize experts to supervise and inspect the review work and results of relevant provinces in accordance with a certain proportion through material review and on-site spot checks, and use the clearing platform to monitor the completion of the goals of pilot counties in various provinces in accordance with goal guidance and result orientation. Conduct a review and issue a supervision and inspection report. The three departments determine the final review results based on the supervision and inspection report and provincial review results. The Ministry of Finance allocates funds in accordance with procedures based on the final review results.

6. Organize and implement

All provinces must clarify the leading departments and actively play an overall supervision role. Relevant departments must increase policy support for pilot counties and encourage the introduction of support policies such as land, electricity prices, and service fees to effectively guarantee the construction and operation of public charging and replacing infrastructure in rural areas. Actively coordinate with local power grid companies to ensure power grid access and capacity expansion in pilot areas to ensure the effectiveness of the pilot work. Establish a regular reporting system for pilot status, and charging and replacing infrastructure operation data should be uploaded to the clearing platform in real time; before the 15th day of the first month of each quarter, the provincial leading department should organize pilot counties to upload new energy vehicle penetration rates on the clearing platform on a quarterly basis., application of new technologies and new models, etc.

Each pilot county is the responsible body for formulating pilot implementation plans, improving supporting policies, and organizing and implementing pilot work. Pilot counties should strengthen organization and implementation and establish a working mechanism in which the lead department and other relevant departments closely coordinate and cooperate. Actively cooperate with local leading enterprises with certain construction scale and mature construction experience to build and operate charging and replacing facilities. The leading department of the pilot county should work with relevant departments to refine the division of tasks, strengthen supervision and assessment, create a good policy environment, coordinate and solve specific problems and difficulties in implementation, and complete the pilot tasks on the basis of ensuring safety. Pilot county finance and other relevant departments must ensure that the incentive funds allocated by the central government are used in a timely and effective manner.

VII. Supervision, assessment and performance management

(1) Supervision and assessment. The three departments will strengthen support, guidance and supervision for the pilot work of filling shortcomings in charging and replacing facilities according to their functions, and organize third-party agencies and experts to follow up and guide the entire process. At the provincial level, it is necessary to strengthen supervision and assessment of pilot counties in the region and be responsible for the authenticity and accuracy of materials submitted in the region.

(2) Performance management. Relevant provinces organize pilot counties to do a good job in performance target management, performance monitoring, annual performance self-evaluation, etc. as required. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Transport will carry out overall performance evaluation. The three departments will combine the overall performance evaluation results of the national pilot work in 2024 and the provincial performance evaluation results to comprehensively determine the scope of pilot provinces in 2025 and the allocation of quotas for pilot counties in each province.

The three departments, together with third-party agencies, organize spot checks and evaluation work in a timely manner. If the spot check results are inconsistent with the reported situation and other pilot work is ineffective, they will adopt penalty measures such as deducting incentive funds, suspending allocation of funds, and canceling pilot qualifications in accordance with procedures. No unit or individual may intercept, misappropriate or misappropriate incentive funds. Relevant departments shall promptly stop and correct units and individuals that violate national laws, administrative regulations and relevant regulations, and deal with them in strict accordance with the Budget Law of the People's Republic of China and its implementation regulations, the Regulations on Punishments and Punishment of Financial Violations; if a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with the law. If the financial, industrial and information technology, transportation departments and their staff at all levels violate this notice, as well as other violations of laws and disciplines such as abuse of power, dereliction of duty, and favoritism, they shall be investigated for corresponding responsibilities in accordance with the "Budget Law of the People's Republic of China" and its implementing regulations, the "Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China", the "Regulations on Punishments and Punishments of Financial Violations" and other relevant provisions; if a crime is constituted, criminal liability shall be investigated in accordance with the law.

contact information:

Department of Economic Construction, Ministry of Finance 010-61965050

First Division of Equipment Industry, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology 010-68205644

Highway Bureau of the Ministry of Transport 010-65292936


1. Outline for preparation of pilot implementation plan

2. Number of places allocated by province in the first batch of pilot counties

3. Annual assessment indicators and reward standards for the first batch of pilot counties

Ministry of Finance

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

Ministry of Transport

9 April 2024


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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