Minister Ma is about to take action against the US military!
Recently, Musk and the Department of Government Efficiency under his leadership have turned the U.S. federal government upside down.
Following the International Development Agency and the Ministry of Education, Musk is finally targeting one of the most challenging objectives—the Department of Defense.
作为美国联邦政府中地位最显赫、运作最独立、权力最集中的部门之一,五角大楼这台“战争机器”,即将与“硅谷钢铁侠”短兵相接、正面硬刚。(另见本号文章《The American version of Shang Yang? Musk's reforms have already sparked a fierce backlash!》)
黑幕笼罩的五角大楼。On [specific date], the United States Department of Defense was officially established, with its office located in the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. The newly appointed Secretary of Defense was a close friend of Trump and a former Fox News host.皮特·海格塞斯。(另见本号文章《From TV Personality to Defense Secretary! Why Did This Controversial Figure Win Trump's Favor?》)**冷战结束以来,美国国防部军费开支一直位居世界首位,即便联邦政府债务总额屡创新高,国防预算还是持续刷新纪录。2023年,美国国防预算突破8000亿美元大关;2024年达到8860亿美元,占全球军费总额的近40%;2025年更是提高到了创纪录的8950亿美元!(另见本号文章《886000000000!!!》) **美国五角大楼总部外观。**虽然五角大楼每年有巨额的军费开支,但自2018年首次被要求接受审计以来,国防部已连续7年未能通过年度审计,这在美国联邦政府中绝无仅有。**在2023财年的审计中,五角大楼有一半资产无法入账,高达1.9万亿美元的资产“下落不明”。更令人惊愕的是,每对五角大楼进行一次审计,就要动用约1700名审计员,耗资1.78亿美元。**不难看出,五角大楼很可能存在着严重的财务漏洞和贪腐行为。****喂不饱的“military-industrial complex”。**了解美国的朋友们一定听说过“军工复合体”,它诞生于二战,伴随着战争升级。The military-industrial complex, like a virus replicating wildly, rapidly infiltrates every "cell" of the American body, eventually becoming one of the dominant groups controlling American society.(另见本号文章《In-depth disclosure of the deep government of the United States》)****可以说,五角大楼就是军工复合体在美国政府的代言人。********政商旋转门。******美国的军工复合体,是由军方、军火制造商、国会议员、国防科研机构、智库、舆论媒体等各方势力紧密勾结而成的庞大利益集团。**大量美国军方高官、政府要员在离职退役后,通过“政商旋转门”进入军工企业担任高管,凭借在官场积累的人脉与资源,为新东家谋取巨额政府订单。同时,这些军工企业的高层也会瞅准时机踏入政坛,摇身一变,从商人变为制定美国国防政策、决定军费开支的关键人物。他们经常斥巨资游说华盛顿政客,以争取更多的军费拨款和军事采购订单。
据统计,2003年至2022年,美国军工企业为了在国会推销自己的军火,仅游说费用就高达25.3亿美元。五角大楼与军火商之间毫无障碍的“旋转门”,彻底瓦解了对军工复合体的监管底线。从某种程度上来说,五角大楼已经沦为了美国军工企业的“储备人才集团”。**可以说,国防部的财务黑洞将美国政治体制深层次的腐败与结构性弊端暴露无遗。**Manipulating elections.
**除了攫取巨额的国防军费,military-industrial complex在操弄选举、干涉政治方面,也是不遗余力。During election years, major defense contractors spend lavishly, providing substantial campaign funds to their favored candidates. In the election cycle, the top five U.S. arms manufacturers, including Lockheed Martin, invested a total of $1 billion to influence political elections through political contributions. They anticipate that the president elected with their financial support will reciprocate by significantly increasing military expenditures, leading to a flurry of orders for the defense industry.“不敢触碰”的贪腐。**如果说军工复合体侵吞国防军费只是谋财的话,那么对敢于揭露丑恶真相的人,他们就会千方百计横加阻拦,甚至痛下杀手。**特朗普在首个任期内曾几度尝试清查军费账目,但每次均以人员伤亡的惨痛代价宣告失败。**2018年在五角大楼账单接受审查前,深陷贪腐风波的美国海军第五舰队前司令斯蒂尔尼中将突然死亡,死因被判定为自杀。
美国海军驻中东部队前最高指挥官斯蒂尔尼。为调查驻阿富汗美军账簿,特朗普曾授权中情局成立专项审计小组前往阿富汗,结果该小组因飞机失事全员丧生。******拜登上任后,同样的悲剧依然在上演。**2023年7月,美国国防部发布报告称,在援乌过程中,美国陆军有53张发票无法核实,总金额高达2000万美元。同年10月,前往乌克兰首都基辅调查相关问题的美国审计员马丁・哈特被发现在乌克兰意外身亡。A series of bizarre deaths have repeatedly stalled the corruption investigation targeting the Ministry of Defense.
Recently, Musk publicly stated that he is prepared for the possibility of being assassinated and has made a will.
Musk's father also revealed during the live broadcast that before initiating the investigation into the Department of Defense, Musk had increased the number of his bodyguards from the original number to a new number as a precaution.
Can Minister Ma succeed?
On a certain day of the month, Musk entered the Pentagon with a group of young people, a computer, and a sleeping bag, ready to embark on what would be the most audacious "audit" in history. Armed with a presidential order from Trump, this Silicon Valley maverick was determined to uncover the secrets of a corrupt institution that had swallowed trillions of dollars.
****马斯克团队的AI更是开足马力,每天要处理2.4万套互不兼容的财务系统数据,范围从冷战时期的打孔卡片到承包商加密的区块链账本。**在一个海军基地,AI发现燃料采购记录被篡改127次,而操作者IP地址竟显示来自雷神公司总部。When Musk requested to inspect the original documents, the other party refused on the grounds of "involving national security" — this kind of "data black box" is pervasive in every department and corner of the Pentagon and military-industrial giants. Meanwhile, the backlash from the military-industrial complex is far more rapid than imagined. Recently, Lockheed Martin submitted a specially prepared report to Congress, accusing Musk of "threatening national security." Rogers, the chairman of the military committee who holds millions of dollars in military-industrial stocks, even arrogantly roared during the hearing:“外行人的洁癖会毁掉美军优势!马斯克不要忘了肯尼迪怎么死的!”******当马斯克直播展示五角大楼购买的单价1280美元咖啡杯和单价1万美元马桶盖时,美国人民被彻底激怒了——82%的美国民众坚决支持继续对五角大楼的审计行动,流媒体上“查账美军”的话题播放量突破50亿次。