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Author: Yicai Jie Shuyi

On [specific date], actors Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi announced their divorce with the same statement: "Grateful for the time we've had, we wish each other well moving forward. As parents, we will continue to accompany and support our child's growth together."

爱企查App显示,目前,陈晓名下共关联3家工作室,包括无锡晓晓星影视工作室、上海陈晓影视文化工作室、新沂晓娱儿影视文化工作室。其中,后两家工作室已分别于2020年、2022年注销。值得一提的是,根据爱企查显示,陈晓全资持股的新沂晓娱儿影视文化工作室于2021年因通过登记的住所或者经营场所无法联系,被列入经营异常名录,而后于2022年1月该公司注销,注销原因为决议解散。目前为存续状态的无锡晓晓星影视工作室成立于2018年5月,出资额50万人民币,经营范围含电影的制作、发行与放映,广播电视节目的制作,电影剧本创作,影视服装、器材的租赁,组织文化艺术交流活动等,为陈晓个人独资企业。根据以上信息,陈晓、陈妍希已无商业关联。据业内人士分析,明星离婚相比普通人离婚在财产分割、子女抚养、离婚协议达成以及法律程序等方面可能更为复杂。明星的财产来源可能较为多样,包括个人演艺收入、代言收入、投资收益等,这些财产的来源证明和分割依据需要更为细致和全面的考量。WeChat editor | 生产队的驴(吃瓜版)

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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