
Over the years, Taiyuan City has cumulatively invested billions of yuan to implement various afforestation projects covering millions of mu, enhancing the quality of forests over millions of mu. All administrative villages now have public green spaces, and several distinctive suburban forest parks have been established on the eastern and western mountains. The forest coverage rate has reached a certain percentage.

From year to year, all national monitoring sections in Taiyuan City have maintained water quality above Class III, with the excellent rate reaching 100% for two consecutive years. In the current year, the compliance rate of the city's national and provincial monitoring sections, totaling a certain number, has increased from the previous year's percentage to the current year's percentage, indicating continuous improvement and an overall positive trend in water environment quality.

Through continuous governance, the comprehensive pollution index of Taiyuan City has achieved a "four consecutive declines," historically entering the "0.+" era. The air quality index further decreased to 0. in the following year, with the number of good air quality days in the urban area increasing by days compared to the previous year, and the number of heavy pollution days decreasing by days, indicating a continuous improvement in air quality.

◆ Taiyuan City will implement the "One Network Unified Management" for urban operations as a key project to enhance urban management capabilities. This initiative will integrate all aspects related to people's livelihoods, such as water, electricity, gas, heating, property management, building safety, engineering quality, demolition, and commercial housing sales management, into a unified platform. Through technological empowerment, the city aims to achieve intelligent and refined urban management.

Article by a reporter from the "Outlook" News Weekly.三山环抱、一水中分,山西省太原市是一座拥有2500余年建城史的国家历史文化名城。宋元时期就有“花花真定府,锦绣太原城”的民谚。由于长期承担国家能源重化工基地功能,产业畸重,生态破坏,太原一度山水失色。2020年5月,习近平总书记在太原考察期间指出,要坚持山水林田湖草一体化保护和修复,把加强流域生态环境保护与推进能源革命、推行绿色生产生活方式、推动经济转型发展统筹起来,坚持治山、治水、治气、治城一体推进,持续用力,再现“锦绣太原城”的盛景,不断增强太原的吸引力、影响力,增强太原人民的获得感、幸福感、安全感。2020年12月,《山西省太原市国家森林城市建设总体规划(2020—2035)》经国家林业和草原局专家评审会通过,提出“绿水青山,森林太原”愿景。2021年3月,以太原为核心的山西中部城市群建设进入国家“十四五”规划。2021年7月发布的《中共中央 国务院关于新时代推动中部地区高质量发展的意见》6处提到太原。2023年底,太原市入选国家发展改革委确定的首批碳达峰试点城市和园区名单,经济社会发展加速绿色转型。2024年12月,国务院批复《太原市国土空间总体规划(2021—2035年)》,要求以人民为中心,统筹发展与安全,促进人与自然和谐共生,发挥华北先进制造业基地等功能,奋力谱写中国式现代化太原篇章。山西省第十二次党代会明确提出,要建设太原国家区域中心城市。山西省委、省政府联合印发《关于支持太原市建设国家区域中心城市更好发挥龙头带动作用的意见》,山西省发改、科技、工信、商务、文旅、生态环境等部门协同发力,共同推动太原生态改善、产业升级、城市提质。深入学习贯彻习近平总书记对山西工作的重要讲话重要指示精神,太原市扎实践行习近平生态文明思想,认真落实总书记要求,着力全域治山、系统治水、强力治气、综合治城,统筹推动产业结构调整、污染治理、生态保护、城市治理等重点工作,正在走出一条生态修复与经济、民生互促共赢的发展之路。一份天更蓝、水更清、山更绿、城更美的答卷,在并州大地上铺展开来。picture游客在太原市玉泉山城郊森林公园观赏樱花(2023 年 4 月 8 日摄) 杨晨光摄 / 本刊Comprehensive Mountain Management - Building an Ecological Integration Pattern of Mountains and Cities入冬以来,寒意渐浓,但每天都有不少骑行爱好者从太原市区出发,沿东山旅游公路盘山而上,到达位于城郊的王家山森林运动公园。站在公园观景台上,漫山苍翠映入眼帘,清新空气沁入鼻尖,令人心旷神怡。4年多前这里还是一个黄土填埋场。城市建设挖出的土源源不断运到这里,8年时间堆积了1500万立方米。“晴天一身土、雨天一身泥”是周边群众生活的真实写照。2020年春天,太原市对王家山黄土填埋场实施生态综合治理改造。如今,这里栽种了各类乔木、灌木和地被植物近60个品种47万株,建起了足球场、篮球场、网球场和健身步道,成为一座集休闲旅游、运动康养、教育实践为一体的森林公园。王家山的变化是太原市推进全域治山的一个缩影。从高空俯视,太原地形呈簸箕形,吕梁、太行两大山系余脉在城市北部相拥,东、西、北三面群山合抱,中南部为汾河谷地。这些山脉是城市生态系统的重要组成部分,对维持区域生态平衡起着关键作用。——成体系、系统化建设国家森林城市,基本实现宜绿尽绿。In a certain year and month, Taiyuan City held a mobilization meeting for the creation of a National Forest City, initiating large-scale land greening efforts. Each year, the municipal government assigns afforestation tasks, adhering to the principles of suitable land for suitable trees, differentiated design, and differentiated construction. With scientific greening and precise policy implementation, Taiyuan City has successively issued technical measures such as guidelines for tree planting (grass seeding) and technical regulations for upgrading forest engineering. An expert consultation database covering various fields including forest cultivation, forest fire prevention, forestry pest control, and ecological culture has been established to strengthen technical support. At the same time, measures for the adoption of forest land and trees have been introduced, innovating the funding mechanism... Over the years, Taiyuan City has invested billions of yuan, implemented various afforestation projects covering millions of mu, improved the quality of forests covering millions of mu, ensured that all administrative villages have public green spaces, and built several distinctive suburban forest parks in the eastern and western mountains, with the forest coverage rate reaching a certain percentage.——治矿祛疤,加快修复受损山体,建设绿色矿山。Having long served as a base for energy and heavy chemical industries, Taiyuan has accumulated significant ecological deficits, making the tasks of ecological protection and restoration quite daunting. Focusing on the pain points, difficulties, and blockages in ecological governance, Taiyuan has innovated mechanisms and accelerated the restoration of damaged mountains by integrating the requirements of comprehensive open-pit mine remediation and green mine construction. "Greening barren mountains is easier said than done; the entire mountain here is covered with fly ash, making it difficult for planted trees to survive," said Fu Xiaoqing, the head of the Taiyuan Xishan Changfeng Suburban Park, pointing to a tree pit. Beneath more than a meter of soil lies black-gray fly ash. "After expert evaluation, covering the fly ash with a layer of loess before greening allows plants to take root and grow." On one hand, Taiyuan has increased investment, raising the per-acre greening investment standard from yuan to yuan. On the other hand, efforts are being made to reduce the damage to mountains from mining at the source, guiding mining enterprises towards green development and promoting the resource utilization of bulk solid wastes such as fly ash and coal gangue.——推动林农文旅融合,完善生态产品价值实现机制。发挥省城区位中心和基础设施完善优势,太原市推进环城森林公园康养旅游增收,发展生态体验、森林康养等新产业、新业态,打造生态旅游特色线路,建设尖草坪区“西山归源”综合项目、阳曲县“营响未来”教育基地、晋源区蒙山文化旅游景区等,探索美丽环境带动经济发展的新模式,晋祠天龙山成功晋级国家5A级旅游景区。picture白鹭在太原市汾河觅食(2025年1月1日摄) 詹彦摄 / 本刊系统治水 让一泓清水入黄河太原地处北方内陆,却有着难得的水系条件:黄河第二大支流汾河自北向南穿城而过,源自东西两山的九条河流从两岸汇入汾河,由热电厂蓄水池改造而来的晋阳湖宛如一颗明珠镶嵌在城西南,形成“一水中分、九河环绕、一湖点睛”的水格局。在前期治理基础上,太原市以系统思维统筹水的全过程治理,坚持水污染防治、水生态修复、水资源约束协同推进,绘就“川容如画”的动人图景。——源头治理,打好“碧水保卫战”。Historically, the Fen River and its tributaries once suffered from "rivers without water, and all water being polluted." After decades of governance, the water quality of the Fen River in the Taiyuan section achieved a historic improvement, with all six national monitoring sections exiting the inferior Class V water category. The new and higher requirement, from exiting inferior Class V to stably reaching Class III, represents another tough battle. Initiatives such as launching water quality improvement projects for sewage treatment plants, integrating all rural domestic sewage into municipal sewage networks, deepening the renovation of rainwater and sewage diversion, continuously rectifying urban black and odorous water bodies, advancing the deep treatment of industrial wastewater, utilizing new technologies to strengthen routine supervision, and improving the reward and punishment mechanism for water quality assessment have been implemented. By identifying the "root causes" and implementing precise measures, Taiyuan's battle against water pollution has achieved significant results: from year to year, all national monitoring sections in Taiyuan City have been above Class III, with the excellent rate reaching 100% for two consecutive years; in year, the compliance rate of the national and provincial monitoring sections in the city increased from the previous year's percentage to percentage, indicating continuous improvement and an overall positive trend in water environmental quality.——因地制宜,恢复汾河流域水生态。During the cold winter season, at the Jinci Temple, a nationally protected cultural heritage site, small clear springs occasionally emerge from the "First Spring of Jinyang" and nearby waterways. Due to extensive extraction of karst groundwater and large-scale development of the Xishan coal field, the Jinci Spring had dried up, with the water level at its lowest point being meters below the spring mouth. Through decades of ecological water replenishment, afforestation in the eastern and western mountains, groundwater well closure and extraction reduction, water source replacement, and the withdrawal of mining rights from key protection areas, the water level of Jinci Spring has been continuously rising. The Jinci Spring, which had dried up for years, began to flow again on [specific date], and by the end of the year, it had flowed for a total of days, including days in [specific year], accounting for three-quarters of the year. To accelerate the restoration of the aquatic ecosystem, Taiyuan City has continuously improved its top-level design, compiling the "Ecological Landscape Planning of the Fen River Basin in Taiyuan City" and the "Ecological Protection and Restoration Planning of Jinyang Lake," and enacting the "Regulations on the Ecological Protection and Restoration of Jinyang Lake in Taiyuan City." In collaboration with the Shanxi Provincial Water Resources Department, they issued the "Implementation Plan for the Resumption of Flow of Jinci Spring." At the same time, focusing on engineering measures, targeted ecological restoration has been carried out. In the urban section of the Fen River's main stream, Taiyuan City launched the fourth phase of the Fen River ecological restoration and management project on the basis of the first three phases, turning the entire urban section of kilometers into an "ecological corridor" with clear waters, green banks, smooth rivers, beautiful scenery, and harmonious human-water interaction. In the upstream Loufan section, efforts have been made to restore mountain bodies and afforest to enhance water conservation capacity; in the downstream Qingxu section, ecological embankment transformation, riverbed and beach regulation, and wetland greening within the embankments have been implemented to restore the natural beauty of the riverbank... Under a series of measures, the restoration of the aquatic ecosystem has begun to show results. Bird photography enthusiast Hu Wenjin told reporters that there used to be very few birds on the Fen River, and capturing one or two was particularly exciting. Now, there are many species of birds that can be photographed, and many birds have changed from migratory to resident, making their homes by the Fen River.——齐抓共管,精打细算用好水资源。太原地处黄土高原,人均水资源占有量仅为全国平均水平的1/16。太原市把水资源作为最大刚性约束,坚持节水优先、以水定城,从严从细管好水资源,推动形成各单位联动、全社会参与的节水工作格局。太原市水务局局长赵生魁说,太原市建立了由26家单位共同参与的节水联席会议制度,定期召开联席会议,高位推动节水工作开展;同时印发《太原市深度节水控水工作行动计划》,将年度任务细分到各成员单位,并将节水工作纳入河长制工作考核,进一步压实责任。齐抓共管,群策群力,一系列推动水资源集约节约利用的工作扎实开展:严格审批加强取水许可管理、严厉查处违法取水及超计划超许可用水等行为、开展节水型机关和事业单位创建、实施农田灌溉节水攻坚行动、推动重点工业企业革新节水技术……不懈努力下,太原市不仅多次通过“国家节水型城市”复查,而且下辖十个县(市、区)均被评为国家级节水型社会达标县(区)。2023年全市用水总量7.14亿立方米,万元地区生产总值用水量、万元工业增加值用水量分别比2020年下降24.3%、46.8%。在国内生产总值、常住人口数量持续双增长的情况下,太原市用水总量得到有效控制,以较低的用水量支撑了经济社会的较快发展。picture参赛队伍在2024太原汾河龙舟公开赛比赛中(2024年6月10日摄) 杨晨光摄 / 本刊强力治气 降碳减污复蓝天太原市所处汾河谷地是大气污染防治的重点区域。聚焦重污染天气、臭氧和扬尘污染等突出问题,太原市治污、控煤、管车、降尘多管齐下,一微克一微克抠,一小时一小时争,全方位、全链条、全天候加强大气环境治理。——加快产业结构优化调整,推动绿色转型。To fundamentally improve air quality, Taiyuan has continuously promoted industrial restructuring. Since the beginning of the year, the city has shut down several coking enterprises, eliminating millions of tons of outdated production capacity. All operating coking and steel enterprises have completed ultra-low emission transformations, with some even achieving ultra-ultra-low emission standards. The city has also facilitated the relocation of several heavily polluting enterprises and accelerated the replacement and transformation towards cleaner energy. Visiting the Shanxi Meijin Huasheng Chemical New Materials Co., Ltd. in Qingxu County, one can no longer see coal or coke, nor smell any pungent odors. A fully enclosed belt corridor, approximately a kilometer long, transports raw materials and products in and out of silos, minimizing environmental impact. The freshly produced hot coke is no longer cooled with water but instead uses a dry quenching process, where the residual heat from cooling is used to generate electricity. The response to heavy pollution weather has also released positive signals for promoting industrial transformation. Based on environmental performance, Taiyuan has classified key industry enterprises such as steel and coking into grades A, B, C, D, as well as leading and non-leading categories, implementing differentiated emission reduction measures. After issuing a heavy pollution weather warning, in principle, grade A and leading enterprises can autonomously reduce emissions, while grade B and below enterprises and non-leading enterprises must meet or exceed the requirements of emergency emission reduction measures.——聚焦难点和短板,持续精准发力。With the improvement of air quality, ozone has replaced other pollutants to become the primary atmospheric pollutant in Taiyuan in recent years, characterized by "early arrival and high peaks." In response, Taiyuan has adopted a strategy of "treating summer diseases in winter" and "peaking reduction efforts," taking early action each year to conduct comprehensive rectification of volatile organic compounds, urging enterprises to replace activated carbon, recycle packaging containers, and complete leak detection and repair of oil tankers. To address nitrogen oxide pollution caused by diesel trucks passing through the city, Taiyuan has combined easing and blocking measures, canceling some truck restricted zones while adding detour routes for trucks, establishing green transportation demonstration zones involving key roads, and implementing classified control of passing trucks. Construction sites are key areas for dust pollution monitoring, with numerous points, wide coverage, and easy recurrence, making them a persistent issue in air pollution control. In the past, urban management law enforcement officers mainly relied on "vehicle patrols and human inspections" to monitor construction sites, making it difficult to achieve full-time supervision. Now, Taiyuan has implemented graded and classified supervision of construction sites, urging enterprises to increase investment in dust control at construction sites, conducting "gram-based cleanliness" assessments on main and secondary urban roads, resulting in a significant reduction in dust levels in the urban area.——增强科技支撑,从“漫天撒网”到“精准定向”治污。太原市大气污染防治调度中心每天派出无人机,排查违法排污的蛛丝马迹;紧盯重点工业企业用电监管数据,如有异常就立即展开排查;接入排污口的污染源在线监测实时数据,如果超标及时预警;布设在省城国道上的黑烟车报警系统,实时抓拍拖着“黑尾巴”的柴油货车;通过车辆基本信息及北斗定位数据,紧盯渣土车是否进入禁行区;通过环境敏感区设立的“电子围栏”,判定是否有高排放的施工机械进入“电子围栏”范围。“给企业的环保设施装上用电在线监控,就像给环境执法人员装上‘千里眼’,排污设备有没有‘偷懒’,一目了然。”太原市生态环境部门一位工作人员介绍说,在线监测平台精准锁定污染源头后,要求限期销号清零,一批污染问题得到彻底解决。通过持续不断的治理,2023年太原市综合污染指数为4.95,实现“四连降”,历史性进入“4.0+”时代。2024年进一步降至4.75,市区优良天数比上年又多了13天,重污染天数少了4天,空气质量持续改善。Comprehensive Urban Governance to Enhance Public Happiness山西省委常委、太原市委书记韦韬表示,再现“锦绣太原城”盛景,既要山川相映,更要城美人和。太原着力提升城市功能品质,提升城市管理水平,同时注重以文塑城、以文兴城,不断提升城市宜居度和群众幸福感。——推进城市更新,让城市更宜居。On [specific date], after more than [specific number] years of construction, the Taiyuan Northwest Second Ring Expressway officially opened to traffic, marking the completion of the Taiyuan Second Ring Expressway network and further expanding the city's framework. The Taiyuan Metro Line [specific number] began operations on [specific date], forming a "力" shaped network with Line [specific number], ushering Taiyuan's rail transit into the "transfer era." While the urban road network and rail transit are being rapidly developed, public facilities such as water supply, heating, gas supply, and urban green spaces are also continuously improving, enhancing the city's capacity and service functions. Urban renewal projects, including the renovation of old neighborhoods, pilot projects for complete communities, and the redevelopment of urban villages, are being implemented one after another, transforming "old houses" into "good houses" and turning urban villages into "urban landscapes."——新技术赋能,精细化管理,让城市更具智慧。Modern urban management cannot be separated from technological empowerment. Taiyuan City has implemented the "One Network Unified Management" for urban operations as a key project to enhance urban management capabilities. This initiative integrates all aspects related to people's livelihoods, such as water, electricity, gas, heating, property management, building safety, engineering quality, demolition, and commercial housing sales management, into a unified platform. Through technological empowerment, the city achieves intelligent and refined management. Upon entering the business hall of Taiyuan City's Urban Management Command Center, a large electronic screen measuring several meters in length and width is particularly striking, displaying real-time monitoring images from multiple locations clearly. In front of the screen, staff members closely monitor the images and platform information, coordinating and handling issues promptly. Damaged road barriers, missing manhole covers, flood warnings, and illegal street vending are all reported through channels such as patrol officers, smart vehicle collection, citizen feedback, and media reports. These "troublesome matters" for the public are logged into the platform, distributed for handling, and then go through feedback and supervision processes to achieve closed-loop resolution. Currently, the platform discovers, accepts, and resolves over a certain number of urban management issues daily. Refinement is reflected in all aspects of urban management. Static demolition construction techniques are used to replace damaged pipelines, avoiding repeated road excavations; "Warm Bee Stations" are built to provide services like drinking water and hot meals for couriers, food delivery personnel, and ride-hailing drivers; communities arrange "curtain signals" with elderly residents living alone, where community cadres and volunteers check the curtains in the morning and the lights at night to closely monitor the well-being of the elderly. Attention to small details ensures quality, and refined management enhances the warmth of the city.——以文塑城兴城,打造城市名片,让城市更有吸引力。As a national historical and cultural city with a civilization history of thousands of years and a city construction history of several centuries, Taiyuan boasts numerous historical relics and a profound cultural heritage. In the process of urban construction, renewal, and governance, Taiyuan has consistently focused on protecting the city's historical landscape, inheriting historical context, and highlighting humanistic charm. Zhonglou Street, located in the old city area of Taiyuan, is a commercial district and cultural landmark with a thousand-year history, carrying the city's rich memories. During its renovation, Taiyuan has preserved the original historical style of the district while skillfully integrating modern elements and functional needs, making it now a renowned urban reception hall. After the quality improvement and renovation of Yingze Avenue, it has become a popular spot for citizens to take photos. Along the Fen River, recently built cultural attractions such as the Fen River Evening Ferry and Yanqiu Garden have become nostalgic sites. Leveraging its unique historical and cultural resources, Taiyuan is actively exploring the integration of culture and tourism, polishing multiple city name cards. The "City of Museums" is gaining popularity, with the city housing various levels and types of museums, averaging one museum per certain number of people; the "City of Music Fans" name card has exploded in popularity, hosting numerous concerts annually with nearly a million live audiences; the "Culture and Tourism + Sports" initiative has borne fruitful results, with a series of brand events such as the Taiyuan Marathon, Fen River Dragon Boat Open, and regular challenge races in Taiyuan, successfully promoting the city's image and cultural tourism resources... The vibrant cultural tourism industry has injected new vitality into the city and doubled the happiness of its residents. On the new journey, the Taiyuan Municipal Party Committee and Government will remember their mission, be grateful and forge ahead, deeply study and implement Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, firmly establish and practice the concept that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, vigorously implement the ecological protection and high-quality development strategy of the Yellow River Basin, adhere to systematic governance, coordinate the promotion of pollution reduction, carbon reduction, green expansion, and growth, carry out ecological civilization construction in an all-round, all-region, and whole-process manner, accelerate the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development, and speed up the construction of a beautiful Taiyuan where humans and nature coexist harmoniously.(采写记者:赵东辉 梁晓飞 马晓媛 张磊)picture来源:《瞭望》2025年第8期

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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