Inner Mongolia has become the first province in the country with installed capacity of more than 100 million kilowatts of new energy.

3月31日,随着内蒙古能源四子王旗风储项目100万千瓦、三峡乌兰察布新一代电网友好绿色电站示范项目二期三期150万千瓦、赤峰市能源物联网零碳氢氨一体化示范项目12.5万千瓦等项目陆续并网发电, Inner Mongolia's new energy installed capacity and grid-connected scale exceeded 100 million kilowatts, becoming the first province in the country with new energy installed capacity exceeding 100 million kilowatts. “这是在2023年全区新能源总装机规模跃居全国第一后,再次迎来的重大突破。1亿千瓦新能源装机一年将产生2300亿千瓦时绿色电力,相当于节约标准煤7000万吨、减少二氧化碳排放超1.9亿吨,对助力地区能源结构转型升级具有重要意义。”内蒙古自治区能源局有关负责人表示。
今年,内蒙古将立足国家重要能源和战略资源基地定位,加快实施防沙治沙和风电光伏一体化工程、新能源温暖工程、能源科技“突围”工程,全力推进库布其沙漠鄂尔多斯中北部等4个“沙戈荒”大型风电光伏基地建设,新增新能源装机4000万千瓦, Strive to exceed 135 million kilowatts of new energy installed capacity by the end of the year,提前一年实现新能源装机规模超过火电装机规模的目标。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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