Recently, news circulated on the Internet that "a Japanese tourist was refused by a driver while using an online ride-hailing service in Nanjing." After verification, as of now, no relevant reports or complaints have been received that taxis (online ride-hailing) refuse to carry Japanese passengers, and the transportation management department has never issued any statement on this matter.

据“南京网络辟谣”微信公号消息,近日,网上流传“一名日本游客在南京使用网约车服务时,遭遇司机拒载”的消息,并配有车内监控画面。 有自媒体捏造称,南京市交通局发布了紧急通告,表示将对涉事网约车司机进行严肃处理。一时之间,引发不少评论和争议。

经南京市交通运输综合行政执法监督局核实,截至目前, No relevant reports or complaints have been received about taxis (online ride-hailing) refusing to carry Japanese passengers, and the transportation management department has never issued any statement on this matter. Online ride-hailing platforms and the actual vehicle manager companies have not received such complaints. After contacting and verifying with the online ride-hailing driver in the video, the incident was not Nanjing. 对编造传播谣言的行为,公安机关将坚决依法依规处理。
▲ “南京网络辟谣”微信公号截图


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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