On March 29, the Comprehensive Department of the National Energy Administration issued the "Reply on Agree to the Safety Registration of 23 Hydropower Station Dams Including the Changlongshan Reservoir Dam" stating that it agreed to the Changlongshan Reservoir Dam in Zhejiang, Changlongshan Lower Reservoir Dam, Hubei Xiakou Tang, Guangdong Meiyu Upper Reservoir Dam, Meiyu Lower Reservoir Dam, Yangyu Upper Reservoir Dam, and Yangyu Lower Reservoir Dam, Xinjiang Zhangao Eight dams were registered for the first time, and the registration level was Class A; Agree for the first safety registration of the dam of Xiaoxiang Hydropower Station in Hunan, with a registration level of Class B; agree for the safety registration of 14 hydropower stations including Jinshuitan and Shitang in Zhejiang, Gezhouba in Hubei, Huamu Bridge in Hunan, Daguang Dam in Hainan, Youchou in Chongqing, Daxing, Longfeng, Pubugou, Shenxigou in Sichuan, Dongfeng, Suofengying, Guanzhuang in Guizhou, and Shitou Gorge in Qinghai, with a registration level of Class A.

following is the original text

Reply from the Comprehensive Department of the National Energy Administration on agreeing to the safety registration of 23 hydropower station dams including Changlongshan Reservoir Dam

Guoneng Comprehensive Han Security [2024] No. 16

Dam Safety Supervision Center:

We received the "Request for Instructions for Safety Registration and Inspection Opinions on 23 Hydropower Station Dams including Changlongshan Reservoir Dam"(Dam Supervision Commission [2024] No. 23). After research, I hereby write to reply as follows.

1. Agree to the Changlongshan Reservoir Dam in Zhejiang, the Changlongshan Lower Reservoir Dam, Xiakoutang in Hubei, the Meihu Upper Reservoir Dam, the Meihu Lower Reservoir Dam, the Yangwu Upper Reservoir Dam, and the Yangwu Lower Reservoir Dam in Guangdong, and the Zangao Dam in Xinjiang. The first safety registration of the dam of Xiaoxiang Hydropower Station in Hunan is approved, with the registration level of Class B; It was agreed that 14 hydropower station dams including Jinshuitan and Shitang in Zhejiang, Gezhouba in Hubei, Huamu Bridge in Hunan, Daguangba in Hainan, Youchou in Chongqing, Daxing, Longfeng, Pubugou and Shenxigou in Sichuan, Dongfeng, Suofengying, Guanzhuang in Guizhou, Shitou Gorge in Qinghai, etc. were registered for safety renewal of certificates, with a registration level of Class A.

2. Please urge your center to urge relevant power companies to effectively implement their main responsibilities for dam safety management, strengthen organizational construction and staffing, improve dam safety management systems and regulations, strengthen professional training on dam safety management, and conduct dam safety inspection, maintenance and Monitoring work to effectively improve the level of dam safety management.

3. Please urge your center to urge relevant power companies to strictly abide by the "Regulations on the Supervision and Management of Hydropower Station Dam Operation Safety"(Order No. 23 of 2015 of the National Development and Reform Commission) and the "Emergency Management Measures for Hydropower Station Dam Operation Safety"(National Energy Development Safety Regulation [2022] No. 102), promptly establish an online dam safety monitoring system and realize online dam safety monitoring functions, formulate and revise dam operation safety emergency plans in a timely manner as required, and file them in accordance with regulations.

4. Please urge your center to supervise and guide Hunan Xiaoxiang Hydropower Station, which was initially registered as Class B, to strictly implement its main responsibilities, formulate effective rectification measures for problems found in the registration inspection, and ensure that problems are rectified in a timely and high-quality manner.

Comprehensive Department of National Energy Administration

March 22, 2024


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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