editor's note :领导干部“四下基层”是习近平总书记在福建宁德地委工作时身体力行、大力倡导并培育形成的工作方法和工作制度,是践行党的群众路线的重大创举,是做好群众工作的金钥匙。

The Marxist stance, views and methods contained in the "Four Grassroots" have been continuously carried forward with the development of the times and practical innovation, demonstrating the timeless value of the times and strong vitality. The whole party regards the "four grassroots levels" as an important starting point for in-depth education on the study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. To continuously consolidate and expand the results of thematic education, we must continue to improve our work style, implement the "four grassroots levels", make good use of the "four grassroots levels" experience, and follow the party's mass line in the new era.

Recently, People's Daily Press published the book "Practice and Experience of" Four Grassroots ". The preface to the book was published in the fifth special issue of People's Weekly magazine.

Continue to implement the "four grassroots levels" and take the party's mass line in the new era

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Fang Jiangshan, deputy editor-in-chief and senior editor of People's Daily

The mass line is the lifeline and fundamental working line of our party, and an important heirloom for our party to maintain its youthful vitality and combat effectiveness. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, our party has carried out a series of concentrated study and education. An important purpose is to educate and guide the whole party to keep in mind the fundamental question of what the Communist Party of China is and what it wants to do, and always maintain the flesh-and-blood ties between the party and the people. As the whole party is carrying out in-depth thematic education on studying and implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the Fujian Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and the People's Daily jointly held the "'Four Grassroots 'Theoretical Seminar on the Party's Mass Line in the New Era ", which is very meaningful.

Fujian is an important birthplace and practice place for Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. During his work in Fujian, General Secretary Xi Jinping creatively put forward a series of important concepts such as "going to the grassroots four times","four thousands of people","doing it right away and doing hard work","weak birds fly first, dripping water wears through stones" and "long-term success". and achieved important results in practice. These important achievements vividly reflect General Secretary Xi Jinping's leadership style and sincere feelings, profoundly reflect the Marxist stance, views, methods and the spiritual character of the Chinese Communists, and provide an indispensable source for the creation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. The source of living water also provides us with fresh teaching materials for in-depth study and understanding of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.

Leading cadres "go to the grassroots level to publicize the party's line, principles, and policies, go to the grassroots level for investigation and research, go to the grassroots level to receive letters and visits, and go to the grassroots level for on-site office" are the work methods and working systems that General Secretary Xi Jinping practiced and vigorously advocated and cultivated when working in the Ningde Prefectural Committee of Fujian. It is a major initiative to implement the party's mass line, a golden key to doing a good job in mass work, and a tool to overcome formalism and bureaucracy. Leading cadres "going to the grassroots four times" scientifically answered important questions such as why we should do mass work well, what is good mass work, and how to do mass work well, vividly interpreting the organic unity of the party's mass views and mass work.

The "four grassroots levels" of leading cadres are valuable spiritual wealth and institutional achievements that General Secretary Xi Jinping took the lead in setting an example during his work in Ningde. It is not a simple slogan, but was established and established for us by General Secretary Xi Jinping with the demonstration action of peaches and plums without saying their own words. Back then, General Secretary Xi Jinping took the lead in publicizing, conducting research, receiving interviews, and working at the grassroots level. He took the lead in sinking to the most remote and difficult places, and traveled all over the Ningde Mountains and rivers in eastern Fujian, leaving many touching stories. Further inheriting and carrying forward the fine tradition of "going down to the grassroots level" will help to more deeply study and understand the lofty demeanor of people's leaders coming from, loving and serving the people, and to more deeply understand the clank of "I will be without myself and live up to the people". Zheng oath, more deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishments", and further enhance the high degree of consciousness of resolutely achieving the "two safeguards" politically, ideologically and in action.

Over the past 35 years, from advocating "going to the countryside to publicize the party's rural policy" to "do it yourself, we should be both a doer and a propagandist, and take the lead in preaching"Let the party's innovative theory now fly into the homes of ordinary people." From "carrying out investigation and research, dissecting sparrows and summing up experience in order to guide the work on the surface, it is also practical to do practical things" to the eight regulations issued by the CPC Central Committee after the 18th CPC National Congress, the first one is "to improve investigation and research". Then he put forward and emphasized "the trend of promoting investigation and research in the whole Party". From "the first meaning of the work of letters and visits is to always regard yourself as a member of the people and keep your heart close to the people," to "letters and visits are the work of the masses sent to the door," from "prefectural and county leaders to the grass-roots level to work on the spot," to "really sink down, jump down and work in the village and work with the masses." The "four grassroots" of leading cadres, a practical creation and major initiative of our party in close contact with the masses, not only took root in the eight Fujian provinces, but also built a "heart-to-heart bridge" between cadres and the masses. its fundamental stand, spiritual connotation, value pursuit and scientific methods have blossomed and carried forward in the vast land of China. It provides us with wise experience and scientific enlightenment for us to follow the party's mass line in the new era.

Today, we held the "Seminar on the Theory of 'Four Going to the Grassroots' and the Party's Mass Line in the New Era" to comprehensively review the background and historical process proposed by the "Four Going to the Grassroots", and comprehensively summarize the demonstration effects and far-reaching effects produced by the "Four Going to the Grassroots". Impact, comprehensively and systematically sort out the generation logic, connotation, and practical experience of the "Four Going to the Grassroots", and comprehensively look forward to the development direction and innovation space of the "Four Going to the Grassroots" in the new era and new journey. It is conducive to in-depth study and understanding of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on adhering to the people-centered development idea, further inheriting and carrying forward the fine tradition of "going to the grassroots level", continuing to improve work style, correcting formalism and bureaucracy, and taking a good lead in the party in the new era. The mass line provides intellectual and academic support for concentrating our efforts to comprehensively promote the construction of a strong country and rejuvenating the nation with Chinese-style modernization.

I take this opportunity to report to you three superficial experiences.

1. Deeply understand the far-reaching historical significance and practical guiding significance of "four grassroots levels"

Today, as we are walking on the broad road of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation, we feel more truly that the "four grassroots levels" of leading cadres are the "seeds" planted by General Secretary Xi Jinping in Ningde and are valuable wealth left to the people of eastern Fujian. This "seed" that inherits the Marxist mass view, innovates the mass line of the Chinese Communists, and provides the most direct and effective way to serve the people. After 35 years of germination, emergence, growth, flowering and fruition, it has been used by the land of Fujian. Leading cadres have persisted, inherited and carried forward for a long time, and have been optimized into a "seed" with extraordinary vitality and spread to the vast land of China.

As the theme education is being carried out in depth, we came to Fujian and truly felt that Fujian firmly grasps the new requirements of the new era, new practice and new requirements, insists on taking the "four levels to the grassroots" as an important starting point for carrying out thematic education, and strengthens the connection and implementation of key measures with thematic education. We will promote the continuous expansion of the connotation of the "four levels to the grassroots", enrich the carriers, increasingly improve the measures, and continue to show results. We will strive to make this working method that originated in Ningde, flourished in Fujian, and goes to the whole country. The work system continues to shine brightly with the brilliance of the times.

Leading cadres "going to the grassroots four times" is not only a theoretical innovation but also a practical exploration. It not only reflects the regular understanding of mass work, but also opens up a broader development space for governing for the people. Leading cadres "going to the grassroots four times" is an important part of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important expositions on the party's mass line. It not only answers the fundamental question of taking the party's mass line well in the new era, but also contains the important methodology of establishing a solid mass view in the new era and new journey., with truth value and guiding significance that transcends time and space and is timeless.

We must thoroughly study and understand the superb political wisdom, extraordinary strategic vision, profound feelings for the people, the spirit of hard work and scientific thinking methods contained in the "four levels of grassroots", comprehensively understand and accurately grasp the fundamental requirements and goal directions of the "four levels of grassroots", methods and approaches, and play a stronger voice in the era of implementing the party's mass line in the new era while deeply understanding the far-reaching historical significance and practical guiding significance of the "four levels of grassroots".

(1)"Propaganda of the Party's line, principles, and policies at the grassroots level" from "sound side" to "around" vividly reflects the unique advantages of always focusing on the people.

In-depth publicity of the party's line, principles, and policies is an important part of the party's work that cannot be underestimated and has great principle significance. It is an important work that the party has carried out consistently in different periods. The process of policy propaganda is not only a one-way policy explanation and explanation, but also an important way to obtain feedback from the masses. Therefore, it is also an important two-way interactive process of political communication. Looking back on the party's more than 100 years of struggle, we will formulate and publicize the party's line, principles, and policies based on changes in the principal contradictions and central tasks of society, use scientific methods and effective methods to make them grasped by the broad masses of the people, and then mobilize and inspire the broad masses of the people. Fighting for it is our party's fine tradition and political advantage, and it is also an important way for us to consolidate the party's mass foundation and ruling foundation.

From June 1988 to May 1990, Comrade Xi Jinping went to Ningde Teachers College (now Ningde normal University) six times for investigation and guidance, and twice made situation and policy reports for teachers and students. At the report meeting, Comrade Xi Jinping expounded the differences in the level of agricultural development between China and the United States, introduced the poverty alleviation work in Ningde, which is located in eastern Fujian, and encouraged students to "actively participate in the torrent of reform and construction, and display their talents in practice." realize your meaningful value in life. Highlighting the way of "sinking", "face-to-face" and "zero distance", emphasizing the combination of "general and individual" and "leaders and the masses", sending the party's line, principles, and policies to thousands of households, into the hearts of the masses, and transforming them into conscious actions of the masses, and then educating, guiding, organizing and mobilizing the masses is an important work placed in a prominent position when Comrade Xi Jinping systematically expounded the "four lower grass-roots units." On the morning of February 23, 1989, Huang Zhenfang, a farmer with a large afforestation family and "green barren mountains and white heads," and seven other peasant representatives gave a report in the conference hall of the Ningde District Administration, targeting cadres at or above the deputy section level of the Ningde prefectural organs. Comrade Xi Jinping's practice of asking farmers to report the situation to cadres enlightens us.:To allow the party's line, principles, and policies to be mastered by the broad masses of the people, we must innovate methods and methods, let the masses themselves become "preachers", and use the changes of one village, one household, and one person to fully demonstrate the party's line, principles, and policies. The tremendous changes that have brought to everyone's lives.

Over the past 35 years, we have deeply felt that the practice of extending the party's line, principles, and policy propaganda to the grass-roots level has never stopped, and the exploration efforts to make the party's "good voice" sing in every corner of the grass-roots level have been on the way. After the victory of the 20th CPC National Congress, from the land of northern Xinjiang to the south of Caiyun, from the high slope of the Loess Plateau to the snowy plateau, from the central propaganda delegation to the propaganda teams of various departments in various regions, the vast number of leading cadres enter organs, enterprises and institutions, urban and rural communities, campuses, barracks, all kinds of new economic organizations and new social organizations, and websites, coordinate internal and external publicity, combine online and offline, and innovate ways and methods. Publicize the party's policy propositions in an approachable form, and let the party's innovative theory enter the hearts of the people with vivid mass language. These are only a microcosm of the spiritual preaching of the 20th CPC National Congress, reflecting that publicizing the Party's line, principles and policies at the grass-roots level has become a universal principle and a basic requirement. The broad masses of leading cadres always keep "going to the masses" in mind and are good at publicizing the great achievements and successful experiences made by the Party in leading the people with greater attraction and appeal. Show the bright future of China's road, the remarkable advantages of China's system, and the world contribution of China's development, and transform the basic theory, basic line, and basic strategy of the Party in the new era into the main theme and positive energy in the hearts of the people, so as to boost morale and spirit, and turn the party's correct propositions into the conscious actions of the people.

(2)"Investigation and research at the grassroots level" transforms "foot strength" into "ability", vividly embodying the scientific method of always asking the people for advice

Investigation and research are the basic working method of our party, as well as our party's fine tradition and style. Comrade Xi Jinping's emphasis on "investigation and research at the grassroots level" points out the key to achieving tangible results in investigation and research. The purpose of investigation and research is to "do everything for the masses", and the process of investigation and research is the process of "coming from the masses, going to the masses" and "keeping close contact with the masses." To do a good job in investigation and research, we must sink down, have the determination to look downward and the spirit of being a primary school student, go out of the yard, get off the car, take steps, and walk into the factory workshop, the fields, the campus lecture hall, the residential community, and sit with the masses. Sit on a bench. As much soil as your feet are stained, how much true feelings are deposited in your heart.

In June 1988, as soon as Comrade Xi Jinping took up his post in Ningde, he plunged into the grassroots. In the first two months, especially the second month, he basically spent two days in one county, and he had to visit the main towns and villages in each county. Comrade Xi Jinping often said:"the grass-roots level is the most important in all our work." the grass-roots level is the front line, the front line and the line of fire. During his work in Ningde, Comrade Xi Jinping went from "two to Jiuxian Village" and "two to the Party" to "three to Maojiaping" and "four to Tanyang", and from "Hongkou investigation" to "nine counties in eastern Fujian." in less than two years, he almost ran all over the villages and towns in the region. Just going to the grass-roots level is not enough, Comrade Xi Jinping also insists on going to the places where the people live and work to have a look and chat. Workshop docks, fields, and market communities are all "information sources" and "treasure boxes" for him to understand social conditions and public opinions and listen to opinions and suggestions. While working in Ningde, Comrade Xi Jinping went deep into the poor villages, eating "glutinous rice curd" with his hands and drinking Ai Ye Chong eggs brought by the local people, and the people all said, "this secretary is really easy to receive." It can be said that "going to the grass roots" and "going to the masses" is the distinct feature of Comrade Xi Jinping's investigation and study. The investigation and research at the grass-roots level has not only promoted the innovation of our party's investigation and research methods, but also a vivid embodiment of the effective improvement of the investigation and research ability of party members and cadres in the new era. In the process of extensively going deep into the masses, we have not only understood the real situation, real ideas, and real needs of the people, but also reaped the insights and wisdom of the masses, and strengthened the flesh-and-blood ties with the masses of the people. it has also improved the ability and ability to do practical things and solve difficult problems for the people.

Over the past 35 years, we have deeply felt that "investigation and research is the foundation and the way to get things done. Without investigation, there will be no right to speak, and without investigation, there will be no decision-making power." it has been deeply rooted in the hearts of every party member and leading cadre. A good investigation and research should not only listen more, but also listen modestly to the praise and affirmation of the cadres and masses, and listen to the suggestions and even criticisms put forward by the cadres and masses based on different experiences, insights, perspectives, positions, etc., so as to find out the situation clearly, truly and thoroughly, but also think more on the basis of listening and seeing more, and make efforts on in-depth analysis and thinking. Remove the rough and extract the essence, identify the false things, keep the real things, from this to the other, from the outside to the inside, find the essence and laws of things, and find the solution to the problem. Today, from "body" to "heart" to grass-roots level, from the near to the far, to the good and the bad, from listening to the truth and observing the truth, to studying problems and studying real problems. The investigation and research of the Chinese Communists is not only regularized and institutionalized, but also pays attention to unifying the investigation and research with the promotion work, so that the process of investigation and research has become a process of deepening the study and understanding of the Party's innovation theory. It has become a process of maintaining flesh-and-blood ties with the masses of the people, a process of improving awareness, judgment and working ability, and a process of promoting the development of the cause. Go deep into the masses again and again, seek truth and pragmatism, go to the grass-roots level again and again, go through both ups and downs, measure the earth with footsteps, and sincerely listen to opinions, can we get an inexhaustible source of living water in listening to the voices of the people and asking questions among the people.

(3)"Reception of letters and visits at the grassroots level" has changed from "sitting for medical treatment" to "visiting for medical treatment", which vividly reflects the sincere feelings of always caring for the people

Letters and visits are a "barometer" of social conditions and public opinion, and a "gathering place" for the people's urgent needs and worries. Letters and visits work is an important part of the party's mass work, an important window to understand social conditions and public opinion, and an important task for our party to understand the people's sentiments, pool the people's wisdom, safeguard the people's interests, and unite the people's hearts. In the mind of General Secretary Xi Jinping,"Letters and visits are mass work delivered to your door." Comrade Xi Jinping emphasized that "letters and visits are received at the grassroots level" means to change mass petitions into leadership visits, and leaders must "go out of the door" to actively "welcome" and "door-to-door mass work", find out the wishes and demands of the masses, strive to resolve conflicts at the source, and better serve the masses.

On December 20, 1988, Shu Suiying, an employee of the Xiapu County Public Transport Company, heard that there would be "high officials" to help the masses solve their difficulties, so she came to the site of the first "Prefectural and County Leaders Receive Masses Visiting Day" activity in Ningde Prefecture. Comrade Xi Jinping, Secretary of the Prefectural Party Committee, not only asked her to learn more about the situation, but also put forward handling opinions, and at the same time required that "the petition system and the system of carrying out petition reception day activities at the grassroots level should be adhered to." Since then, the 20th of each month has become the day when leaders at the county, township and township levels in Ningde receive visits from the masses. This day is called "Service Day" and "Public Servant Day" by cadres, and called "Heart-to-Heart Day" by the masses.

Over the past 35 years, we have deeply felt that the majority of leading cadres have thoroughly implemented the reception of letters and visits at the grassroots level, resolved conflicts on the front line, unblocked channels for expressing people's interests, and promoted leading cadres to improve their work style and maintain flesh-and-blood ties with the people at all times. Today, whether it is the institutional arrangement of regularly receiving visits and proactive return visits, or the innovative measures of bringing cases to visit and making key visits, it is an important way to receive letters and visits at the grassroots level. Require "receiving visits ahead and handling them ahead", focus on "the first time and the first scene", emphasize "moving forward the gate and sinking the center of gravity", and explore "handling before visiting and taking the initiative to do it". It is no longer a leading cadre who "rarely takes the initiative to catch such things", but a must-answer question for us to constantly create new situations in petition work. The once-urgent, difficult and anxious difficulties, pain points, and blockages have been targeted. The majority of party members and cadres have deeply realized that changing the masses '"petition" into cadres'"next visit" is to adhere to the fundamental stance of being people-centered. It is truly to regard the process of resolving petition issues as an important path to implement the party's mass line and do a good job in mass work.

(4)"On-site office at the grassroots level" From "agency venue" to "grassroots site", it vividly reflects the pragmatic character of always winning the trust of the people

Rivers and rivers are the people, and the people are rivers and mountains. The Communist Party of China regards serving the people and benefiting the people as its most important political achievements, and regards how many good and practical things it has done for the people as an important criterion for testing political achievements. How to maintain flesh-and-blood ties with the people at all times, how to persevere in doing practical things and doing good things for the people, and how to win the trust and support of the people with tangible results have always been the "test questions of the times" that leading cadres need to seriously answer. Comrade Xi Jinping's emphasis on "on-site office and grassroots level" provides the most powerful answer to this "question of the times":Transform passive service into active service, focus on solving outstanding problems reported by the masses, do practical things for the masses, and further strengthen the relationship between the party and the masses.

At the end of 1988, Comrade Xi Jinping adopted the method of "training" to hold on-the-spot meetings in nine counties of Ningde. On July 19, 1989, Comrade Xi Jinping spent nearly three hours by car and, braving the scorching sun, walked for more than two hours to work in Xiadang Township, Shouning County, where roads were not accessible. From the on-site office proposal to support the self-built hydropower station in Xiadang Township to allow the village to be connected to electricity, to holding an on-site office meeting on cultural relics work in three lanes and seven alleys to request the suspension of demolition and renovation of the former residence; from the on-site office to solve the difficulties of officers and soldiers stationed in Fujian, to participate in the on-site office meeting of the Fuzhou Development Zone convened by the provincial party committee and provincial government to promote "do it right away." With his own actions, Comrade Xi Jinping fulfilled his solemn promise that "when you are the secretary of the county party committee, you must run all the villages, the local (city) party committee secretaries must run all the villages and towns, and when you become the secretary of the provincial party committee, you must run all the counties, cities and districts." "working at the grass-roots level on the spot" turned the meeting venue into the scene, changed the hearts of the people with distractions, persisted in handling special and urgent matters, and turned the entry point into a commanding point, the force point into a breakthrough point, and the key point into a support point. it not only shortens the distance between the organs and the grass-roots level, leaders and the masses, but also solves the people's worries, benefits the people's livelihood, and warms the hearts of the people.

Over the past 35 years, we have deeply felt that the Communist Party of China seeks happiness for the people. Wherever the people feel unhappy, unhappy, or dissatisfied, we will work hard and do everything possible to solve their problems. The interests of the masses are no small matter, and there is a scale in the hearts of the masses. Only by working hard to do good and practical things for the masses and truly allowing the masses to benefit and enjoy well-being can we win the trust of the people with hard work and achievements. Today,"on-site office meetings" have blossomed everywhere, and "front-line office methods" have become the norm. The majority of leading cadres have implemented the spirit of seeking truth, being pragmatic, and doing practical things into the specific work of doing practical things for the people. By going straight to the front line to observe the actual situation, on-site work solves problems,"do it right away" and implements them, does not shout empty slogans or engage in pretentious airs, and continuously enhances the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security. The people and our party are more connected and emotionally.

2. Continue to implement the "four grassroots levels" and follow the party's mass line in the new era

Taking the party's mass line in the new era is not only an inevitable requirement to adhere to the clear orientation of grasping the grassroots and enhance the ability to serve the masses, but also an inevitable requirement to unite mass organizations in various fields and effectively realize the party's leadership. It is also an inevitable requirement to truly regard yourself as a member of the masses, regard the people's affairs as their own, establish a strong view of the masses, implement the mass line, and always practice the party's fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly with the true feelings of the masses. It is a new topic to carry forward the past and forge ahead into the future, and it is also a new test of responsibility.

At present, the objects of mass work are more diverse, the demands of the masses are more diverse, and the working environment of the masses is more complex. The Internet is an important position and an important means to do a good job in mass work in the new era. This requires us to deeply study and accurately grasp the characteristics and laws of mass work under the new situation, improve the methods of mass work, and raise the level of mass work. The "four grassroots" of leading cadres is a good mechanism and platform with multiple values and comprehensive effectiveness. We should regard the "four lower grassroots" as a basic system and the most basic work for the party's mass line in the new era, do solid work for a long time, and give full play to its multifaceted value and role to the cause of the party and the people. We should give full play to the decisive significance of the "four grass roots" for deeply understanding the "two establishment" and resolutely achieve the "two maintenance". For training the contingent of cadres, strengthening party building, doing practical things about people's livelihood, and promoting the well-being of the masses, for strengthening grass-roots construction and improving the level of grass-roots governance, for Daxing investigation and research, scientific and democratic decision-making. With regard to the important value and role of uniting the hearts and minds of the party and the people and consolidating ideological consensus, efforts should be made to enhance political consciousness, ideological consciousness, and action consciousness, adhere to the distinct orientation of paying great attention to the grass roots, and inherit and carry forward the fine tradition of "four lower grass roots." strive to write a new chapter of the party's mass line in the new era.

(1) Always adhere to the people-centered development idea, persevere and consciously take root among the masses

Close ties with the masses are determined by the nature, purpose and mission of the Communist Party of China. It is also the fine style that our party has formed and adhered to in the long-term revolutionary struggle. We must understand from the perspective of our original mission why we should encourage party members and cadres to practice hard the basic skill of maintaining close contact with the masses. Why is "going to the grassroots at the four levels" done and how can it be achieved? It is because our party members and cadres have a mass stance, an original intention for the people, and a consciousness of action. "Four to the grassroots level" answers exactly the question of how to break the invisible "wall" between the party and the people. What we find is to smooth and broaden communication with the people through "going out","going down" and "going in". Effective methods for channels. It can be said that Comrade Xi Jinping has personally practiced and advocated the promotion of "four grassroots levels", always pursuing the people-centered approach as the highest value, and has always promoted it from the perspective of inheriting and carrying forward the party's fine style.

To further inherit and carry forward the fine tradition of "going to the grassroots at four levels", we must more deeply realize that we must firmly stand firm on the people's stance and internalize the concept of people first in our hearts and externalize it in our actions. We must put the people at the top of our hearts, fully implement the people-centered development philosophy, adhere to the principle of development for the people, development depends on the people, and development results shared by the people, and unswervingly follow the path of common prosperity for all people. We must always breathe with the people, share a shared destiny, and have a heart-to-heart relationship, and regard the people's support or not, approval or approval, happiness or not, and promise or not as the fundamental criterion for measuring the gains and losses of all work.

(2) Always insist on taking the people's yearning for a better life as the goal of struggle and persevere in serving the people attentively

The practical orientation, goal orientation, and purpose of following the party's mass line in the new era is to constantly meet the growing needs of the people for a better life. The ability to faithfully implement the party's mass line and fundamental purpose in fact tests the ability of leading cadres, which should be enhanced by working wholeheartedly, wholeheartedly, and unremittingly for the people. The reason why the "four grassroots" is well received by the common people and constantly coruscate vitality is that it attaches great importance to doing practical things for the people in depth and solving the specific difficulties and problems of the masses. On the evening of July 21, 1989, the worst flood disaster occurred in Xiadang Township, which was serious. On the evening of the 26th, Comrade Xi Jinping braved the rain to walk 3 kilometers and walked for more than an hour to Xiapingfeng Village, the hardest-hit village, to observe the disaster and express his sympathy to the affected people. the on-site office decided to give special construction funds to solve the construction problems of roads, flood levees, schools, and so on. Comrade Xi Jinping has fully demonstrated with practical actions that to do practical things for the masses, it is necessary to be down-to-earth, unremitting, and do meritorious service for a long time; the masses of the people are the most simple and lovable, and they should not only listen to "singing meritorious service", but also watch "doing meritorious service".

To further inherit and carry forward the fine tradition of the "four lower grassroots", we must make unremitting efforts to realize, safeguard, and develop the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people. Since the new era, our party has United and led the people in constantly striving for a better life, winning the battle against poverty as scheduled, taking more measures to develop people's democracy in the whole process, and safeguarding social fairness and justice. we will strive to solve the problems of unbalanced and inadequate development and the urgent worries and aspirations of the people, continue to protect and improve people's livelihood, and make more obvious and substantial progress in promoting the common prosperity of all the people. Facing the future, we should comply with the people's yearning for a better life and actively respond to the people's higher expectations in employment, income distribution, education, social security, medical care, housing, old-age care, and child support. We should grasp the higher requirements of the people in the areas of democracy, the rule of law, fairness, justice, security and the environment, and regard serving the people and bringing benefits to the people as the driving force and the greatest political achievement. We will continue to improve the quality of life and well-being of the people, so that the people can feel more mature, more sustainable in their well-being, and more secure in sense of security.

(3) Always adhere to the view that the people are the creators of history, and persevere and rely closely on the people

Historical materialism believes that the people are the creators of history. The Chinese Communists deeply realize that regular things are hidden in the practice of the broad masses. The party's history of more than a century of struggle has fully proved that whether we respect the practice of the people, whether we can go deep into the people to do hard work, and stimulate the enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity of the people are the key to whether the party's mass line can be deepened and implemented. Comrade Xi Jinping vigorously advocated and practiced "four grassroots levels" in Ningde, providing a model and setting an example for mobilizing and relying on the masses. Comrade Xi Jinping said in his farewell message to leading cadres of local government agencies after leaving Ningde:"In the past two years I have been working in eastern Fujian, although I have also seen the backward side, the existing difficulties and problems, and the heavy burden on my shoulders, I have also seen the eastern Fujian style of 'not being ashamed to fall behind, working hard with enthusiasm, and daring to pioneer and strive for excellence.' It is this spirit that deeply infected me, brought me infinite strength and courage, and left me with beautiful memories." The reason why "four grassroots levels" can be normalized and effective is because it contains profound principles:Party members and leading cadres are not know-how or omnipotent. They must be students of the masses, put down their airs, be willing to be primary school students, make more friends with the masses, and consult the masses.

To further inherit and carry forward the fine tradition of "four grassroots levels", we must adhere to the people's dominant position and fully mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the broad masses of the people to participate in reform and development. We must rely closely on the people, ask the people for politics, needs, and plans throughout the entire process of making decisions, formulating policies, and doing things, respect the people's dominant position and initiative, and fully stimulate and release the entrepreneurial enthusiasm and creative vitality of the broad masses. The majority of party members and cadres must persist in going deep into the masses and taking root at the grassroots level, learn from the masses with an open mind, listen to the voices of the grassroots, and draw wisdom and strength from the practice of the people to promote reform and development.

(4) Always persist in innovating systems, mechanisms and methods, and persevere in organizing and mobilizing the masses

Our party's greatest political advantage is to maintain close ties with the masses. The biggest danger after taking power is to be divorced from the masses; if the party is divorced from the masses, it will lose the support of the masses, fundamentally lose its advanced nature, and eventually lose its qualifications to govern. Implementing the party's mass line has always been a process. Adapting to the new situation, new situations and new characteristics, and continuously promoting the innovative development of mass work are basic requirements and important measures for practicing the party's mass line in the new era. "Four grassroots levels" are because they can effectively play the role of strengthening political guidance and ideological cohesion, turn the party's correct ideas into conscious actions of the masses, and carry out work in methods and methods that are popular and easy to accept by the masses. Only then can they be useful, powerful, effective, and can they continue to create new practical experiences, play new and greater roles, and achieve new breakthroughs.

To further inherit and carry forward the fine tradition of "four grassroots levels", we must accurately grasp the characteristics and laws of mass work under the new situation, enhance the affinity and appeal of publicity and education, and organize and mobilize the masses, and improve and improve the linkage between upper and lower levels, cooperation among all parties, and joint promotion. Work system and operating mechanism, promote systematic and networked management, and further enhance the initiative, pertinence and effectiveness of mass work. We must be good at combining the party's fine traditions with new technologies and new means, enrich the carrier of innovative mass work, build and make good use of an online mass work platform, follow the online mass line, and form an all-round, full coverage, convenient and efficient connection and service to the masses. Work pattern, innovate the systems, mechanisms and methods to organize and mobilize the masses, and better serve the people, serve the people, and solve their worries.

3. Persist in publicizing the "four grassroots levels" and make due contributions to the Party Central Committee's efforts to follow the party's mass line in the new era.

As the organ of the Party Central Committee, the People's Daily regards reporting on General Secretary Xi Jinping and publicizing and interpreting Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as its primary political task and the most important political responsibility. It systematically and deeply publicizes and interprets Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and promptly Follow up the publicity and interpretation of the spirit of the important instructions and instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important speeches, and strive to expand regional coverage, crowd coverage, and content coverage. Give full play to its guiding role, banner role, and leading role in public opinion. The important ideological and theoretical views put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping and the major practical innovations promoted during his local work are the key publicity and reporting content of the People's Daily.

The People's Daily has been continuously paying attention to, reporting on, and publicizing the "four grassroots levels" and publishing various news reports and new media products that introduce the practical results and experience of the "four grassroots levels" and the party's mass line in the new era. In terms of publicizing and interpreting the "four grassroots levels" and the party's mass line in the new era, we have continued to increase publicity efforts. We have not only actively promoted academic interpretation, academic expression, and popular communication, published a large number of high-quality articles, but also actively reflected the good practices and experiences of various localities and departments in inheriting and promoting the fine traditions of "four grassroots levels", and published and broadcast a series of reviews, newsletters, and integrated media products to guide party members and cadres to follow the party's mass line in the new era.

Today's seminar, through in-depth study and discussion of the "four grassroots levels", will surely further deepen the understanding and understanding of the theoretical connotation and practical significance of following the party's mass line in the new era, and achieve very fruitful results. The People's Daily will strengthen communication and cooperation with the Fujian Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Government and the Propaganda Department of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee, and publish a summary of important results in the People's Daily. In order to further inherit and carry forward the fine tradition of "four grassroots levels" and promote the implementation of the new era, the party's mass line goes deep, practical, and heart-to-heart, making due contributions from the Party Central Committee.

(This article is the author's speech at the "Seminar on 'Four Grassroots' and the Party's Mass Line Theory in the New Era" held in Ningde, Fujian on July 21, 2023. It was slightly abridged. The original title was "Further Inheriting and Promoting the" Four Grassroots "The fine tradition of promoting the Party's mass line in the new era continues to deepen and consolidate")

This article was published in People's Weekly, issue 5, 2024


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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