In the first quarter, the trading scale of China's futures market steadily increased, with a cumulative turnover of 124.16 trillion yuan. Among them, energy futures performance bright, lithium carbonate, liquefied petroleum gas, crude oil cumulative clinch a deal scale improved.

4月2日,中国期货业协会 发布的最新数据显示,一季度全国期货市场累计成交额124.16万亿元,同比增长2.70%。 其中 , energy futures performed well, and the cumulative transaction scale of lithium carbonate, liquefied petroleum gas and crude oil increased。 截至2024年3月底,中国共上市期货期权品种131个。

Judging from the data of futures trading in the first quarter, the new energy metals sector performed well. Data showed that the cumulative trading volume of lithium carbonate futures in the first quarter was 13.8949 million lots, with a cumulative turnover of 1,523.745 billion yuan.

数据显示,2023年中国碳酸锂产量达46万吨,占全球62%。碳酸锂从原料的制备到产品产出一般需要3个月的时间,这期间,企业随时要承担价格波动风险。2022年末到2023年4月期间,碳酸锂的价格曾经从每吨最高57.7万元跌至每吨17.6万元,价格跌幅接近70%。在这种情况下,中国在2023年7月推出碳酸锂期货, More than 1500 industrial companies have participated in the transaction

此外,为了降低企业交易成本,期货交易所还提供了一系列针对性的优惠措施。 广州期货交易所市场发展部负责人 张鹏 表示, 包括免收(企业)期货交割手续费,减收套期保值交易手续费等。 截至目前,A total of more than 18.4 million yuan in various handling fees have been exempted by Guangzhou Futures Exchange, benefiting 103 industrial enterprises.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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