news focus

state Bureau of Mine Safety supervision:Resolutely crack down on illegal operations in coal bunkers and strictly prevent all types of coal bunkers from occurring. 3月15日,国家矿山安全监察局发布的《关于进一步加强煤矿煤仓安全管理的通知》指出,压实煤矿安全责任,要严格落实煤矿分管领导及有关部门安全责任;健全完善相关制度。加快煤仓设计优化和机械化改造,创新仓体设计;改进放仓系统和装备;并加快研发应用无人化探仓、清仓、疏通技术装备等。

** Ministry of Ecology and Environment:Publicly solicit opinions on a number of national ecological and environmental standards. ** On March 15, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued a notice stating that the Ministry of Ecology and Environment organized the formulation and revision to form the "Technical Specifications for the Application and Issuance of Emission Permits, Thermal Power (Second Draft for Comments)","Technical Specifications for the Application and Issuance of Emission Permits, Steel Industry (Draft for Comments)","Technical Specifications for the Application and Issuance of Emission Permits, Automobile Manufacturing Industry (Draft for Comments)","Technical Specifications for the Application and Issuance of Emission Permits, Boilers (Draft for Comments)", Comments are now publicly solicited.

domestic news

National Development and Reform Commission, Beijing City People's Government:Accelerate the green transformation of production and lifestyle, and promote the application of new smart grid technologies such as flexible transmission. 3月15日,国家发改委、北京市人民政府发布的《北京城市副中心建设国家绿色发展示范区实施方案》指出,到2025年,北京城市副中心绿色发展内生动力明显增强,绿色产业规模显著提升,绿色技术创新和成果转化体系基本建立,城市基础设施绿色化水平进一步提高,生产生活方式绿色转型 成效显著。此外,加快构建以通州、通北2座500千伏变电站和22座220千伏变电站为主体的电网结构,建成与新型电力系统相适应的智能高效电网。推动全自愈配电网、柔性输电等智能电网新技术应用,开展智能微网示范建设。

** National Energy Administration:Notify the handling of complaints and reports on the energy regulatory hotline in February 2024 and typical cases. ** The National Energy Administration recently reported that in February 2024, the 12398 energy regulatory hotline received a total of 432 complaints and reports and settled 526 complaints and reports (including carry-over from previous periods). Complaints and reports received decreased by 34.05% month-on-month and 16.76% year-on-year. wherein:There were 402 complaints, a month-on-month decrease of 33.00% and a year-on-year decrease of 7.16%; 30 reports, a month-on-month decrease of 45.45% and a year-on-year decrease of 65.12%. The power industry ranked first, with 419 complaints, accounting for 96.99% of the total number of complaints and reports, mainly focusing on power supply services, market access, power security, etc. The new energy and renewable energy industry ranked second, with 13 complaints, accounting for 3.01% of the total number of complaints and reports, mainly concentrated in grid-connected power generation, subsidies and fees.

China's highest onshore wind turbine officially started construction. 据电建微言公众号日前消息,由中国电建承建的秦皇岛金风抚宁区100兆瓦风力发电项目举行开工仪式。该项目总容量99.6兆瓦,安装18台风机。其中,塔筒高度185米,是目前国内陆上最高风机,实现了国内钢混塔领域的新高度突破,使5米/秒以下超低风速资源容量释放,将带来更多的可开发资源和项目收益。

** Gansu Province Development and Reform Commission:A list of major wind power construction projects in 17 provinces was announced. ** The Gansu Province Development and Reform Commission recently reported that the list of major provincial construction projects in Gansu Province in 2024 in Gansu Province has been approved by the provincial government and issued for implementation in document Gan Zheng Ban Fa [2024] No. 19. A total of 300 projects, including 17 wind power projects. The planned new projects include the 1-million-kilowatt wind power photovoltaic power generation project in Zhangye City, the 300,000-kilowatt wind farm project in Jingyuan Beitan, a supporting Baiyin New Energy Base from Shandong Energy's "Longdian Power Entering Shandong". The preparatory projects include 6-million-kilowatt new energy projects for the Tengger Desert large-scale wind and photovoltaic base, and the third batch of 1-million-kilowatt new energy projects in Wuwei Minqin, a large-scale wind and photovoltaic base in the "Shage Wilderness" large-scale wind and photovoltaic base.

** Shanxi Province:For the first time, two coal prospecting rights were sold through online listing. ** According to CCTV News reported on March 16, Shanxi achieved market-oriented allocation of two coal prospecting rights through online listing for the first time, with a total transaction price of 20.295 billion yuan. The final transaction price of Hudinan coal prospecting right in Qinshui County was 6.292 billion yuan; the final transaction price of Baicun coal prospecting right in Anze County was 14.003 billion yuan. From March 14 to 15, the Shanxi Province Department of Natural Resources signed the "Transaction Confirmation Letter" with the bidders respectively.

international news

◐‍ **福岛第一核电站设备未受地震影响,日本东电继续核污染水排海。** According to CCTV news reports, Tokyo Electric Power Company announced on March 15 local time that the discharge of nuclear-contaminated water to the sea, which had been suspended due to an earthquake in the early morning, had resumed at around 3:50 pm that day. On March 17, Japan's Tokyo Electric Power Company stated that it had completed the fourth round of discharge of nuclear-contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the sea that day.

** Ukraine confirms an attack on a Russian refinery, and Russia says it has repelled Ukrainian sabotage groups. ** According to CCTV news reports, on March 16, the governor of Samara Oblast in Russia reported that two refineries in the state were attacked by Ukraine drones and a fire broke out. The attack caused no casualties. On the same day, Ukraine confirmed the attack. Ukraine's State News Agency quoted sources as reporting on March 16 that attack drones from the Ukrainian National Security Agency attacked three local Russian oil company refineries. Ukraine President Zelensky did not comment on this.

corporate news

** The world's first 25MW wind power spindle bearing and gearbox bearing was rolled off the production line. ** According to the news of the Luoyang City People's Government on March 15, the world's first 25-megawatt wind power spindle bearing and gearbox bearing jointly developed by Axis Research Technology and Dongfang Wind Power was successfully rolled off the production line in Luoyang Axis Research Technology Co., Ltd., setting a new global wind power bearing single unit capacity record. The 25-megawatt wind power spindle bearings rolled off the production line this time include 2 sets of tapered roller bearings, of which the outer diameter of the upwind bearing is 3680 mm, which is currently the largest size single row tapered roller spindle bearing in the wind power industry; The 25-megawatt wind power gearbox bearings include planetary wheel bearings, planetary carrier bearings, and high-speed bearings. There are a total of 7 models and 44 sets of bearings. The bearing accuracy reaches P5 and some reaches P4. Under rated operating conditions, a single 25-megawatt offshore wind power unit can output approximately 104.39 million kWh of clean electricity every year, which can meet the daily electricity consumption of 58,000 ordinary households for one year.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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