"You're fired!"

Can you imagine? Trump's cold and stern voice on the American reality TV show "The Apprentice" will soon appear in his presidential campaign this year.

According to media reports, the "Understanding King" has "embarked on an" Apprentice "-style vice presidential search."

"Understand the King" and "The Apprentice".

"The Apprentice" is a business-themed reality TV show run by Trump that has been broadcast for 15 consecutive seasons.

The operating model of this program is:After the contestants are grouped, the same tasks are assigned to each group and assessments are conducted. The winner of the assessment will receive promotion and reward, and the loser will have one person eliminated. This cycle will be repeated until the final winner is produced.

As a reward, the winner will receive a "$250,000-a-year position" offered by Trump Corporation.

The business wars close to reality and exciting battles have made the program "The Apprentice" deeply loved by the American people.

Trump has also created a household name as the "godfather of money" by serving as a host for 14 consecutive seasons.

The cool long windbreaker, the slow-paced steps of a big man, the unsparingly boasting of his "rich and beautiful" wife and daughter, and the classic line of "You are fired" have deeply imprinted Trump's image of "overbearing president" in the minds of American audiences.

《 学徒》节目宣传照 。

Thanks to the huge popularity and funds accumulated by "The Apprentice", Trump successfully defeated senior Democratic politician Hillary Clinton and became the 45th President of the United States.

**《学徒》的政治复刻。**当下,美国两党在总统选战中已经打得如火如荼。 (另见本号文章 [ 《 “超级星期二”落幕,“懂王”“睡王”哇哈哈? 》 ]( ) 特朗普将选择谁作为 他的竞选搭档,成了各大媒体高度关注的问题。而一贯擅长宣传自己的特朗普,近日 宣布 将复刻《学徒》模式,通过选秀的方式选出自己的 竞选搭档。目前,有意成为其竞选搭档的候选人共有12人,其中比较知名的有: 参议员中的凯蒂·布里特、马克·卢比奥、蒂姆·斯科特和J.D.万斯; 州长中的杜格·布尔吉姆、克里斯蒂·诺姆和萨拉·赫卡比·桑蒂斯; 众议员中的拜伦·唐纳兹、伊莉斯·斯特凡尼克。 当然,这份竞选搭档候选人的名单一直在变化之中,用美 媒的话说,是“一份用铅笔而非钢笔所写的名单”。 遥想当年《学徒》带来的巨大成功,如今再次冲击总统大位的“懂王”显然已经摩拳擦掌。为此,特朗普组建了专门的“评委会”,由他的竞选高级顾问 Susie Wiles(Susie Wiles)牵头负责。 左一红衣女士为 苏西·怀尔斯。 怀尔斯曾在2016年大选中 为 特朗普 立下过汗马功劳,她为人低调严谨,有着不俗的组织、协调和公关能力。 作为特朗普竞选团队中的“最佳调和人”, 怀尔 斯 目前正 帮助特朗普应对刑事诉讼和选举事务。 在怀尔斯的力推下,特朗普还同意聘用了一家外部公司,对竞选搭档候选人进行全方位审查。 当然,特朗普的家人肯定不会缺席真人秀。他的妻子梅拉尼娅、女儿伊万卡、儿子小特朗普的意见,是他 选择 竞选搭档的重要参考。 In addition, Trump promised to evaluate the ideas of big money owners during the process of screening partners and seek the opinions of party senators. 正如美国Deseret新闻网4月2日报道的那样,伴随“评委会”的归来,特朗普“回到了《学徒》中舒服的位置——成为全能的主持人,看着每个候选人追逐最终的那个职位”。 The calculation behind "The Apprentice". Launch the "Political Version of" The Apprentice "at a critical moment in the 2024 presidential election,特朗普有着自己的“小九九。 为了提升民意支持。 特朗普的年轻支持者们。 借助《学徒》节目的超高人气,特朗普既能为竞选吸引媒体和公众的目光,又能保证根据民意变化对竞选搭档名单进行动态调整,还能在筛选过程中筹集到更多的钱款。 不出意外的话,特朗普将会把筛选竞选伙伴的过程制作成宣传片公映,以此为噱头争取更多美国选民的支持。 据说,黑人与女性选手也已经出现在特朗普这场“选秀”的备选名单中。To choose a better partner.“做任务,拼绩效”的《学徒》模式激发了候选人们的热情。 知名政治网站Politico


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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