In mid-spring April, the grass grows and the orioles fly. In this beautiful season, Ma Ying-jeou and his party ended their 11-day visit to mainland China.

The second "landing" is not only a journey of peace, friendship, but also a journey of seeking roots and culture.

Second "landing, three major changes.

相较于去年,马英九今年的访陆之旅有三点明显变化。From "family worship to ancestors" to "national worship to ancestors".

From worshiping his grandfather in front of the tomb of Majiazu to worshiping Huangdi Xuanyuan, the first humanistic ancestor of the Chinese nation, it not only healed Ma Ying-jeou's regret of "remote sacrifice" across the sea for many years, but also fulfilled his wish to "go home often to see".

4月4日,“甲辰(2024)年清明公祭轩辕黄帝典礼 ” 在陕西黄陵县举行 。 马英九曾在台湾六次“遥祭”黄帝,这次终于可以亲临现场祭祀。

去年,马英九首访大陆时就表示,"The Chinese tradition is not to forget your ancestors and always remember where you came from."。 (另见本号文章 [ 《 他寻的是什么“根” 》 ]( )

This year, after participating in the ceremony of public sacrifice to the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan, he said in his speech that this personal sacrifice to the Yellow Emperor aims to express the importance Taiwanese people attach to traditional Chinese culture's respect for the ancestral ancestors.

Upgrading from "family" to "nation", It demonstrates the national sentiments hidden in the blood and never forgetting the origin and remembering the ancestors. It is a vivid portrayal of compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait inheriting and carrying forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture of pursuing the future carefully and thinking of the source when drinking water.

Extend from "youth exchanges" to "cross-strait peace".

Young people are a new force in promoting the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations.

Last year, Ma Ying-jeou led young Taiwanese students to Wuhan University, Hunan University, and Fudan University for discussions and exchanges, which greatly enhanced the friendship between young people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

This year, Ma Ying-jeou led 20 students from the "Ninth University" to visit Sun Yat-sen University and Peking University to promote cross-Strait peaceful exchanges through "Youth Dialogue".

Through repeated contact and understanding, children on both sides of the Taiwan Strait who share the same clan evoke common cultural memories and feel each other's recognition of Chinese culture.

正如马英九所言,The more exchanges and deeper the friendship between young people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, the lower the probability of cross-Strait conflicts.

Expand from "along the Yangtze River" to "north and south of the Yangtze River".

From traveling up the Yangtze River to running through the north and south of the mainland, from line to surface, Ma Ying-jeou and his party witnessed the great changes in the mainland of China and the new situation created by the united efforts and unremitting struggle of the Chinese people, including Taiwan compatriots.

This will undoubtedly help them understand and understand the mainland, and pass on the true situation of the mainland's development to the people on the island through themselves.

Throughout the 11-day trip, Ma Ying-jeou's recognition of the Chinese-language culture and the Chinese nation were the same.

故宫之行后,马英九在感受到“灵魂震撼”和中华文化深厚底蕴的同时,更是直言“Any act of 'de-Sinicization' will not succeed”。 参观卢沟桥时,马英九一行亲耳聆听“七七事变”亲历者郑福来老人讲述的血泪历史,无不潸然泪下。马英九动情地说道,我们要“Keep in mind history, be self-reliant and rejuvenate China ”,并告诫随行台湾青年“There are no winners in war. We must learn to resolve disputes peacefully and seek happiness and peace for mankind.”。 游览长城时,马英九与台湾青年一同唱响创作于抗战时期的歌曲《长城谣》,在唱到“四万万同胞心一样,新的长城万里长”时一度哽咽。

Some people worship their ancestors during the Qingming Festival, and some people forget their ancestors.

Ma Ying-jeou's visit to the mainland for two consecutive years has built a bridge of communication between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait.

However, the green camp on the island "collectively broke the defense" and "the sound of frogs" was heard.

Chen Jianren, head of Taiwan's administrative agency, even shouted,"What Ma Ying-jeou has done is looked down upon and hurts our feelings."

“绿蛙”们之所以如此“发癫”“酸涩”,正是因为马英九一行 It broke through the window paper of "de-Sinicization" that Tsai Ing-wen and the DPP authorities have worked so hard to paste up, making their ugliness of "cultural Taiwan independence" nowhere to hide.

Stir up identity confrontation.

During her eight years in power, Tsai Ing-wen released the green camp politicians and media celebrities she raised to smear the mainland.

Various absurd remarks such as "mainlanders can't afford pickled mustard" and "the cross-strait high-speed rail has no backrest" have been rampant for a while.

The DPP authorities are trying to incite the Taiwanese people to despise, be hostile and even hate the mainland by making big claims such as "Taiwanese are not Chinese", thereby provoking identity confrontation and creating public opinion space for "de-Sinicization."

Separating the bonds of historical origin.

In 2016, just 10 days after Tsai Ing-wen took office, she immediately abolished Ma Ying-jeou's measures to "straighten things out" on the curriculum and intensified her efforts to launch a more "independent""108 curriculum".


This syllabus stipulates that Taiwanese primary schools do not teach Chinese history. High school history textbooks directly cut off the separate "Chinese history" and replace it with the so-called "East Asian history". They also vigorously promote "Taiwan's status is undetermined" and "one country on each side"."Independence" and "toxic" remarks attempt to cultivate so-called "natural independence" Taiwanese youth, thereby severing the historical ties and national sentiments between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait.

Eliminate the Chinese element from society.

近年来,The DPP authorities turned pale when they heard "China" and wanted to change it to "Taiwan" when they saw "China" or "China",宁愿错杀也不肯放过。

For example,"China Airlines" is changing its name to "Taiwan Airlines", Chinese medicine is also changing to "Taiwan Medical", and a green media anchor "creatively" invented the new word "Ancient and Modern Taiwan Outside"...

This series of ridiculous "dirty operations" has undoubtedly exposed the vicious ambition of the DPP authorities to betray their traditions and forget their ancestors, and attempt to tie the people on the island to the chariot of "Taiwan independence".

Both sides of the Taiwan Strait are one family, and everything is prosperous at home.

From learning to jump in Guangxi's "Subject 3" to "checking in" the ice city of Harbin, from enthusiastically promoting Zibo barbecues to "planting grass" Gansu Malatang, many Taiwanese compatriots have chosen to break the information cocoon room woven by the Democratic Progressive Party and use their own eyes to observe the motherland, measure the motherland with their own legs, and use practical actions to expose the DPP's various lies of "de-Sinicization". (See also this article "[After snail powder and subject 3, an Internet celebrity has broken the DPP's defenses again! ]( 》)


I believe that Ma Ying-jeou will bring back to Taiwan the common aspirations of compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait for peace, development, exchanges and cooperation. I also believe that more and more Taiwan compatriots will understand and love the mainland, and work with their compatriots on the mainland to jointly promote the peaceful and integrated development of cross-Strait relations, jointly safeguard peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, and jointly commit to the great cause of national rejuvenation.

On April 10, when meeting with Ma Ying-jeou and his party, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are all Chinese. There is no knot in the Taiwan Strait that cannot be resolved, no problem that cannot be discussed, and no force that can separate us.

The distance between the Taiwan Strait constantly separates the flesh and blood ties between compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Differences in systems cannot change the objective fact that both sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to the same country and nation. External interference cannot stop the historical trend of family and country reunification.

Any perverse attempt to "de-Sinicization" will only lead to a dead end!


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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