**推荐理由:**一条帅气的裤子实在是太重要了!These classic overalls are made of the same high-quality fabric from Bird's home and come with seven protective functions such as anti-splash and scratch. They are very durable and have a stylish upper body! 如果一定要入手一条好裤子,墙裂推荐TA!

Spring is coming, and it's the season to buy new clothes again! !

Seeing that our clothes have been sold in several waves in various styles and prices, but our pants have not been available for a long time.:
It's really not that we don't sell it, but that it's not easy to find a good pair of pants.

A big brand like Home is indeed comfortable to prevent wind and water from splashing, but the price is scary enough. It often costs me half a month's salary


Why not look for big-name supply chains and see how trousers can be sold for thousands of yuan? 没想到,豁然开朗。 **
强劲的功能性服装,背后一定有强劲的功能性面料做支撑。 专业的户外服装,面料有着独特的纺织工艺、标准和要求。
For example, check fabrics that families love very much. 用梭织纤维与柔软弹力针织底复合而成,让面料兼具柔性和刚性,防风、防泼水的同时还有一定的弹性,才实现了上身好看又舒适。
** ** 很幸运的是,在了解的过程中,我们接触到了不少专业的户外服饰工厂。
其中有一家,今年冬天正好出了一款主打这类面料的防风裤!Moreover, they have just begun to transform from OEM to make their own brand. They are afraid that they will not sell well, so their product design is very sincere: 男女款都有!还有两种版型可以选!尺码还很全,S~5XL能从70斤穿到230斤!

It adopts the same high-end custom fabric as Bird's-fine plaid pattern, visible texture to the naked eye, and the quality that can be felt. The three-dimensional pockets are well held and the outdoor atmosphere is full. One pair of overalls =7 protective functionalities, anti-wrinkle, windproof, and wear-resistant. They are light, fashionable, slim and versatile. You can choose from three styles: foot strap, belt, and drawstring to satisfy the fashionable and sophisticated pairing desire.

** 本想找品牌深入聊下这个事,同款还是啥的咱们给粉丝说清楚。

** 直接回复我们那是一个面料商、同样的面料。** (品方发了面料厂、工厂视频佐证,但出于商业保密原因,怕🐦方面追责,推文不能露出。)

经我们实物体验,确实是Thin and scratch-resistant, water-resistant, slightly elastic
It's really not like it! ⬆️裤子面料⬆️ 除了面料够猛之外,裤子The layout is also very good. 立体廓形剪裁,多余的肉肉和不够笔直的双腿都隐藏在裁剪得当的裤腿中。
显直, 显瘦,显干练。

Wear it comfortably! 为了运动、户外而生的裤子,上蹿下跳是常规操作。
其他细节也深得我意:** 腰部弹力够大。** 好裤子得带点包容,让你忘记身材焦虑

All kinds of considerate widgets are a bonus. There are multiple pockets in front and back, so you don't need to bring a bag when wearing it for daily commuting; 还有可挂钥匙、挂小物件儿的吊环、腰部松紧等等贴心设计,把宜穿度给拉满了!(3个款式的腰带裤兜设计不同,下文详细介绍)

抛掉logo、营销、过度包装设计, 我们谈下来的价格是:
**99包邮! There are also two multi-color models to choose from, so you can wear them all year round ~ **

Waist range from 65 to 86, weight from 79 to 230, and height from 155 to 198! **SENLINJEEPSD硬核七防收口裤(两款可选)**男女同款,显瘦有型 防风、防泼水、防磨蹭 通勤、运动、户外活动都好穿!
ˇClick on the picture below to buy️ **下面为大家详细介绍一下两款裤子的版型设计 **

*Model 3513: 简单大方的直筒工装裤版型,**一条裤子上共有5个兜!**这下就连爬山都不用背包了~



You can also hang keys and bags on the back side, and the practical performance is full!



Simple, generous, sporty and good-looking.
ˇClick on the picture below to buy️ Model 3713: 典型的束脚工装裤版型,比上面两款都更西部、更干练的设计。

Two oversized trouser pockets on the front + one on the back, making it simple and practical to wear.


SENLINJEEPSD hard-core seven-proof close-up pants男女同款,显瘦有型 防风、防泼水、防磨蹭 通勤、运动、户外活动都好穿! 推文价:99** ⬇️点击下图即可购买⬇️**

It adopts the same high-end custom fabric as Bird's-fine plaid pattern, visible texture to the naked eye, and the quality that can be felt. The three-dimensional pockets are well held and the outdoor atmosphere is full. One pair of overalls =7 protective functionalities, anti-wrinkle, windproof, and wear-resistant. They are light, fashionable, slim and versatile. You can choose from three styles: foot strap, belt, and drawstring to satisfy the fashionable and sophisticated pairing desire.



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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