The Steel Association held a seminar on the steel bar market to actively, steadily and effectively respond to market changes--

Adhere to benefit orientation and strengthen regional self-discipline

Report from this newspaper On March 29, the China Iron and Steel Association organized a seminar on the steel bar market to analyze and judge the recent steel bar market situation and later trends, and exchange and study countermeasures. Luo Tiejun, Vice President of the Steel Association, and Wang Yingsheng, Chief Economist, attended the meeting and delivered speeches. Deputy Secretary-General Shi Hongwei presided over the meeting. Marketing leaders from 15 leading steel bar production companies from all over the country, as well as relevant personnel from the Steel Association's Market Research Department, Information Statistics Department, Planning and Development Department, and Industrial Operation Department attended the meeting.

The participating companies introduced the production and sales of their respective companies and the start of construction projects in their areas. Overall, from January to February this year, steel bar output was 32.1 million tons, down 0.3% year-on-year. However, inventories increased year-on-year, steel bar prices showed an irrational and sharp decline, and steel bar production companies were in a state of meager profit or loss. The reasons are as follows: first, the real estate market continues to decline, with new construction area and sales area continuing to decline significantly year-on-year, and the completed area changing from increase to decrease; second, some local governments are short of funds and the intensity of infrastructure has weakened. Due to insufficient funds, new construction projects have been started. With the decrease, 12 high-risk debt provinces and cities across the country have postponed or suspended construction of infrastructure projects, and some areas with higher debt have also followed the implementation, resulting in sluggish demand for steel bars.

In the face of the weakening demand for steel bar, the participating enterprises have taken proactive measures. First, the implementation of equipment maintenance, shut down part of the blast furnace, reduce smelting intensity and other measures to reduce steel production. For example, 18 of the 51 blast furnaces in Shanxi (accounting for 38.4% of the total furnace capacity) are shut down for overhaul; Sichuan smelting Control (the production capacity of building materials is about 10 million tons per year, mainly electric furnace steel) shortens the daily smelting operation time to 13 hours; the total volume of Hegang's shutdown and overhaul blast furnace reached 5000 cubic meters. The second is to adjust and optimize the variety structure and reduce the proportion of construction steel. For example, Jianlong continues to adjust the variety structure, and the proportion of construction steel is reduced to 36%; Shaanxi Steel implements flexible production according to steel bar orders, and puts into production of medium and heavy plate production line. Third, the participating enterprises have generally taken measures to reduce the inventory of steel bars and reduce operational risks. The fourth is to change the business strategy and give full play to the quality brand effect. For example, Shagang continues to reduce its steel bar production, from 500000 tons per month in the past to more than 100,000 tons at present, of which more than half are high-strength steel bars of more than 500 MPA. Shagang adopts the strategy of direct supply and direct sales to self-built units of houses and factories, and the direct sales premium of some steel bar brands is more than 400 yuan per ton.

Regarding the trend of the steel bar market in the later period, companies agreed that with the improvement of large-scale infrastructure and the end of the era of rapid development and rapid growth of the real estate industry, the peak demand for steel bars has passed, and the weakening of demand intensity is an inevitable trend. In the long run, the rigid demand for housing and the demand for improvement and security are long-term, and the new construction area in the future will remain at 1 billion square meters/year or will become the norm; compared with developed countries, China's infrastructure construction, especially There is still a large space for energy infrastructure construction in general; although the demand intensity for steel bars has weakened, it will still be a large variety among the 22 major categories of steel. In the short term, with the gradual implementation of the policy of stable growth, the fund pressure of construction projects will be relieved, but it is necessary to be on guard against the impulse to resume production, resulting in excessive release of production capacity and a new round of imbalance between supply and demand again.

Faced with market changes, the participating companies unanimously recommended that government departments should support the promotion and application of high-strength steel bars and steel structures through the guidance of mandatory standards; implement incentive policy support for environmental protection innovation companies; strengthen verification of the authenticity of steel price information published on some information websites and strengthen supervision of excessive speculation in the futures market; when the market regulation mechanism is weak, the government should take effective production restriction measures in a timely manner to maintain the smooth operation of the steel market.

Wang Yingsheng pointed out that it is necessary to recognize the general trend emerging from the peak of the construction market and make structural adjustments from a long-term plan. Like high-end products, we should increase the direct sales ratio of various companies.

Luo Tiejun emphasized that it is everyone's consensus that the trend of declining demand for construction steel is declining. This year's construction market demand has lagged significantly behind. As national policies are implemented, it is expected to hit a bottom. Everyone should pay close attention to market changes, adjust the pace of production according to market demand in accordance with the principle of "three determinations and three don't", and must not increase production significantly when market demand improves slightly; leading enterprises in each region must play a leading role in maintaining market stability and strengthen regional self-discipline to achieve profitable income and cash profits; steel bar and coil snail products have strong regional attributes, so all enterprises must deeply cultivate the regional market and maintain the regional market well. (Market Research Department of Steel Association)

National Development and Reform Commission:Accelerate the development of new productive forces with pragmatic measures

Report from our newspaper (Reporter Jia Linhai) Recently, Zheng Zhajie, Director of the National Development and Reform Commission, attended the 2024 annual meeting of the China Development Forum and said that he would continue to take pragmatic measures to accelerate the development of new productive forces.

The first is to lead industrial innovation with technological innovation. Accelerate the building of innovation capabilities, implement a number of major scientific and technological projects, and strengthen the dominant position of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation. Accelerate the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, implement actions to improve the core competitiveness of the manufacturing industry and technological transformation and upgrading projects, and promote the high-end, intelligent and green development of the manufacturing industry. Accelerate the cultivation and expansion of emerging industries, promote the deep integration of digital technology and the real economy, the integration of advanced manufacturing and modern service industries, implement the "Data Element ×" action plan, and create new growth engines such as biomanufacturing, commercial aerospace, new materials, and low-altitude economy. Accelerate the layout of future industries, open up new tracks such as quantum technology and life sciences, and carry out the "artificial intelligence +" action.

The second is to promote innovation in systems and mechanisms. Further improve the basic market system, formulate national unified market construction standards and guidelines, and issue a new version of the negative list for market access. Further optimize the business environment, improve the regular communication mechanism with enterprises, and implement actions to improve the business environment. Further promote green and low-carbon transformation, strengthen green manufacturing, develop green service industries, strengthen green energy industries, and build a green and low-carbon circular economy system.

The third is to expand high-level opening up. Strengthen international scientific and technological cooperation, support foreign-funded science and technology enterprises to jointly carry out scientific and technological research with domestic scientific research institutions or enterprises, and thoroughly implement the "Belt and Road" scientific and technological innovation action plan. Strengthen personnel exchanges and cooperation, further improve the convenience of Chinese and foreign personnel exchanges, and provide convenience for foreign personnel to work, study and travel in China. Strengthen investment and economic cooperation, steadily expand institutional opening up, further promote high-level opening up of cross-border service trade and investment, make greater efforts to introduce foreign investment, accelerate the introduction of the 2024 version of the negative list for foreign investment access, continue to support the construction of a number of major foreign investment projects, Expand market access such as digital products, and vigorously promote the development, opening up and circulation of data.

Zheng Zhajie said that China's cultivation and development of new productive forces will provide domestic and foreign investors with unlimited possible market opportunities and extremely broad development prospects.:China is promoting deep-level reform, high-level opening up and all-round innovation, accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system supported by advanced manufacturing, and promoting the accelerated transformation of old and new driving forces. New market demands, new investment opportunities, and new cooperation projects will emerge in large numbers, providing a broad space for various enterprises to achieve mutual benefit and common development in China.

The Ministry of Ecology and Environment will guide financial institutions to increase investment in ecological and environmental protection

Report from our newspaper (Reporter Fan Sancai) On March 27, Wang Zhibin, Director of the Science, Technology and Finance Department of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, pointed out at a regular press conference that it will explore the establishment of an ecological environment guided by fiscal funds and diversified coordination between finance and social capital. Investment model, use investment to drive the development of environmental protection industry, broaden the market space of environmental protection industry, use industrial growth to support pollution prevention and ecological construction, and promote the deep integration of investment and industry.

Environmental protection investment, environmental protection industry, and environmental protection technology play a very important role in improving environmental quality and promoting high-level protection and high-quality development. Wang Zhibin said that in 2024, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment will focus on three aspects of work:The first is to give full play to the leveraging role of central funds. Improve the central government's various fund management systems, guide local governments to strengthen the application of the results of the central ecological and environmental fund pre-reserve project list, and strengthen the organization and implementation of major projects. Guide local governments to improve the quality of project reserves, improve the effectiveness of fund use, and drive local financial investment. The second is to vigorously guide financial capital investment. Study and formulate policies and measures for financial support to the ecological environment, vigorously promote the construction of ecological and environmental protection financial project reserves, and guide financial institutions to increase investment in ecological and environmental protection. The third is to give full play to the role of natural environment production factors and explore the value realization mechanism of ecological products; actively and steadily promote the innovation of the ecological and environment-oriented development (EOD) model, strengthen EOD project research, explore highlights, condense experience, and guide various localities to accelerate the implementation of projects. Promote the integrated development of ecological environment protection and industry, and form a new path for the transformation of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets".

Metallurgical media scans the code and pays attention

edit| Li Xinrui
audit| Zhang Yao
planning| Chen Xiaoli


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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