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Eo reporter Han Xiaotong

Editor Jiang Li

Audit Feng Jie

In March 2024, the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration issued the "Guiding Opinions on the High-Quality Development of Distribution Networks under the New Situation"(Fa Gai Energy [2024] No. 187, hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions"). The "Opinions" propose to promote the transformation of the distribution network from a traditional "passive" one-way radiating network to an "active" two-way interactive system in terms of form, and from a single power supply and distribution service entity to an efficient source network load storage resource configuration platform transformation.

On March 30, 2024, the School of Applied Economics of Renmin University of China published a report on "Energy Transformation and Distribution Networks:A seminar was held on the theme of Role Evolution, Competition and Supervision. Guests at the meeting believed that with the "entry" of emerging entities such as distributed photovoltaics, the distribution network has become increasingly complex. In order to achieve sustainable and healthy development, further innovation in the price mechanism is needed.

0 1The morphological characteristics of the distribution network have undergone major changes

Ma Li, deputy chief engineer of the State Grid Energy Research Institute and director of the Institute of Enterprise Strategy, said that many changes have taken place in the distribution network in recent years. Physically, the original "trend" of the distribution network was one-way. With the emergence of emerging entities such as distributed photovoltaics, electric vehicle charging piles, and energy storage, the physical "trend" of the distribution network has changed from one-way to two-way.

Hou Shouli, an electricity price expert at the China Price Association and vice president of the Hainan Energy Association, described how the distribution network format is becoming increasingly complex. "Every enterprise user in the current and future distribution network may have multiple meters. Some meters are used to measure purchased electricity, some are used to sell electricity. The meters used to buy electricity may also be divided into self-use and energy storage."

Ma Li said that as the energy transformation progresses, the distribution network not only carries the power allocation of electricity, but also plays the role of energy allocation. "More importantly, the distribution network also 'shoulders' the important task of promoting the development of new productivity in the power system. In the past two years, with the rapid advancement of technologies such as artificial intelligence, there are more and more innovative elements on the distribution network side."

0 2Demand response needs to optimize business models

Zhang Xuan, manager of the policy research department of China Southern Power Grid Beijing Branch, pointed out that power grid investment and construction will try its best to meet the demand for the highest peak load of the system, but the peak load of the power grid only accounts for a small part of the year. As the construction of active distribution networks continues to advance and the demand-side response mechanism is gradually improved, the economics of system investment and construction will be greatly improved.

Ma Li said that as the energy transformation continues to advance, the distribution network side needs more demand-side resources to participate, and it is recommended to use price signals to guide peak cutting and filling valleys. "From a certain perspective, electric vehicles can be understood as energy storage power stations, and price signals can be used to guide charging and discharging behavior."

Zhang Xuan believes that vehicle-network interaction (V2G) is of great value. Based on the current scale, electric vehicle batteries across the country will have a huge capacity and can maintain a number of hours of national electricity. However, it is necessary to pay attention to whether electric vehicle owners have any participation. Willingness to interact with the vehicle network. "Vehicle-network interaction is good for the power grid, but for electric vehicle owners, the current economic compensation is far from enough."

As electric vehicle owners, some guests at the meeting believed that risk-averse individuals participating in vehicle-network interactions had both short-term and long-term safety risks, and they must provide enough high returns to increase their willingness to participate.

Zhang Xuan mentioned that virtual power plants can also be used to aggregate loads and then participate in demand-side response. However, the current business model is not yet mature, and efforts must be made to promote the construction of the power spot market.

0 3Price mechanism needs to be innovated

Ma Li believes that the sustainable development of the distribution network depends on the gradual introduction of market-oriented mechanisms to encourage emerging entities to participate in power balance.

As the scale of grid-connected new energy sources increases, the challenges faced by new power systems are also increasing. Conditions such as extreme cold and no light, extreme heat and no wind require regular power supplies to peak shaving. When new energy is generated, regular power supplies are required to "press down". Emerging market entities also need to bear the responsibility of system regulation and share costs.

A participant pointed out that if a distribution network park originally coordinated and balanced by power grid companies operates independently, it can only rely on the price difference between voltage levels approved by the local government to obtain benefits if the price mechanism has not yet been fully straightened out.

Many participants believed that with the active and diversified distribution networks, the price mechanism should be innovative.

Huang Ying, an associate professor at the School of Applied Economics at Renmin University of China, said that the market usually has two purposes: allocating resources and sharing costs. The basis for cost allocation is that cost accounting is technically clear and feasible. At present, distribution networks are subject to more and more technical constraints. Increasingly complex technical models will make the accounting of various costs more complex, and cost allocation will be more complex than that of traditional power grids. "It is necessary to clarify the costs of various services and various production in order to better establish a market mechanism."

Hou Shouli believes that as the energy transformation process continues to advance, capacity electricity charges should fully play a role in the distribution network in the future. It is recommended to adopt different pricing logics for capacity electricity charges of distribution networks and transmission networks.

In the future, regional power grids, provincial power grids, and distribution networks may have three-level relationships. "Now that regional power grids are allocated to provincial power grids, they will no longer be allocated downwards. At present, the provincial power grid is calculated as a whole and costs are apportioned across the province. In a sense, it is the same whether the power supply and the user are 100 meters or 100 kilometers away."

Hou Shouli suggested pricing transmission and distribution links separately. "Provincial power grids should have a separate price. When the distribution network uses provincial power grid services, it will be charged separately."

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Han Xiaotong:sarahhxt (WeChat)


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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