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Southern Energy Watch


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Feng Hongli

Integrated energy service, as a form of energy service, can optimize resource allocation, achieve hierarchical energy utilization, and improve the consumption level of new energy. At the same time, it can meet users' diversified energy consumption needs, reduce costs and carbon emissions and increase quality and efficiency. It has multiple values and significance in promoting energy transformation, serving the "dual carbon" goal, and building a new power system.

With the continuous advancement of the comprehensive energy service market, "comprehensive energy service" has been mentioned with high frequency in relevant national policy documents, its importance has been continuously increasing, and it has been included in national and local energy development plans. Since 2015, the comprehensive energy service market has generally experienced three stages of development.:The Budding Phase (2015-2016) of Integrated Energy Services, followed by the Market Cultivation Phase (2017-2021), and then the Commercial Promotion Phase (2022-Present). According to data from Qcc.com, as of today, the number of integrated energy service companies has reached 70,300, and the market size of integrated energy services is still expanding. Integrated energy services are also showing new development trends.

The development process has moved from concept proposal, pilot demonstration to commercial promotion stage

Adapt to the energy strategic targets of different periods, the focus of the comprehensive energy service has shifted from electricity substitution and carbon reduction to the construction of a new type of electric power system. The market development has gradually progressed from the initial stage, market cultivation, to commercial promotion.

Incipient stage of comprehensive energy service (2015-2016): 2015年电改9号文配套文件《关于推进售电侧改革的实施意见》指出“鼓励改革创新,整合互联网、分布式发电、智能电网等新兴技术,促进电力生产者和消费者互动,向用户提供智能综合能源服务,提高服务质量和水平”,这是国家政策层面首次提出“综合能源服务”一词。2016年《关于推进多能互补集成优化示范工程建设的实施意见》首次提出了组建综合能源服务公司,明确“鼓励采取电网、燃气、热力公司控股或参股等方式组建综合能源服务公司从事市场化供能、售电等业务,积极推行合同能源管理、综合节能服务等市场化机制”。至此,综合能源服务新业态正式崛起。

** Market cultivation stage (2017-2021):** In 2017, State Grid took the lead in releasing relevant documents for companies in various provinces to carry out comprehensive service business, setting off a boom in comprehensive energy services. Subsequently, companies such as power grid, distribution of electricity, new energy, gas, and Internet successively established integrated energy service companies or Expand comprehensive energy services business, in 2020, the "Guiding Opinions on Expanding Investment in Strategic Emerging Industries and Cultivating and Expanding Growth Poles of New Growth Points" proposed for the first time "vigorously developing comprehensive energy services". Demonstrating the country's determination to develop comprehensive energy services, the main body of the comprehensive energy service market has begun to cultivate and grow.

Business Promotion Phase (2022-Present): 2022年综合能源服务首次被纳入《“十四五”可再生能源发展规划》《“十四五”现代能源体系规划》中,具有里程碑式的重要意义。至此,综合能源服务的顶层设计逐步完善,地位上升至国家能源战略层面。之后,各部委出台的一系列能源政策文件中 更加频繁地提及 培育综合能源服务新业态、综合能源服务商新兴主体,内容也更加深入具体。

The development model has evolved from a single energy-saving service to a complementary multi-energy service

As the demand of energy services changes with users, the integrated energy development mode has been changed from a single energy-saving service to a multi-energy complementary mode, and the service scenarios are more specific.

Diversified service content. 为提高能源供需协调能力,2016年7月,《关于推进多能互补集成优化示范工程建设的实施意见》提出创新终端一体化集成供能系统商业模式,为用户提供开放共享、灵活智能的综合能源供应及增值服务。2023年,国家能源局印发《加快油气勘探开发与新能源融合发展行动方案(2023—2025年)》提出,海上打造以风电与天然气发电融合发展为主的综合能源模式。

Secondly, the service scenario is visualized. 2022年2月,国家发展改革委、国家能源局印发《关于完善能源绿色低碳转型体制机制和政策措施的意见》指出,探索建立区域综合能源服务机制。探索同一市场主体运营集供电、供热(供冷)、供气为一体的多能互补、多能联供区域综合能源系统,鼓励地方采取招标等竞争性方式选择区域综合能源服务投资经营主体。《“十四五”现代能源体系规划》也明确提出建设冷热水电气一体供应的区域综合能源系统。2023年9月,《关于加强新形势下电力系统稳定工作的指导意见》提出构建多元互补的综合能源供应体系。《2023年能源工作指导意见》提出,稳步推进有条件的工业园区、城市小区、大型公共服务区,建设以可再生能源为主的综合能源站和终端储能。

The above policies emphasize the fusion development of fossil energy and non-fossil energy, and the application scenarios and modes of comprehensive energy services are also clearer, providing a good policy environment for the development of new industries, new forms and new models such as comprehensive energy services and clarifying the development direction.

The business model has spawned new models such as advanced versions of contract energy management and participation in the power market

With the continuous iteration of new business formats and new markets, it can be roughly divided into three stages: energy-saving service period, comprehensive energy service period, and power market maturity period. The business model has gradually shifted from energy-saving benefit sharing to energy cost trusteeship contract energy management, and innovative models such as participating in the power market continue to evolve.

In the energy service period, the energy performance contracting energy management model has played a pivotal role in the energy service sector. 2010年旧版的《合同能源管理技术通则》中,仅提供了节能效益分享型合同模版。2016年7月发布的《关于推进多能互补集成优化示范工程建设的实施意见》提出,创新终端一体化集成供能系统商业模式,积极推行合同能源管理、综合节能服务等市场化机制。同时,《中华人民共和国节约能源法》经历2016年和2018年两次修订,支持推广合同能源管理等节能办法,自此合同能源管理实现了法制化。

In the era of integrated energy services, in line with the new situation of a multi-energy complementary supply system, energy cost-based outsourcing energy management has become the new mainstream business model for integrated energy services. 2020年10月1日正式实施的新版的《合同能源管理技术通则》中,由原来仅有的节能效益分享型合同模版,增加为节能效益分享型、节能量保证型和能源费用托管型三种合同模版,自此能源托管模式逐渐盛行。自2021年之后出台的文件中,国家反复重申鼓励推行能源托管模式。2021年,党中央、国务院印发了碳达峰、碳中和“1+N”系列顶层设计文件,多处明确提到了推行鼓励公共机构能源托管等内容。各大部委也纷纷出台相关鼓励政策,并出台了能源托管专项政策。2022年9月,国家机关事务管理局等正式发布《关于鼓励和支持公共机构采用能源费用托管服务的意见》,明确了能源费用托管的概念,提出了能源费用托管服务的适用条件和优先对象。这为综合能源服务采用能源托管模式提供了更加明确的指引。

** During the mature period of the electricity market, business models have become more diversified, gradually deriving new models such as energy and power trading and industrial chain integration services. ** In February 2022, the "Opinions on Improving the Energy Green and Low-Carbon Transformation Systems, Mechanisms, Policies and Measures" issued by the State Administration of Organs stated that various demand-side resources should be explored through various methods and organized to participate in demand response to support load aggregators, virtual power plant operators, integrated energy service providers, etc. participate in power market transactions and system operation regulation. Fujian has also clearly proposed to "innovate and diversify comprehensive energy service models and explore integrated business models in comprehensive energy planning and design, project investment and construction, multi-energy operation services, and investment and financing services."

At the same time, with the construction of a new power system, the comprehensive energy model transformation is also being continuously promoted. The traditional power system has begun to transform and upgrade towards digitalization, cleanness, and intelligence. The business model of comprehensive energy services has gradually increased from the previous simple energy-saving diagnosis and equipment agent operation and maintenance, to adding diversified product solutions, such as photovoltaic + electricity sales model, power leasing equipment, shared energy storage, small and micro park electricity charges + operation and maintenance hosting, load integrator exhibition, and demand response.

Business domain

Industrial energy efficiency improvements, energy management for public institutions

Demand-side management and energy digitalization become major breakthroughs

Integrated energy services are a powerful tool for low-carbon transformation of the energy industry, and an important way to improve energy efficiency and reduce energy costs. 从政策导向看,四条路径成为推动综合能源服务发展的主要突破口:一是占全社会能耗65%的工业能效提升,成为降本提效增绿的主战场;二是占比8.4%的公共机构能源托管,成为发展综合能源有利的主战场;三是终端能源消费的能效提升,是缓解电力供需紧张时的重要手段;四是低碳化、数字化的时代背景下,发展数字能源已是大势所趋。根据国际能源署(IEA)预测,采用数字化技术,可使2016年至2040年的全球 年 发电总成本降低5%,可在2040年将太阳能光伏发电和风力发电的弃电率从7%降至1.6%,从而减少3000万吨二氧化碳排放。

Industrial energy efficiency enhancement remains the mainstay of the sustainable development of the energy sector. 为促进能源提效降耗,2022年6月,工信部等六部门联合发布《工业能效提升行动计划》,提出了7项重点任务,并明确了发展目标:到2025年,重点工业行业能效全面提升,数据中心等重点领域能效明显提升,钢铁、石化化工、有色金属、建材等行业重点产品能效达到国际先进水平,规模以上工业单位增加值能耗比2020年下降13.5%。这为企业开展综合能源服务的重点服务对象、应用场景提供了更加明确的方向。

Public institution energy hosting is one of the effective means at present. 公共机构作为用能市场需求侧,用能规律清晰、运行稳定、节能潜力巨大。根据国家机关事务管理局统计核算的数据,2022年,全国公共机构数量约160万家,能源消费总量4.54亿吨标准煤,约占全国能源消费总量的8.4%。为进一步推进公共机构绿色低碳转型,2022年9月,国家机关事务管理局、国家发展改革委、财政部等三部门出台了《关于鼓励和支持公共机构采用能源费用托管服务的意见》,强调因地制宜,指出纳入重点用能单位名录、能耗超过基准值、能效未达到标准等情形的公共机构优先采用,不搞“一刀切”,确保精准有效。针对集中办公或有牵头管理单位的公共机构,明确利用集中打包形式采用能源费用托管服务。还要求新建、改造建筑时,在设计方案阶段统筹考虑能源费用托管服务,从源头上把控。

Demand response is currently an important support tool for solving power balance. 为了缓解新型电力系统建设过程中局部电力供需偏紧问题,2023年9月,国家发展改革委、工业和信息化部、财政部、住房城乡建设部、国务院国资委、国家能源局联合修订并发布了《电力需求侧管理办法(2023年版)》明确,电力需求侧管理服务机构包括负荷聚合商、售电公司、虚拟电厂运营商、综合能源服务商等。同时提出,到2025年,各地需求响应能力达到最大用电负荷的3%-5%,其中年度最大用电负荷峰谷差率超过40%的省份达到5%或以上。到2030年,形成规模化的实时需求响应能力。这意味着华东、华中、南方地区将成为综合能源服务商参与需求响应的重点市场。

Focus on digital integration to promote the construction of digital energy ecosystem. 从顶层设计层面,国务院发布了《“十四五”数字经济发展规划》,要求加快能源领域数字化转型。为贯彻落实该规划,2023年1月,工信部等六部门印发《关于推动能源电子产业发展的指导意见》,提出探索开展源网荷储一体化、多能互补的智慧能源系统建设,加快现代信息技术与能源产业深度融合,推动实现国家智慧能源系统发展战略。为进一步落实能源数字化战略,国家还出台了相关专项政策。2023年3月,国家能源局正式印发《关于加快推进能源数字化智能化发展的若干意见》,要求以数字化智能化技术加速发电清洁低碳转型,支撑新型电力系统建设,加快能源消费环节节能提效。

依托上述政策,综合能源服务商可重点从以下几个方面开拓相关业务。Substantially improve overall energy efficiency 聚焦重点行业和业务领域,提升用能工艺设备产品效率和全链条综合能效,新型用电基础设施的能效管理等,探索打造超级能效工厂。开展重点行业能量系统优化、余热余压利用、可再生能源利用、公辅设施改造、数据中心能效提升等,电机、变压器、锅炉等通用用能设备能效提升等。 Another is to carry out energy transactions. 积极开展合同能源管理、综合节能、电力交易、绿证交易以及碳交易等多元化能源服务。尤其重点针对行业龙头企业、大型国有企业、跨国公司等消费绿电、以及高耗能、高排放企业使用绿电的刚性约束需求,锚定京津冀、长三角、粤港澳等重点区域,提供绿电交易服务。 Thirdly, actively participate in demand response. 整合优化可调节负荷、分布式电源、新型储能等需求侧资源,以负荷聚合商或虚拟电厂等形式参与需求响应,创新用电服务模式。积极参与相应电能量市场、辅助服务市场、容量市场等,增加经济收益。 Four, provide versatile supply services. 重点服务新增产业、新建项目、新建园区提升其可再生能源利用水平,积极推动工业厂房、公共建筑等屋顶光伏建设和实施光伏建筑一体化应用,因地制宜推广浅层地热驱动的冷热电一体化模式。 **五是实施电能替代。**持续提升工业、建筑、交通等重点领域电气化水平,加快提高农业农村领域终端电气化水平,并通过电能替代项目参与需求响应、绿电交易等。 Six is to carry out digitization value-added services. 大力开展电力需求侧管理相关平台建设,尝试与能源、经济、气象、建筑等信息化平台互联互通。建设新型建筑电力系统和建筑智能化运行管理平台,构建智能用电融合基础设施。开展工业、商业、居民家庭等领域用电基础设施和终端设备的智能化改造,以及数据中心等基于用电大数据的新型增值服务。积极研发用能自主调优、多能协同调度等智能化用能服务等。

In summary, the government has been continuously increasing its policy support for the integrated energy industry. From a national policy perspective, the integrated energy services industry has gradually improved its policy environment in various aspects, including cultivating new forms of business in the market, developing new forms of energy consumption, innovating business models, promoting the consumption of new energy, improving industrial energy efficiency, energy management for public institutions, participating in demand response mechanisms, and promoting the improvement of digital technologies, which has provided a better business environment and more new market opportunities for enterprises, activated market vitality, and accelerated the healthy and sustainable development of the integrated energy services industry.

(This article only represents the author's personal point of view)

Translated by Feng Jie

Review Jiang Li


Author: Emma

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