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Southern Energy Watch


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Epoch Times reporters Huang Yanhua and Jiang Tao

Editor Jiang Li

Approved by Yi-Fang Chen

Before and after the National Two Sessions in 2024, energy central enterprises interact frequently with local governments. Public information shows that many central energy enterprises have recently held working talks with local governments.

State Grid:4-day, 5-province (region) talks

Recently, State Grid Corporation of China has conducted intensive exchanges with provincial local governments. From March 11 to 14, Xin Baoan, Chairman and Party Secretary of State Grid Corporation of China, held working talks with top party and government leaders in Gansu, Qinghai, Jiangxi, Anhui, and Xinjiang respectively.

Public reports show that during the talks, Gansu Province expressed the hope that the State Grid Corporation of China would speed up the planning and construction of the Gansu power transmission channel

,服务新能源高质量发展,在重点项目落地、灾后重建等方面给予更多支持;青海省 提出希望国家电网加快特高压外送通道和电网延伸工程建设,统筹推进各级电网协调发展, 在零碳产业园建设、绿色算力产业发展等方面给予更多支持;江西省 提出,希望国家电网公司加快外电入赣通道规划建设,加大供电保障力度,在新能源消纳、源网荷储一体化发展等方面给予更多支持, 更好满足经济社会发展用电需要;新疆维吾尔自治区提出,希望国家电网公司加快推动新疆清洁能源发展,提升** The construction of the "Xinjiang Power Transmission" project continues to expand the scale of power transmission, improve the local consumption capacity of green power, and accelerate the construction of new power systems; Anhui Province has proposed that it hopes that the State Grid Corporation of China will increase resource coordination efforts, improve power supply guarantee capabilities, and coordinate and promote the coordinated development of power grids at all levels. **在特高压工程和抽蓄电站建设、新能源并网消纳、新能源汽车下乡等方面给予更多支持。

Judging from open information, at present, provinces (or regions) with abundant new energy resources such as Gansu, Qinghai, Xinjiang have a strong desire to speed up power grid construction, promote power transmission and increase consumption of new energy. Provinces such as Anhui and Jiangxi have a strong demand for expediting power grid construction, promoting power transmission and ensuring power supply.

Power generation central enterprises:

Increasing coal and new energy development remains the focus of cooperation

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发电央企方面,3月以来,国家能源集团党组书记、董事长刘国跃分别与新疆维吾尔自治区、甘肃、湖南等地方主要领导进行会谈。新疆** The Uyghur Autonomous Region hopes that the National Energy Group will effectively release high-quality coal production capacity, accelerate the construction of coal transportation infrastructure, and promote “疆煤外运”增量提效。加快推动新疆煤炭资源就地转化,大力推进煤制油气示范项目建设,持续扩大产业规模 。加快推动新疆清洁能源发展,Improve the construction quality of "Xinjiang Power Transmission" projects,持续扩大电力输送规模,提高绿电就地消纳能力,加快建设以新能源为主体的新型电力系统。 甘肃省提出,希望国家能源集团继续发挥人才、技术、资金等方面优势,进一步与甘肃省深化对接、加强合作, **加大在甘投资力度,助力甘肃由“风光大省”向“风光强省”转变。湖南省提出 希望进一步加大在湘投资力度,积极参与地方新型能源体系建设,不断强化能源安全供应保障。

National Energy Group is China's largest coal production company and Xinjiang's largest coal sales company. In recent years, the National Energy Group has also increased investment in the new energy field. Public data shows that in 2023, the installed capacity of renewable energy power generation of the National Energy Group will exceed 100 million kilowatts, reaching 115 million kilowatts, accounting for 35.5%. Among them, the installed capacity of wind power will exceed 60 million kilowatts, and the installed capacity of photovoltaic will exceed 35 million kilowatts.

On March 4, Deng Jianling, General Manager and Deputy Secretary of the Party Group of Huaneng Group, met with Liu Yong, Vice Governor of Yunnan Province. Yunnan Province expressed the hope that Huaneng will continue to give full play to its advantages in energy development and other aspects to further promote the implementation of energy and power projects. Yunnan will actively study relevant support policies, strive to create a business environment that is safe for investment, safe for operation, and comfortable development, and work together to create a new situation for win-win cooperation between local enterprises.

On the same day, Liu Mingsheng, Chairman and Party Secretary of the State Power Investment Corporation, met with Huang Yali, Secretary of the Alxa League Committee of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Huang Yali said that Alxa League is at a critical stage of transformation and development, and hopes that both parties will jointly promote the implementation of the "Mengning" energy cooperation framework agreement and expand cooperation in the construction of green electricity consumption projects.

On the morning of March 14, the CPC Committee Secretary and Chairman of China General Nuclear Power Corporation (CGN), Yang Changli and the CPC Committee Deputy Secretary and General Manager Gao Ligang visited Huang Kunming, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, and Wang Weizhong, deputy secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and governor of Guangdong Province in Guangzhou. Guangdong is willing to expand cooperation with CGN in applying nuclear technologies in fields such as seed industry, life and health, and environmental protection, and enhance innovative synergy around nuclear safety frontiers, new energy storage, and marine ranches. CGN will give full play to its core advantages in nuclear power and new energy, and accelerate the construction of ongoing projects and the implementation of planned projects.

Ramped-up investment in energy projects high on local concerns

Step up energy investment and promote project implementation which are the key points for local governments to promote communication and cooperation with central enterprises.

From March 1 to 2, Liaoning Province held two consecutive symposia in Beijing to deepen cooperation with central enterprises. More than 50 principal heads of central enterprises attended the meetings. Liaoning Province hopes that central enterprises will further increase their deployment and investment in Liaoning and continuously open up new areas and paths for cooperation.

Public information shows that at the symposium, China Huaneng signed the "Cooperation Agreement for Offshore Wind Power Project in Yingkou City." According to the agreement, all parties will increase cooperation in offshore wind power project development and clean energy industry base construction around the three-year action for Liaoning's comprehensive revitalization of a new breakthrough. National Energy Group stated that it will strengthen coal supply guarantee and reliability management of operating units, accelerate the Shenxi Phase II expansion and Zhuanghe heating renovation project, continue to increase investment in Liaoning, and accelerate the implementation of planned projects; Give full play to the coupling advantages of traditional energy and clean energy, promote the construction of new energy base projects such as Kangping ***"Wind, Wind and Fire Storage" and Hunjiang "Wind, Wind and Water Storage", cultivate and expand emerging industries, and strengthen hydrogen energy, energy storage, and million-ton CCS and CCUS technology research and development and project demonstration. PetroChina stated that it will continue to deepen cooperation between the two parties, increase oil and gas exploration and development efforts, actively promote the transformation and upgrading of refining and chemical business, increase marketing and network construction efforts, accelerate the construction of oil and gas reserve facilities, and accelerate the layout of new energy businesses.

Sichuan, a province with major oil and gas resources, also performed positively. On March 2, Huang Qiang, Deputy Secretary of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee and Governor, led a team to visit China National Petroleum Corporation and China Petrochemical Corporation in Beijing respectively, and held talks with Dai Houliang, Chairman of PetroChina, and Ma Yongsheng, Chairman of Sinopec. Huang Qiang expressed the hope that PetroChina and Sinopec would give full play to their leading advantages in the industry, continuously increase investment in oil and gas exploration and development in Sichuan, accelerate the construction of production capacity projects, and support Sichuan in building a national natural gas (shale gas) production capacity base of 100 billion cubic meters. At the same time, we will provide more support to resource areas, deepen cooperation in natural gas development, gas and power project construction, clean energy, etc., and promote Sichuan to accelerate the complementary development of multiple energy such as water, wind, hydrogen, and natural gas. Sichuan will provide front-line services, strengthen guarantees, and speed up project procedures. Handle, provide support in terms of incentives for new energy indicators, and promote pragmatic cooperation to a new level.

In recent years, energy investment has grown rapidly and has become an important part of expanding investment and stabilizing growth in various places. The National Energy Administration disclosed that in 2023, the completed investment in key energy projects under construction and planned to start within the year will be approximately 2.8 trillion yuan, and the completed investment in new energy will increase by more than 34% year-on-year. Among them, the investment in solar power generation exceeded 670 billion yuan. It can be seen from the list of major construction projects in 2024 released by various provinces that energy projects have a large total investment and a large number of projects, making them one of the types of major project construction that has attracted much attention from various localities.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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