China, a nation with expansive coastal waters, not only possesses rich terrestrial resources, but its vast territorial sea also holds countless mysteries and treasures.

In this sea area where the waves are vast and mighty, our naval soldiers patrol day and night, safeguarding the maritime rights of our country.

In this maritime area, there is another group of unsung heroes—the Chinese fishermen, who write extraordinary stories in their ordinary life.

In recent years, Chinese fishermen have repeatedly found and salvaged listening devices that other countries have deployed in Chinese waters during fishing operations. These devices are often used to steal Chinese military and civilian information.

This action by the fishermen not only maintained national security, but also brought hatred from those countries that attempted to spy on Chinese secrets through illegal means.

Recently, Chinese fishermen have made another great contribution. During a routine fishing operation, the fishermen unexpectedly discovered a merchant ship from World War II.

Not only does this merchant ship possess extremely high historical value, even more shocking is that it carries a large amount of treasure that was plundered by Japan during that time, and it is estimated to be worth up to 500 billion.

This discovery immediately attracted widespread international attention. The United States and Japan were particularly excited and unanimously demanded that China return the merchant ship and its property.

The U.S. believes that the ship was sunk by the U.S. military during the Second World War, so the treasure on board should be regarded as spoils of war and should be returned to the United States. On the other hand, Japan insists that the treasure was originally shipped out of Japan and should be returned to Japan.

Given that the merchant ship was found in China’s territorial sea, it and its cargo rightfully belong to China according to relevant regulations under Chinese and international maritime law.

The discovery by the Chinese fishermen is not only a defense of the country’s sovereignty but also a witness to history. These treasures are evidence of the plundering of China and other Southeast Asian countries by Japan during World War II, tangible proof of that shameful history.

In fact, Chinese fishermen are not only laborers at sea, but also guardians of national security and witnesses to history. Their keen observation and high level of vigilance have exposed those who attempt to infringe upon China's maritime rights and steal secrets.

I deeply admire the heroic behavior of fishermen. Their actions demonstrate that every citizen can play an important role in defending national security and safeguarding national interests. These fishermen may not have received higher education or have a prominent social status, but their patriotism and sense of responsibility are awe-inspiring.

In summary, the discovery of this merchant ship and its treasures is not only a great economic wealth, but also a historical testimony and a national honor. It records the past humiliation and struggle, and reminds us to remember history and move forward with determination.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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