Since its founding, the People's Republic of China has taken every step steadily and powerfully on the world stage. The birth of the PRC not only marks that the Chinese people have stood up, but also means that Chinese diplomacy has entered a new chapter. Diplomatic relations with other nations followed one by one, and friendly relations between China and the USSR laid the cornerstone for the PRC's diplomacy.

In the early days of the founding of New China, the establishment of diplomatic relations with the former Soviet Union gained China valuable diplomatic space and experience.

Following that, Bulgaria, Hungary, and other countries established diplomatic relations with China, and China's diplomatic circle gradually expanded.

By the end of the 1950s, the relationship between China and the Soviet Union had started to show cracks, the once "big brother" had become a competitor, international relations are ever-changing, verifying the saying "there are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests".

In the 1970s, relations between China and the US saw a breakthrough. During the Cold War, the two countries began secret diplomatic contacts based on shared national interests.

President Nixon's visit to China not only broke the ice between China and the United States after more than two decades, but also opened a new era in Sino-U.S. relations.

This historic handshake was not only a meeting of two leaders of major powers, but also marked the beginning of cultural exchange and cooperation between the East and the West.

It should be noted that even when diplomatic relations are established between countries, it does not mean that everything will go smoothly. This was amply demonstrated by a minor incident that occurred during the 1986 US naval visit to China.

At that time, the U.S. warship did not fly the flag as tradition, which was a sign of disrespect and dishonesty towards the Chinese navy.

Ma Xin Chun, Commander of the Northern Fleet, then decisively ordered the withdrawal of the honour guard and said:“Show your attitude, think it through and come again” demonstrates China's attitude with concrete actions:On issues of principle, China will never make concessions.

This incident, though seemingly minor, is of great significance. It is not merely a matter of diplomatic etiquette, but also a reflection of China's adherence to principle and defense of its dignity.

As the ancients said:A person cannot live without shame. If one is shameless, one is actually the most shameful. A country that cannot even uphold its dignity and principles, how can it gain a foothold on the international stage?

China's diplomatic development has been full of twists and turns and challenges. However, no matter what kind of predicament or pressure it faces, China always adheres to the path of peaceful development and sticks to its principles and the bottom line.

This dedication has not only won the respect of the international community, but also won precious development opportunities for China.

Today, China is the world's second-largest economy, with an increasing international profile. All of these achievements are results of the wisdom and resilience of Chinese diplomacy.

That episode during the first visit to China, although only a small disturbance in the Sino-US relations, it profoundly reflected the principle and bottom line of China's diplomacy.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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