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日前,Shanghai Jiao Tong University College of Integrated Circuits and Micro-electronics Inaugurated ,《上海交通大学和闵行区人民政府共建集成电路学院与集成电路产教融合创新平台的战略框架合作协议》正式签署。根据协议, Minhang District People's Government and Shanghai Jiaotong University will cooperate in terms of integrating regional integrated circuit disciplines, technological research and development, and achievement transformation to propel industrial economic development. They will carry out cooperation in aspects including district-school resource integration and sharing, innovative development of the integrated circuit industry, and talent exchange and interaction, and build a new highland for the integrated circuit industry.

Attended the conference were: Deputy Mayor of Shanghai and Secretary of Minhang District Party Committee Chen Yujian; Deputy Secretary of Minhang District Party Committee and Mayor of Minhang District Chen Huawen; Deputy Director of Shanghai Municipal Development and Reform Commission Qiu Wenjin; Deputy Director of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission Sun Zhenrong; Member of the Standing Committee of Minhang District Party Committee and Deputy Mayor of Minhang District Zhao Liang; Deputy Mayor of Minhang District Zhang Xian; Party Secretary of Shanghai Jiao Tong University Yang Zhenbin; President of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Ding Kuiling; school leaders Zhang Ansheng, Lin Litai and Zhang Zhaoguo; deans, academicians of brother universities; relevant departments and experts; and representatives from enterprises. The ceremony was presided over by the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President Zhu Xinyuan.

Contribute Jiaotong University's wisdom to the field of integrated circuits 上海交通大学集成电路学院的成立,是学校贯彻落实习近平总书记考察上海重要讲话精神,响应落实科教兴国战略的重要实践。同时,学院的成立将为闵行产业升级和高质量发展,全力打造科学、科技、科创“三科之城”注入全新活力。
Strengthening the Fusion of Production and Education to Promote Talent Cultivation 为更好地指导集成电路学院的学术方向和战略发展,集成电路学院成立学术指导委员会,聘请多名院士担任首批学术指导委员会委员。同时,为加强集成电路学院产教融合协同技术攻关和人才培养,集成电路学院成立产教协同专家委员会,邀请二十余名重点企业专家担任首批专家委员。
Exploration of a New Model for Collaborative Industry-Academia Cooperation in Production, Learning, Research, and Teaching 为搭建校企协同的新型产学研教融合平台,集成电路学院与十余家合作企业签署战略合作框架协议,后续将与签约单位在技术研发、人才培养等方面展开合作,不断提升科技成果转化“加速度”,探索“人才培养—人才集聚—科技创新—产业升级”循环联动的发展新生态。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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