Blossoming flowers in warm spring

_What new choice is there for visiting flowers in the garden? _

Right in Shanghai, there are more choices than you can imagine!

A park that "grows" along the S20 outer ring


根据规划,在“十四五”末,上海沿外环两侧将“编织”出一根镶嵌了50颗“环上公园”明珠的生态项链,Promoting Shanghai's transformation from "Garden in a City" to "City in a Garden"

浦东新区、普陀区、 闵行区、 宝山区 四区融媒体中心**_一起沿着外环线“转圈圈”
带你兜遍S20环城生态绿带上的春意 _**
_April 2 (14:00 tomorrow) Shanghai S20 City Flower Discovery Live Broadcast

小观与你相约4月2日下午2点,一场特别的外环赏花云游活动,将在**@上观新闻** 微信视频号、抖音、快手、b站、今日头条、腾讯新闻、百度等平台;浦东观察app、@ReleasePudong微信视频号、抖音号;@Shanghai Putuo app、微信视频号;@Today's Minhang微信视频号;@Shanghai Baoshan微信视频号、 抖音号、宝山汇App 等多平台同步直播~~
_ 微信扫码预约,不错过直播


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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