_ 1 _Inflation in the US hit a new 40-year high of 7.9% in February.1、富士康70亿跨界投资风光储!** 2. Northeast Energy Regulatory Bureau:No other reasons may be used to restrict photovoltaic users from accessing the power grid3、中国首个中国籍船舶碳排放管理机构成立 China's first self-developed hydrogen-powered intercity train successfully completes trial run5、国网山东电力上线虚拟电厂运营服务平台6、 哈密煤电大南湖二矿获采矿许可证7、中国核电2024年计划投资千亿!加码核电、核能多用途、新能源等 8. Uruguay to import French green hydrogen train 9、印度决定继续对华太阳能电池组件用EVA塑料片征收反倾销税**

** **

_ 2 _Corporate Trending

1. 25 national standards led by State Grid Corporation of China were approved and released

Recently, 25 national standards, such as "Method for Drawing Atmospheric Corrosion Maps", "Lithium Ion Batteries for Power Storage", and "Operation Control Requirements for Microgrid Clusters", led by relevant institutions of State Grid Corporation of China, were approved and issued by the State Administration for Market Regulation (National Standardization Administration Committee). These 25 standards were led by different entities including State Grid Shandong Electric Power, China Electric Power Research Institute, and State Grid Electric Power Research Institute. They cover aspects such as anti-corrosion of power transmission and transformation projects, electrochemical energy storage, and power system management. They standardize the drawing methods for regional atmospheric corrosion maps, the management of power storage batteries, and the construction and operation of microgrids. They also propose error requirements for interpolation models of atmospheric corrosion drawings and technical requirements for energy storage batteries that match the actual operating conditions of power storage; these standards are of great importance for ensuring the safe supply of electricity, promoting the transformation and upgrading of energy, and realizing sustainable development.

China Guodian Power founded a thermal power company in Dongying

As learned by the International Energy Network, Guodian (Dongying) Thermal Power Co., Ltd. was recently established. According to the Tianyancha App, the company’s legal representative is Fu Jun, with a registered capital of RMB 840 million. Its business scope includes power generation, power transmission, power supply and distribution, heat production and supply, animal husbandry, aquaculture, wind power generation technical services, centralized fast charging stations, Chinese herbal medicine planting, on-site hydrogen refueling, and storage hydrogen facility sales.

3. Jinko Solar Guangzhou establishes photovoltaic equipment subsidiary

According to Qichacha, Guangzhou Jinko Photovoltaic Equipment Co., Ltd. was established on March 15 with a registered capital of 1 million yuan. Its business scope includes the sales of solar thermal power generation equipment; and the sales of photovoltaic devices and components. This company is wholly owned by JinkoSolar.

4. Ke Xiang Co., Ltd.:Terminates sodium battery project with an investment of 2 billion yuan

On March 19, Kexiang announced that, combined with factors such as the company's strategic development, the company decided to terminate the "Investment Intention Contract for the New 6GWH Sodium Ion New Energy Battery Project." It was previously announced that the company held the seventh meeting of the second board of directors on March 3, 2023 to review and approve the "Proposal on Signing the Investment Intention Contract for the New 6gwh Sodium Ion New Energy Battery Project", and signed the "Investment Intention Contract for the New 6GWH Sodium Ion New Energy Battery Project" with the People's Government of Xinfeng County to invest in the construction of a sodium ion battery and materials new energy industrial park. The project mainly produces and operates sodium ion batteries and materials R & D, production and sales. The total investment is 2 billion yuan.

_ 3 _Industry highlights 1. Wang Bohua:Issues such as mandatory energy storage ratio still plague the development of the photovoltaic industry 3月21日,阳光电源PAT2024 先进技术研讨会在安徽合肥举行。中国光伏行业协会名誉理事长王勃华在会上表示目前光伏行业发展主要存在着四大挑战,一是光伏消纳问题严重,并广泛蔓延至分布式光伏领域,没有并网接入容量的问题正在越来越多的地区显现;二是光伏电力参与市场化交易已成大势所趋,光伏的发展模式和收益模式面临着很大的变化;三是非理性投资与扩产现象频发,并由此引发低价中标价格内卷等行业问题;四是强制投资配套,强制储能配比,用地困难等老问题仍然困扰着行业发展。 National Energy Administration Releases Action Plan for Key Tasks of Distribution Network Safety Risk Control 3月21日,国家能源局发布《配电网安全风险管控重点行动工作方案》,方案提到,工作重点主要从配电网网架结构、新型并网主体接入、设备设施安全管理、运行维护、转型升级过程中的网络安全、应急处置等方面开展分析。 Yunnan Province suffered consecutive droughts in winter and spring, causing severe damage to hydropower

Yunnan Province is currently experiencing an unusually long-lasting winter-spring drought, which has a severe impact on local hydroelectric power generation and agricultural production. Yunnan Province has been an important hydroelectric power base in China, especially playing a vital role in the power supply to Guangdong Province. However, with the prolongation of the drought, Yunnan's hydropower is facing unprecedented challenges. According to reports, most of Yunnan's hydropower stations rely on natural water sources for power generation. The drought has led to a significant decrease in the water storage of reservoirs, subsequently affecting the power generation capacity. In order to cope with this emergency, many localities in Yunnan have initiated emergency responses. Measures such as adjusting water sources and optimizing power generation plans have been adopted to mitigate the impact of the drought on the electricity supply as far as possible.

_ 4 _International Focus

Latin America's largest energy storage facility begins operating in Chile

According to the Economic and Commercial Office of the Embassy in the Republic of Chile, Chile's "Three O'clock" reported on March 19 that on Monday, the Chilean Energy Company (Engie Chile) was authorized by the National Electricity Coordination Bureau (CEN) to conduct commercial operations in Latin America. BESS Coya, the largest energy storage park in Latin America, is conducting commercial operations. The project has an installed capacity of 139 megawatts and an energy storage capacity of 638 megawatt hours. It uses lithium batteries to store renewable energy generated by photovoltaics.

U.S. crude oil exports hit record high in 2023

U.S. crude oil exports hit a record high in 2023, averaging 4.1 million barrels per day (b/d), 13% (+482,000 b/d) above the previous annual record set in 2022, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. U.S. crude oil exports have increased each year since the United States lifted its ban on most crude oil exports in 2015, with the exception of 2021.

Call for Papers


2024 Second Zhejiang Optical Storage Industry Development Conference

March 22-23, Hangzhou, Zhejiang

Supervising Unit:Department of Economy and Information Technology of Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Provincial Energy Bureau

Organizer:Zhejiang Solar Photovoltaic Industry Association Guoneng Energy Research Institute

Hosting organization:International Energy Network Photovoltaic Headlines Energy Storage Headlines

Customer Relationship Management:

State Grid Zhejiang Company Huaneng Group Zhejiang Company Datang Group Zhejiang Company Zhejiang Company Zheneng Group New Energy Company Zhengtai Xinenergy Huawei Digital Energy Jinlang Technology Hewang Electric Eleven Technology Tianhefu Jiarunma Solar Energy One New Energy LONGi Green Energy Tongwei Shares Jinke Energy Huasheng New Energy Zhongrun Solar Technology Ouda Optoelectronics Shandong Installation Jinyuan Huaxing

Meeting Content: 聚焦“光伏、储能”产业高质量发展,探讨光储大基地、工商业光伏、工商业储能、户用光伏等应用模式,共同分享发展成果和思路,以及技术路径、示范项目、产业未来等趋向性话题。

Attending Guests: 邀请国家主管部委,科研机构,行业机构,省经信委、省能源局及其部分市县级主管部门的领导,五大六小电力集团、能源央国企等电源电源企业,金融机构、设计院、EPC、光储产业链企业的管理者和代表,省协会会员,主流媒体等。

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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