On April 1, the Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep Cooperation Zone (hereinafter referred to as the Cooperation Zone) will implement the line division management policy for a full month

How have the results been over the past month?


Number of tax-free import entities doubles

** 据统计,一个月来,合作区执委会会同拱北海关等有关部门确定的免税进口主体数量由33家升至60
智慧口岸公共服务平台注册用户总数已达163,000,“二线”通道通行申报备案车辆About 126,000 vehicles。约2,500 澳门居民经审核适用允许携带相关动植物产品进入横琴合作区优惠政策,共登记携带相关动植物产品Nearly 800 batches 。合作区分线管理政策咨询专窗及两个线下咨询处,累计提供服务More than 3200 orders。各项数据显示,合作区分线管理平稳实施,澳门居民正加速融入横琴。

分线管理实施一个月来,据横琴边检统计,经“一线”横琴口岸出入境旅客About 1.759 million people,同比增长35%,出入境车辆 Over 178,000 times,其中单牌车Over 118,000 rides。海关验放经“二线”4条公路通道出区车辆Over 1,460,000 ,“二线”各通道平稳有序,海关监管机制运转高效顺畅。

Multiple Measures to Enhance Customs Clearance Experience


为提升通关体验,海关在出境大厅与安检X-ray machine sharing,旅客行李过一次机即可通关;在入境大厅设立**“新家园”便捷通道** ,澳门4类居民携带7大类300多种动植物产品快速通关。分线管理政策实施以来,超14万人次经横琴口岸“新家园”便捷通道高效通关。

4月1日零时,在分线管理政策正式实施一个月之际,The third phase of the Hengqin Checkpoint of the Macao-side Port Area and the relevant extension area was officially handed over to the Macao SAR Government ,这也标志着,横琴口岸澳方口岸区及相关延伸区完成全部移交。据透露,近期Hengqin Port Passenger and Cargo Vehicle Channel Escort Inspection Hall 也将正式启用,届时,通关车辆及随车人员将无须绕行旅检大厅,将大幅提升通关体验。

Hengqin Port, a landmark project of infrastructure interconnectivity between Qindao and Macao and also an important channel for Guangdong-Macao exchanges, is continuously enhancing the driving force for Macao residents to integrate into Hengqin, as various supporting software and hardware are gradually improved. In the next step, the Cooperation Zone will make precise announcements on the separation management policies, strive to make full use of the policies, give full play to the benefits, and bring benefits to enterprises and people as soon as possible. It will promote the efficient and convenient flow of logistics, people, capital and information between Qindao and Macao more extensively, helping to create a high-level open environment for the integration of Qindao and Macao.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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