For those who are getting ready to replace their home appliances

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From March 30 to December 31, 2024

Shanghai to Roll Out New Round of

Green and smart home appliance consumption subsidy policy

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上海市新一轮绿色智能家电消费补贴政策内容为: For 16 categories of energy-efficient home appliances, during the implementation period of the subsidy policy, consumers enjoy a one-time discount subsidy of 10% of the transaction price, with a subsidy amount not exceeding RMB 1,000.

It is reported that 16 major categories cover air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, TVs, range hoods, cookers, water heaters, dishwashers, computers, printers, air purifiers, rice cookers, microwave ovens, electric stoves, electric fans, water purifiers, etc.

Please note:

计算机、打印机、空气净化器、电饭煲、微波炉、电磁炉、电风扇、净水机等均是Newly Added to the Shanghai Green & Intelligent Household Appliances Consumer Subsidy List

So, here comes the question

Where can I buy subsidized home appliances?

** List publicity **

Recently, the Municipal Commission of Commerce (MCC) has published the list of service agencies for the "Shanghai Green Smart Home Appliance Consumption Subsidy Policy for 2024" and the first batch of participating companies on its official website. Citizens can enjoy special subsidies by purchasing green smart home appliances on multiple online platforms and physical stores such as Suning Easy Buy, JD Home Appliances, Tmall Excellence, New World City, Lianhua Supermarket, etc.

Journalists saw in the announcement issued by the municipal commerce commission that China UnionPay Shanghai Branch Co., Ltd., Alipay (China) Network Technology Co., Ltd., and Tenpay Payment Technology Co., Ltd. are to be confirmed as service agencies to implement the "Shanghai Green and Intelligent Home Appliance Consumption Subsidy Policy for 2024".

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Aside from government subsidies

Some well-known home appliance brands

Also offered a promotional "big gift bag"

The "Mei's Home" WeChat mini-program issues "Mei Green Renewal Coupon" and dedicated renewal subsidies;

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Han Jianhua, secretary of the party branch of the Shanghai Electrical Appliances Commerce Industry Association, said that China's home appliance market has entered the "era of increasing stock and incremental volume" from the simple "era of incremental volume". In 2023, the stock of major home appliances such as refrigerators, washing machines, and air conditioners will exceed 3 billion units, and the demand and potential for upgrading and replacement are huge. "Next, the association will hold a kitchen appliance summit, a dryer promotion month, the third dishwasher festival, and a healthy home appliance festival to promote green and intelligent home appliances entering more urban families with the help of Shanghai's new round of green and intelligent home appliance consumption subsidy policies."

据市商务委介绍,The previous round of Shanghai's subsidy policy for the promotion of green and intelligent home appliance consumption ended at 22:00 on December 22, 2023, after starting on October 1, 2022. The total subsidy fund was 200 million yuan. 按照政策,年满18周岁的在沪消费者在参与企业的门店或电商平台购买符合条件的产品,按照剔除所有折扣优惠后成交价格的10%享受一次立减机会;可购买若干件符合条件的补贴产品,最高不超过1000元。符合条件的补贴产品包括空调、电冰箱(含冰柜)、洗衣机(含干衣机)、电视机、热水器(含壁挂炉)、吸油烟机、燃气灶(含集成灶)、洗碗机8大类。

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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