The following article is from New Youth 1919, written by Mr. Mingde3

La Jeunesse 1919.

I'm Professor Mingde. I just wanted to tell the truth.

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Inspired by Hu Xijin's remarks:

Revisiting an Old Story:

#Our party's principle is one: serve the people wholeheartedly!

We encourage private businesses and protect private entrepreneurs, and the aim is also one - we hope that private businesses can better benefit the people of our country, and private entrepreneurs can become role models who become rich first and then lead others to become rich.

So to get to the root of things, we must answer a core question:What kind of private companies do we ultimately encourage? Which private entrepreneurs are we protecting?

Should we encourage private enterprises like Evergrande, which is insolvent and has shifted over 20 trillion yuan of debt to the public, or private enterprises like Huawei, which operate in accordance with the law and benefit hundreds of millions of people?

Are we protecting private business owners like Xu Jiayin, who pockets the assets of publicly traded companies, or those like Ren Zhengfei, who lead all of their employees on the path to common prosperity?

This is a fundamental issue that we cannot shirk, the core issue is whether the great ideal of common prosperity can be achieved. If we do not make this issue clear, there will be people holding high the banner of protecting private enterprises and protecting private entrepreneurs, and strangling all voices criticizing the collapse of Evergrande and the embezzlement by Xu Jiayin, and even calling it – protecting private enterprises and protecting private entrepreneurs!

Would it not be absurd?

The private enterprises we encourage must stick to operating in compliance with laws and regulations, and must persist in developing real industries that benefit the people. Their existence shall in no way be for "robbing the poor to help the rich" by using shady and deceitful means. It must be for the interests of the general public, and must certainly benefit the masses.

The private entrepreneurs we protect must be examples of honesty and law-abidingness, and models of getting rich through hard work. Their existence should not at all be to demonstrate that "one can get rich first by any means", but definitely to fulfill the promise of the first getting rich leading the latter to get rich and realizing common prosperity.

Matters of principle must not be ambiguous. We must be clear on the direction of our actions. What kind of private enterprises are we encouraging? What kind of private entrepreneurs are we protecting? These are significant issues! 容不得搪塞,更容不得敷衍,一旦产生歧义,在实践中偏离既定路线,出现不是鼓励华为而是鼓励恒大、不是保护任正非而是保护许家印的声音,我们就必须正本溯源,给出明确的答复!

Huawei and Evergrande are both private enterprises, but they represent two diametrically opposing types of private enterprises.

Ren Zhengfei and Xu Jiayin are both private entrepreneurs, but they represent two very different types of private entrepreneurs.

Encourage whom, for whom?

Who to protect? Who to rely on?

These major right and wrong issues must be clarified!

(The author is a special commentator on Kunlun Ce;


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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