editor's note

Mining is no small matter. It is connected to the national economy and people's livelihood and thousands of households. At present, the role of the mining industry in high-quality economic and social development is particularly prominent, and there are constant hot spots in the mining field. Under the complex information, how to accurately grasp these hot spots, gain insight into the profound meaning behind the hot spots, and create good public opinion? To this end,"China Mining News" has specially opened a column "New Discussions on Hot Spots" to analyze and comment on hot spots in the mining field as soon as possible in the form of short comments, striving to be short, fair and practical, focusing on ideological, guiding and timeliness. Please pay attention.

After a lapse of 13 years, the national finance once again clearly proposed to support geological prospecting, which gave prospectors across the country a sense of confidence.

The "Report on the Implementation of the Central and Local Budgets in 2023 and the Draft Central and Local Budgets in 2024", known as the "National Account Book," was recently released in full by Xinhua Agency. The document clearly proposes to "support a new round of strategic actions for prospecting breakthroughs."

As we all know, prospecting activities require a large amount of capital investment with a low success rate, and there is an urgent need for sustained and stable support from funds. Judging from the total investment in geological exploration across the country, it has achieved positive growth for three consecutive years; judging from the investment structure of non-oil and gas mineral geological exploration in recent years, fiscal funds account for more than 60%, which is the absolute main fund. This time, the document clearly stated support, making the industry more full of expectations.

Continuing to comprehensively and deeply promote the new round of mineral prospecting breakthrough strategic actions is related to the security of national energy resources and the stability of the supply chain and industrial chain. 只有充分发挥化石能源在较长一段时间内的能源保障主体作用,才能给非化石能源更多的时间和空间,更好地构建新型能源体系。只有加大紧缺战略性矿产矿种勘探力度,实现增储上产,才能为新兴产业发展提供充足的原材料。

Of course, the source of mineral prospecting funds is by no means the end of the state's finances, and requires extensive participation of social funds.。国家财政加大力度支持,具有风向标作用,在一定程度上会激励社会资金参与的积极性。

However, social funds will not fall automatically. Judging from the external conditions and environment they face, relevant government departments should introduce favorable policies to eliminate their worries and effectively leverage the investment of social funds.

We have reason to believe that with the strong support of financial funds and the help of social funds, mineral prospecting will "bloom steadily".

_This article was originally published in the first edition of China Mining News on March 22_

_Original title:"Where does the confidence come from"_



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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