###Hunan Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Administration pressed the "start button" for special work on financial audit and asset inventory

On April 3, the Hunan Bureau held a centralized on-site meeting for financial audit and asset inventory. Chen Shu, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. The main person in charge of the audited unit, heads of agency departments, etc. attended the meeting.

The meeting conveyed and studied the notice of the State Mine Safety Supervision Bureau on conducting audit supervision, and deployed and arranged the audit projects and asset inventory work of the Hunan Bureau. The main person in charge of the Safety Technology Center of the Hunan Coal Mine Safety Supervision Bureau and the leader of the audit team made statements respectively.

Chen Shu emphasized that all units and departments must unify their thinking, deepen their understanding, and resolutely accept audit supervision from a higher position; they must fully support and actively cooperate, and resolutely ensure audit work with stricter standards; they must have the courage to take on responsibilities, work hard and meticulous, and resolutely use stronger measures to promote audit rectification; we must draw inferences from one example, address the source, and resolutely transform results with a more practical style.

#The Party Committee of the Emergency Management Department of Shaanxi Province held a meeting to carefully study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and deploy key tasks in the near future

On March 29, the Party Committee of the Provincial Emergency Management Department held a meeting to carefully study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches during his inspection in Hunan and at the symposium on promoting the rise of the central region in the new era, and convey and study General Secretary Xi Jinping's view of the gas pipeline's "operation with disease" The important instructions made on the issue and the spirit of the instructions issued by Zhao Yide, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, conveyed the spirit of the instructions on mine safety issued by recent meetings of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government and leaders of the Emergency Management Department. Study the statistical investigation system for natural disasters and losses from particularly major natural disasters, study and implement opinions, listen to reports on the rectification of problems reported by this round of normalized supervision and assistance and the undercover investigation team of the State Council Security Commission Office, and deploy key tasks in the near future. Guo Zhuguo, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Department, presided over the meeting.

The meeting emphasized that we must effectively unify thoughts and actions with the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, combine the actual needs of our province, strengthen scientific and technological empowerment, increase investment in science and technology, accelerate project construction, improve emergency management capabilities, and help develop new quality productivity. It is necessary to strengthen communication with brother provinces, actively learn from advanced experience in production safety, disaster prevention, reduction and relief, and grassroots emergency management, and promote the high-quality development of emergency management in our province. It is necessary to focus on the main responsibilities and main businesses, solidly advance the three-year campaign to tackle the root causes of production safety, continue to carry out coal mine disaster management, chemical park safety improvement, centralized rectification, tailings pond management, do a good job in pre-flood safety inspections and forest and grassland fire prevention and extinguishing work, and effectively "The action of" knowing everything in mind "will push emergency management work to a new level.

会议强调,要坚决落实习近平总书记重要指示批示精神和省委书记赵一德批示要求,按照省委省政府工作部署,切实抓好国务院安委办暗查暗访组反馈问题整改,列出隐患清单,明确责任单位,确保整改到位。要运用好督导帮扶成果,将督导帮扶和安全生产考核作为抓好当前安全生产工作的有力举措,层层传导压力,以督促干、以督促改,倒逼企业提升自查自改主动性,坚决防范遏制重特大事故发生。 It is necessary to deeply learn lessons from recent accidents in the mining field, tighten the main responsibilities of mining enterprises, strictly enforce law enforcement inspections, vigorously crack down on, investigate, and expose violations of laws and regulations, and make every effort to prevent and resolve major hidden risks of mine safety. 要认真学习自然灾害情况和特别重大自然灾害损失统计调查制度,对各级灾害信息员开展专题培训,加大统计数据信息审核把关,规范开展统计调查,确保灾害信息及时、准确、有效报送。要严格落实省委省政府相关要求,汲取足球领域腐败教训,压紧压实党风廉政工作责任,常态化开展纪律教育和作风整顿,细致入微做好老干部服务工作,努力把我厅建设成为“让党放心、让老干部满意”的模范部门。

The meeting emphasized that we must make every effort to prevent and extinguish fires in forests and grasslands before and after the Qingming Festival, strengthen cooperation and cooperation with various departments, strengthen the control of fire use in the wild, strictly investigate and deal with illegal fire use, take various preventive measures in advance, and comprehensively improve the comprehensive prevention and control of forest and grassland fires. ability. It is necessary to carry out a "large-scale bottom-up" rectification of major accident hidden dangers, promote the acceptance and cancellation of hidden problems within the specified time limit, and achieve closed-loop management and dynamic clearing. It is necessary to strengthen safety training and education for enterprise employees, and effectively improve employee safety awareness, job responsibility awareness and standardized operation awareness. It is necessary to plan various tasks of the "Production Safety Month" in advance, continuously increase safety publicity, and continue to enhance the safety awareness and ability of the whole society to avoid risks and escape.

Other matters were also considered at the meeting.

The Yunnan Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Administration carries out special training on mining methods for metal and non-metal mines

On April 1, the Yunnan Bureau of the State Mine Safety Supervision Administration organized a special training on mining methods for metal and non-metal mines, and invited Comrade Wang Shengkai, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Manager of Huize Mining Branch of Yunnan Chihong Zinc and Germanium Co., Ltd., to give lectures to explain underground mines and open-pit mining methods, and introduce the applicable conditions, advantages and disadvantages of "open pit method, caving method, and filling method". Comrade Chen Yongquan, member of the Party Leadership Group and Chief Engineer of the Bureau, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech.

The meeting pointed out that in recent times, production safety accidents in non-coal mines in the province have rebounded, and the production safety situation is severe and complex. The majority of supervisors in the overall system should take this training as an opportunity to actively strengthen the study of professional knowledge of non-coal mines, master the metallogenic mechanisms and mining methods of metal and non-metal mines, and comprehensively improve the level of non-coal mine supervision work. It is necessary to urge non-coal mining enterprises to conscientiously implement the "Opinions" and the "Eight Hard Measures" of the two offices, take the three-year action to tackle the root causes of non-coal mines as an opportunity, carry out a solid survey of hidden disaster control factors, improve the basic information system data of non-coal mines, and establish a safety monitoring and early warning system, improve the quality of employees, consolidate the foundation of mine safety, and resolutely prevent and contain production safety accidents.

122 people from the global system participated in the training.

#Sichuan further strengthens safety management of coal bunker

In order to deeply learn from the recent coal bunker collapse accident outside the province, the Emergency Management Department and the Sichuan Bureau of the State Administration of Mine Work Safety recently issued an emergency notice (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice") to effectively strengthen the safety management of coal bunkers in the province (including coal slip holes, coal slip holes, waste silos) and coal warehouses.

The "Circular" puts forward specific work requirements for coal mine safety supervision departments and coal mining enterprises at all levels to strengthen the safety management of coal bunkers in the province. First, it is necessary to draw examples and comprehensively demonstrate that the safety supervision departments of territorial coal mines should organize all coal mines to clean up the existing ground and underground storage sites, coal bunkers, coal bunkers, and other important points one by one, and quickly carry out risk identification and assessment. Item by item to formulate and implement hidden danger rectification plans or risk control measures. Second, to increase facilities and strengthen management and control, coal mining enterprises must strictly implement the safety and technical measures specified in the notice, and strengthen timely control, and those that cannot ensure safety and reliability must stop using them. Third, scientific design, safe construction, adding or transforming all kinds of coal bunkers on the ground and underground must be selected and specially designed by professional and technical institutions in advance, and special (or individual project) construction plans must be made before construction. Fourth, to strengthen management and scientific disposal, all coal mining enterprises must regard the coal bunker as the key part of daily risk identification and hidden danger investigation, strictly implement the reporting and examination system for major hazardous operations, and scientifically deal with the blockage and collapse of the warehouse. before disposal, safety and technical measures must be examined and approved by the chief engineer.

#Gou Xiaobing, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Guangxi Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Administration, led a team to Ningming County to supervise and inspect mine safety supervision work

Recently, Gou Xiaobing, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Guangxi Bureau of the State Mine Safety Supervision Administration, led a team to Ningming County to supervise and inspect mine safety supervision.

During this period, the inspection team conducted a spot check on two mining enterprises, comprehensively inspecting the current situation of the implementation of enterprise main responsibility, organization establishment, system construction, training and education, and on-site operation management. Listened to the report on mine safety supervision of the people's Government of Ningming County, investigated the actual number of mines in Ningming County, supervised and inspected the implementation of territorial supervision by the people's Government of Ningming County and the departments responsible for mine safety supervision, and held a feedback meeting on supervision and inspection. At the feedback meeting, Gou Xiaobing affirmed the work and achievements made by the Ningming County government and departments in the mining field, and analyzed the current situation of mine safety production in the whole country, the whole region and Ningming County. Ningming County government, mine safety supervision departments, mining enterprises respectively put forward requirements. He called on all parties to clearly recognize the severe challenges facing mine safety in Ningming County, and the county party committee and county government should, with a highly responsible attitude, earnestly shoulder the political responsibility of "promoting the development of one party and ensuring the safety of the other". Correctly handle the relationship between safety and development, further attach importance to mine safety production, vigorously support mine safety supervision, and ensure the necessary personnel, equipment and funds. The mine safety supervision department should further perform its duties, give full play to the responsibility of local supervision, comprehensively investigate the hidden dangers of mine safety and pay close attention to safety prevention with the sense of responsibility of "always worrying about it" and the sense of urgency of "not relaxing for a moment". Around the goal of "controlling risks, eliminating hidden dangers, controlling disasters and preventing accidents", improve the ability of mine accident prevention and control. Mining enterprises should fully implement the main responsibility for production safety, ensure safety investment, constantly consolidate the foundation of enterprise safety in production, effectively enhance the essential safety level of enterprises, resolutely prevent and contain production safety accidents, effectively ensure the safety of people's lives and property, and steadily improve the overall level of mine safety in Ningming County.

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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