Hunan Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Bureau held a regular work meeting in April

On April 1, Wu Weilong, Party Secretary and Director of the Hunan Bureau of the State Mine Safety Supervision Administration, presided over the 9th director's office meeting and the regular work meeting in April.

The meeting pointed out that from January to March, the province's mine production safety situation is not optimistic. The overall situation must thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on production safety, fully understand the current outstanding problems in Hunan's mine production safety, and further unify thinking., unified action, work in the same direction, and resolutely maintain the safety bottom line of preventing major accidents.

会议要求,4月份要抓好三项重点工作:一是深刻领会习近平总书记视察湖南时的重要讲话精神,全力推动矿山行业新质生产力发展。结合安全生产治本攻坚三年行动,督促地方政府出台非煤矿山“三个一批”分类处置方案,加大整合关闭力度。督促地方监管部门严格“技改”矿井、新建矿井审批,严控技改、新建煤矿生产能力的设计批复标准;要全力推动科技创新,扎实开展“双进双转”(科研院所进企业、企业进高校,推动科技成果转化、推动企业管理转型创新) 、“双推双创”(大力推动发展方式创新、大力推动人才工作机制创新)活动。大力推广应用瓦斯治理新技术新装备新工艺,凡是发生煤与瓦斯突出涉险事故的, All intelligent transformation will be carried out. Comprehensively eliminate equipment and facilities without KA marks and promote equipment upgrading; make every effort to promote the construction of mine informatization and intelligent mines and accelerate data networking of mining enterprises ,“一对一”帮扶建设一批安全高效的示范矿井。4月底前完成煤矿六大系统、人脸识别系统和重点作业场所视频监控升级改造,年底前实现“无视频不作业”全覆盖;6月底前完成非煤矿山六大系统、人脸识别系统改造,年底前完成全省煤矿和非煤矿山固定岗位无人值守智能化改造。二是紧盯六个重点,提高督政查企质效。及时对相关市、县政府下达监察建议,指出存在问题,要求倒查责任,推动矿山安全属地监管责任落实;在监督检查中按照“四下基层”要求,做好两办《意见》《硬措施》《煤矿安全生产条例》的宣贯工作,并坚持监察与服务相结合,开展调查研究,指导帮扶基层解决实际问题;开展好“一对一”对话会商,现场办公,进一步压实上级公司和矿山企业安全生产主体责任。三是严格落实近期国家局相关文件、会议精神,确保各项要求落地见效。扎实开展治本攻坚三年行动,结合我省实际,明确每年治本攻坚任务。督促地方政府细化落实领导包保责任、包保措施,明确各地每年推进治本攻坚三年行动的具体攻坚任务、拿出整治清单。突出重点矿山,开展好尾矿库汛期专项检查、莹石矿安全生产专项整治和主要负责人履职专项检查。联合省应急管理厅,组织对煤矿“五职”矿长、非煤矿山矿长等安全管理人员分期进行集中培训。

#Guizhou strengthens the construction of safety supervision team to help "refine the development of rich mines"

42-year-old Jiang Zilin is leaving the mine safety supervision system where he has worked for many years. On March 28, the 20th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 13th People's Congress of Liuzhi Special Zone, Liupanshui City, Guizhou Province passed the decision to appoint Jiang Zilin as deputy district mayor of the People's Government of Liuzhi Special Zone.

This is a microcosm of the Guizhou Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Administration actively promoting local efforts to strengthen the construction of mine safety supervision teams and helping the province's overall situation of "refining rich mines".

On February 22, a handover meeting for selecting and transferring cadres from the Guizhou Bureau was held in Liupanshui City. "The coal industry is our traditional advantageous industry and pillar industry. The municipal party committee and municipal government attach great importance to the use and training of professional talents. It is time to start a business." Zhang Dingchao, Secretary of the Liupanshui Municipal Party Committee, expressed a warm welcome to the joining of professionals in the mining field.

"Comrade Jiang Zilin must always keep in mind the supremacy of people and life, implement the decisions and arrangements of the Provincial Party Committee and Municipal Party Committee, change his role as soon as possible, give full play to his advantages and expertise, and actively integrate into the overall situation of local economic and social development." At the meeting, Wang Shaohui, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Guizhou Bureau, warned.

Guizhou is a province with large coal resources in the south, and its coal reserves and coal output rank fifth in the country. However, Guizhou's coal mines have serious gas disasters, complex geological conditions, unreasonable planning, many small coal mines and private coal mines, and the safety situation is relatively complex and severe.

Guizhou Province attaches great importance to mine safety work. In February this year, it proposed to take "refined mining of rich ore" as the key starting point to accelerate the high-quality development of the province's mining industry to achieve new progress and new breakthroughs.

In response to the outstanding contradictions faced by Guizhou's coal industry, the Guizhou Bureau has given full play to the advantages of the "national supervision" system and the professional advantages of the cadre team, insisted on solving problems from "talents", and promoted local efforts to strengthen mine safety supervision.

In 2022, the Guizhou Bureau took the lead in launching a pilot project in Qianxinan Prefecture, helping Qianxinan Prefecture introduce 38 outstanding professional mining cadres at one time with a national perspective, and selecting 10 department-level leading cadres such as full-time deputy secretary-general of the state government and deputy county magistrate of coal-producing counties. Among them, one cadre from the Guizhou Bureau was appointed as deputy county magistrate of Zhenfeng County, one cadre from the Hebei Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Bureau was appointed as deputy county magistrate of Qinglong County, and one cadre from the Jiangxi Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Bureau was appointed as deputy director of the State Energy Bureau, promoting the establishment of new energy bureaus in five counties.

"In 2023, mine safety accidents in Qianxinan Prefecture will be significantly reduced year-on-year, and talent introduction has achieved significant results in practice." Speaking of the effect of talent introduction, Wang Shaohui is very excited.

Since 2023, the Guizhou Bureau has actively organized the construction of Guizhou mine safety production and supervision teams, and promoted the convening of special training courses on coal mine construction and safety management across the province at the Party School of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee. At the same time, the Guizhou Bureau has repeatedly exchanged views with the party committees and governments of coal-producing cities (prefectures) in the province on strengthening mine safety supervision, promoted the internal optimization and adjustment of more than 300 supervision cadres in Zunyi, Bijie, Liupanshui, and Anshun, and introduced professional energy fields with a national perspective. There are 247 professional cadres and talents, including 3 department-level cadres and 18 department-level cadres.

Among the 18 people, the mine safety supervision system supported 6 people. Among them, the Guizhou Bureau overcame difficulties such as heavy work tasks and shortage of cadres, and selected five outstanding young backbones born in the 1980s to serve as deputy county (city, district) chiefs in charge of key coal-producing areas such as Jinsha County and Zhijin County in Bijie City, Huichuan District and Renhuai City in Zunyi City, and Liuzhi Special Zone in Liupanshui City. The Jiangxi Bureau also selected a cadre to serve as deputy county magistrate in Nayong County.

Up to now, the governments of six coal-producing cities and prefectures in Guizhou Province have been equipped with professional leaders in charge and deputy secretary-general who contact mine safety production work. All coal-producing counties in Zunyi, Liupanshui, Bijie, and southwestern Guizhou have been equipped with professional leaders in charge to promote solving problems such as insufficient mine safety supervision, weak team, lack of specialized business, and insufficient power.

###Shaanxi Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Bureau conducted secret investigations into Nanliang Mining Co., Ltd.

On April 4, Huangfu Junting, a second-level inspector of the Shaanxi Bureau of the State Mine Safety Supervision Administration, led the Second Supervision and Law Enforcement Division to Shaanxi Nanliang Mining Co., Ltd. to conduct secret investigations. Before the inspection, the inspection team formulated an inspection plan based on the production situation of the mine. After arriving at the mine, they went straight to the dispatch conference room to participate in the entire mine dispatch meeting and the pre-shift meeting of the fully mechanized mining team that day. Immediately after the meeting, they grouped into groups to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the mine. Emphasize during the inspection process and at the briefing meeting:First, we must conscientiously study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions and instructions on production safety, do a good job in the study and implementation of the "opinions" and "hard measures" of the two offices, and improve the basic conditions for production safety in mines. resolutely curb the occurrence of all kinds of production safety accidents Second, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the current grim situation of coal mine safety production, adhere to the concept of safety development, clarify and implement the safety production responsibilities of both trustees, raise the awareness of running mines in accordance with the law, and compact safety production responsibilities layer by layer, so as to improve the level of mine safety production management. Third, it is necessary to do a good job in the hierarchical management and control of safety risks and the investigation and treatment of hidden dangers, improve the quality and ability of self-examination and self-improvement, put an end to illegal subcontracting and monitoring data fraud, and improve the efficiency of mine safety production management; fourth, it is necessary to enhance the safety awareness of all mine staff, match and strengthen key personnel, improve the technical level of personnel in all positions, safety training in place, and improve the safety quality of workers. Fifth, we should draw lessons from accidents, put an end to flukes, strictly prohibit taking risks, and prevent piecemeal accidents. In addition, we should make good use of dispatching meetings and pre-shift meetings to implement safety control measures and further improve the level of mine safety management.

#Shanxi requires all underground dangerous areas to install "electronic fences"

日前,国家矿山安全监察局山西局、山西省应急管理厅、山西省能源局三部门联合发出通知, All coal mines are required to install "electronic fences" in all underground hazardous operation areas and put them into operation before September 30 this year.

"Electronic fence", also known as personnel access protection system, is a safety protection system that is widely used for safety warning in key dangerous areas underground such as heading faces, coal bunkers, enclosed walls, and belt conveyors. The system uses precise personnel positioning, infrared sensing technology, machine vision recognition technology and other means to timely issue sound and light alarms or trigger equipment shutdown when operators enter dangerous areas. Since March this year, Shanxi has experienced frequent fatal injuries from boring machines (coal miners) and crushers. In order to learn in-depth lessons from the accident, the three departments jointly deployed "electronic fences" in dangerous areas in underground coal mines across the province to strengthen the management of underground dangerous areas and prevent similar accidents.

It is reported that the "electronic fence" is mainly installed in the excavation equipment of the excavation face (Comprehensive excavation machine, anchor excavation machine, integrated excavation and anchor machine, continuous mining machine, etc.), anchoring equipment for the excavation face (two-arm bolt machine, four-arm bolt machine, anchor loader, etc.), auxiliary operation equipment (shuttle car, shovel truck, loader, rake loader, etc.) of the driving face, feed crusher, head loader, etc., mine main transportation and belt conveyor driving part and tail roller, coal slip hole or coal bunker upper and lower mouth, outside the enclosed wall, and coal mining face loader part. When on-site personnel approach the early warning area, the system automatically triggers a sound and light alarm prompt; when entering the dangerous area, the system automatically triggers the equipment shutdown and issues an alarm prompt in an instant.

The notice pointed out that if there is only a single equipment operating on the excavation face, only the safety protection of a single equipment can be considered. If there are multiple equipment operating together, the access of personnel to the protection system must be consistent with the production operation process, and no false alarm may occur during multiple machines, which affects normal production operations. For special application scenarios such as tunneling faces and fully mechanized mining faces with many dust, water mist, and large equipment, it is recommended that coal mines use technical means that can accurately locate, have safe and reliable performance to ensure accurate identification of personnel and ensure personnel safety.

The three departments emphasized that the main persons in charge of each coal mine enterprise must attach great importance to it, organize and formulate installation plans, list special funds, make special arrangements for the installation of "electronic fences", and clarify the implementation of the work by functional departments on a mine-by-mine basis. Before the installation and use of the "electronic fence", on-site management and personnel control in underground dangerous working areas must be strengthened. All levels and departments must strengthen supervision, strictly inspect, supervise and speed up progress in a timely manner. If an "electronic fence" is not installed or the "electronic fence" cannot function effectively, and the on-site management and personnel control of dangerous underground operation areas have not been strengthened, resulting in injuries caused by the cutting head of the boring machine, injuries caused by the claw, and accidents such as cutting head injury or injuries caused by the crusher, coal mining enterprises, superior entities and relevant personnel shall be strictly held accountable in accordance with laws and regulations.

###Jiangxi Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Administration has taken multiple measures to use accident lessons to promote mine safety work

In order to thoroughly implement the "Opinions" and "Hard Measures" of the two offices, and solidly promote the three-year campaign to tackle the root causes of mine production safety, the Jiangxi Bureau insists on using accident lessons learned to promote mine production safety, and takes a number of measures to consolidate safety responsibilities and strengthen Safety management, create a safety atmosphere, and make every effort to prevent accidents.

First, timely release accident warning information and accident notification. After a roof accident occurred in a coal mine in the province this year, the Jiangxi Bureau issued accident warning information to the provincial regulatory authorities and mining enterprises on the same day, urging all localities and mining enterprises to be vigilant and vigilant, deeply learn lessons from the accident, and strictly enforce tunnel maintenance and roof support. Safety management, strengthen safety education and training, and strictly prevent similar accidents from happening again. Relevant information circulars were issued on the second day after the accident, informing various localities and departments of the accident's brief situation, preliminary cause analysis, and outstanding problems exposed, and proposing specific measures and requirements to strengthen mine production safety and prevent disaster accidents.

The second is to regularly release accident warning information. On the basis of statistical analysis of the characteristics and typical problems of coal mine production safety accidents in the province in the first quarter, combined with the occurrence of historical accidents in the second quarter, we analyze and judge the main disaster risks, release accident warning information for the province's coal mines in the second quarter, and urge the province's coal mines to strengthen targeted Accident prevention, effectively treat other people's accidents as their own accidents, treat historical accidents as today's accidents, strengthen on-site management, resolutely oppose the "three violations" behaviors, and strengthen education and training. Effectively strengthen the management of major disasters such as gas and water disasters, and strictly implement the regulations on production and evacuation of people in emergencies.

The third is to carry out accident warning education at the grassroots level. Insisting on integrating accident warning education into daily supervision and law enforcement work, in response to the centralized resumption of work and production of township coal mines after the National Two Sessions, the Jiangxi Bureau promptly went to major coal-producing cities and counties to hold special meetings on accident warning education, and broadcast a number of typical accidents across the country and the province. Accident warning education films analyze and report the situation of mine accidents in the province in 2023, and urge local enterprises to recognize the severe situation, improve their political stance, learn lessons from accidents, consolidate main responsibilities, and manage and control risk disasters. Adhere to prior prevention and ensure safe production.

The fourth is to conduct timely security interviews. In response to the severe situation of successive casualties in non-coal mines in Fenyi County, Xinyu City and Ruichang City, Jiujiang City this year, on March 15, the Jiangxi Bureau and the Provincial Emergency Department jointly interviewed the heads of the emergency management departments of the two cities and the heads of Fenyi County and Ruichang Municipal Government, pointing out the adverse impact and profound lessons caused by the accident, as well as the prominent problems exposed such as serious deficiencies in daily safety management of mining enterprises and blind spots in major risk prevention and control by local governments and regulatory authorities. Urge the two places to deeply reflect on the lessons of the accident, resolutely correct formalism problems in the field of production safety, such as "beating the drum and spreading the flowers","loose and soft" supervision and law enforcement,"disconnection" of the supervision chain, and "digital investigation and paper rectification". We must firmly establish the concept of safe development, effectively strengthen bottom-line thinking, improve the quality of risk and hidden danger investigation and rectification, and resolutely reverse the passive situation.

The fifth is to comprehensively statistical analysis of historical accidents. In order to deeply absorb the lessons of historical mine accidents in the province, the Jiangxi Bureau conducted a comprehensive statistical analysis of coal mine production safety accidents that have occurred in the province since 2000 and non-coal mine production safety accidents that have occurred since 2016, forming the "Jiangxi Province Coal Mine Production Safety Statistical Analysis Report" and the "Jiangxi Province Non-Coal Mine Production Safety Report" to comprehensively identify the fundamental crux and deep-seated problems of mine production safety in the province. It provides reference and reference to further improve the efficiency of enterprise inspection and supervision and promote the high-quality development of mine safety in the province.

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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