The Hunan Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Administration has taken multiple measures to publicize and implement the "Hard Measures" and the "Coal Mine Production Safety Regulations"

In order to further strengthen mine production safety, in January this year, the Security Committee of the State Council issued the "Hard Measures for Preventing and Curbing Major and Extraordinary Production Safety Accidents in the Mining Field"(hereinafter referred to as the "Hard Measures"). In February, the "Coal Mine Production Safety Regulations"(hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations") were adopted by the executive meeting of the State Council. The successive promulgation of "Hard Measures" and "Regulations" fully demonstrates that the Party Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to mine production safety. The Hunan Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Administration acted quickly to keep a close eye on key mines, took multiple measures to pay close attention to the publicity and implementation of the "Hard Measures" and "Regulations", treated both the symptoms and root causes, vigorously cultivated and developed new productive forces in Hunan's mines, and continuously promoted the safety production situation in Hunan's mines. Stable and improved.

The first is to learn deeply and understand and reveal practical strategies. The main leaders of the Hunan Bureau have chaired and held special party groups meetings on many occasions to thoroughly study and implement the "Hard Measures" and "Coal Mine Production Safety Regulations", issue specific implementation plans of the Hunan Bureau, refine implementation measures, and clarify responsible units and responsible personnel. Open publicity columns on the bureau's website and Weixin Official Accounts to push publicity and implementation information, publish work dynamic information, and strengthen the publicity and interpretation of the "Hard Measures" and "Coal Mine Production Safety Regulations." Special lectures will be held in the "Internal Lecture Hall" of the provincial bureau, and business backbones will be organized to give special explanations to cadres and workers across the board, so as to enhance their ideological awareness and action awareness in implementation. In conjunction with the Provincial Emergency Management Department, we held video conferences on production safety in coal mines and non-coal mines across the province to deploy annual key tasks and create a strong publicity atmosphere.

The second is that thunder calendar is popular and bright. In response to outstanding problems existing in mines in various mining cities and prefectures, work suggestions on implementing the "Hard Measures" and "Coal Mine Production Safety Regulations" were submitted in writing to the main leaders of the city and prefecture governments. A WeChat group for coal mine work information across the province was established, and 85 warning messages and work tips were issued. Combined with the resumption of work and production and special inspections during the "Two Sessions", we will go deep into the front line of mining enterprises and urge mining enterprises across the province to post "Hard Measures" and "Coal Mine Production Safety Regulations" in prominent locations such as wellhead heads and industrial squares, and provide safety management personnel and technicians of mining enterprises. Employees and employees "must take exams every inspection" and effectively promote and implement the "last mile".

The third is to compact the responsibility with solid strength. March is an important time for the national "two sessions" to be held, and it is also the peak period for mining enterprises to resume work and production after the festival. On the basis of key inspections carried out by various law enforcement departments, Hunan Bureau and Provincial Emergency Management Department, in accordance with the deployment requirements of the joint meeting of supervision and supervision in the first quarter, carried out special inspections during the period of resumption of work and production and the "two sessions", and formed six special inspection teams, led by the leaders of the two bureaus respectively, combined with the supervision and supervision plan. Full coverage and re-production inspections were carried out in 13 cities and states, including Hengyang, Shaoyang, Yongzhou, Chenzhou, Huaihua, Yueyang, Changsha, Xiangxi Changde, Loudi, Zhangjiajie, Zhuzhou and Yiyang. All the supervisory forces of the Hunan Bureau sank to the front line, and the main leaders of the bureau led a team to supervise and inspect the mine safety supervision work of the municipal governments of Hengyang City, Shaoyang City and Yongzhou City. Each group had an inspection time of not less than two weeks, and there was no rest on weekends, to promote local governments, regulatory departments, and mining enterprises to implement their respective responsibilities, and to urge mining enterprises to return to work in a safe and orderly manner. No mine safety production accident occurred in Hunan during the "two sessions". It ensured the safety and stability of the mine during the "two sessions".

The fourth is to discuss practical achievements on special topics. 2-3 In September, the main leaders of the Hunan Bureau led a team to hold a "one-on-one" special consultation with the five major group companies in the central and provincial governments, and held a "one-on-one heart-to-heart dialogue" with 23 coal and gas outburst mines across the province, and listened to the main leaders of mining enterprises. Report on the safety work in 2024, comprehensively understand the establishment and staffing of coal mine safety management institutions, raw coal production plans and "three quantities", development layout and production continuation, key project arrangements, safety expense extraction and use plans, Key information such as major risk management and control and the census and management of hidden disaster-causing factors, collect relevant drawings such as mining project plans, grasp the production plans and operating indicators issued by superior companies, and lay a solid foundation for accurate supervision and law enforcement.

Since the first quarter, the Hunan Bureau has carried out mine supervision and law enforcement in 156 mines and discovered 1965 hidden problems. The overall production safety situation in mines in the province is stable.

##During the Qingming Festival, the production safety and natural disaster situation in Shandong was generally stable

During the Qingming Festival holiday, the production safety and natural disaster situation in Shandong Province was generally stable, and no major or above disasters occurred.

Before the Qingming Festival, the Provincial Forest Prevention and Control Office successively issued the "Notice on Effectively Carrying out Forest and Grassland Fire Prevention and Extinguishing during the Qingming Festival" and the "Emergency Notice on Effectively Strengthening the Safety of Forest and Grassland Fire Fighting at the Initial Stage" to review the current forest and grassland Fire prevention and control work has been repeatedly deployed, requiring further consolidation of prevention and control responsibilities, taking targeted measures to respond to high forest fire risks. The Provincial Forest Prevention and Control Office organized five supervision teams to carry out forest fire prevention supervision and inspections in 13 key forest prevention and extinguishing cities in the province before the Qingming Festival. The 10 member units of the Provincial Forest Prevention and Control Index conducted surveillance of the "Top Ten Key Forest Areas" during the Qingming Festival. The province's 486 professional forest fire fighting teams are stationed in front 24 hours a day and patrol with equipment. The Provincial Emergency Department stationed 5 large and heavy helicopters at the Laiwu, Yantai, Weihai, Weifang and Linyi bases to ensure that they participated in the rescue as soon as possible.

突出做好非煤矿山、危险化学品、工贸等重点行业领域安全生产及隐患排查治理,山东全面深入开展安全风险隐患排查治理,最大限度防范化解灾害风险,确保清明节假期相关行业领域安全形势平稳。省应急厅派出4个暗访组赴各市开展暗访检查。危险化学品领域,派出3个暗访组,共抽查6个市、17个县(市、区)、26家化工企业,发现问题57项。工贸企业领域,全省累计派出检查组1399个,出动执法人员3291人次,检查企业2514家,发现问题隐患4186项,已完成整改3699项。 In the field of non-coal mines, the province dispatched a total of 48 inspection teams to inspect 59 non-coal mines and found 104 hidden problems 。节日期间,全省应急管理系统共派出执法检查组3374个,出动执法人员8404人次,检查企业6701家,发现问题10050个,重大事故隐患7项。

##The Qinghai Bureau of the State Mine Safety Supervision Administration supervises and inspects the production safety work of non-coal mines in some areas of the Tibet Autonomous Region

From March 18 to April 1, the Qinghai Bureau of the State Mine Safety Supervision Administration formed an inspection team to supervise and inspect the safety supervision of non-coal mines in 6 cities and county-level governments in the Tibet Autonomous Region. During this period, one non-coal mine superior company and two non-coal mines were randomly inspected, and the main responsible comrades of one county-level government, one non-coal mine superior company, and three non-coal mines were interviewed.

On the basis of listening to the special reports of the government on the work of non-coal mine safety production, the supervision and inspection team strictly compares the "list of important items for the Supervision and Inspection of non-Coal Mine Safety Supervision work of the Municipal and County people's governments" as well as the work measures studied and formulated by the Party leading Group and the Management Committee of the Qinghai Bureau. A key inspection was carried out on the local government's study and implementation of the spirit of important documents in the mine field, the performance of mine safety supervision by party and government leaders and relevant departments, the acceptance of mine resumption, and the warning and reminder requirements of Qinghai Bureau. Through the form of problem feedback meeting, the local governments were informed of the outstanding problems existing in the work of non-coal mine safety supervision. Some suggestions are put forward to strengthen and improve the safety supervision of non-coal mines. The supervision and inspection team specially interviewed the principal responsible comrades of mining enterprises and territorial governments who had production safety accidents in the autonomous region in the previous year, demanding that they should seriously learn lessons from the accidents, strengthen the implementation of responsibilities, and strictly implement a series of regulations and requirements on mine production safety. During the period of supervision and inspection, the inspection team publicized and interpreted to local governments and non-coal mining enterprises the opinions of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council on further strengthening the work of mine safety production, the hard measures of the Safety Committee of the State Council on preventing and curbing major and serious production safety accidents in the mine field and the three-year action plan for tackling the root causes of mine safety production (2024-2026). Guide all localities and mines to formulate detailed measures and implement them in the light of reality.

###The Department of Natural Resources of Gansu Province properly solves the problem of overlying minerals in the West-East Gas Pipeline Project

Recently, the Department of Natural Resources of Gansu Province issued the "Review Opinions on the Overlapping of Important Mineral Resources in the Pingliang Section (Valve Chambers, Stations) of the Middle Section of the Third Line of the West-East Gas Pipeline (Zhongwei-Ji 'an) Project", marking that the historical problems left over by the overlap of minerals in the construction of the Third Line of the West-East Gas Pipeline Project have been properly resolved.

The Third Line of the West-East Gas Pipeline Project is a national key infrastructure project. The middle section of the Third Line of the West-East Gas Pipeline (Zhongwei-Ji 'an) project passes through five provinces (regions) including Ningxia, Gansu, and Shaanxi, involving Jingchuan County and Lingtai County in Pingliang City, Gansu. The project was approved by the National Energy Administration in January 2011, but the work was suspended many times due to changes in the construction unit and other reasons. The Pingliang section project in Gansu Province, the middle section of the Third Line of the West-East Gas Pipeline Project, failed to obtain land use approval due to the problem of overlying coal resources in the eastern Gansu region.



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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