On March 22, the State Mine Safety Supervision Administration held a party group meeting and a bureau affairs meeting to convey the spirit of studying and implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during his inspection in Hunan and presiding over the symposium on promoting the rise of the central region in the new era, as well as his recent important instructions on emergency management work. The spirit of instructions and instructions, thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the State Council, adhere to a problem-oriented approach, work together to overcome difficulties, and vigorously promote the implementation of various work safety production in mines.

会议指出,to 一以贯之抓好党中央推动中部地区崛起一系列政策举措的贯彻落实,加强顶层设计,进一步提升煤炭、稀土等基础性、战略性资源开发利用水平,主动扛起基础能源资源安全保障的政治责任,增强煤炭等化石能源兜底保障能力,以矿山安全良好成效助力经济社会高质量发展、民族复兴和强国建设。 to始终坚持问题导向,准确把握治本攻坚三年行动的主要任务,以抓好贯彻落实《意见》《条例》为重点,以 “八项硬措施”为抓手,扎实推进重大事故隐患动态清零,全力解决制约矿山安全发展的深层次矛盾和关键问题。to加快推进实施非煤矿山 “三个一批”,大力推进煤矿智能化建设,有序推动矿山领域设备设施更新升级,大力提升矿山本质安全水平。to 坚决整治形式主义、官僚主义,切实为基层减负,深入一线、深入基层、深入矿山了解矿山真实情况和灾害风险隐患危险程度,着力推动工作抓督导、抓监察、抓监督、抓成效、抓引领,确保各项工作在基层末梢有效落实。

会议强调,to坚决整治矿山领域证照造假,完善培训考试系统,开展证照 “打假”专项行动,把不培训、假培训、培训证照造假等违法违规行为作为专项检查重要内容,加大证照造假反面典型案例警示曝光力度。to 坚持不懈加强矿山内外因火灾防范,加快推进《煤矿安全规程》修订,明确中央与采区变电所、井下炸药库、井下充电房(含新能源电池)的回风必须进入总回风。**要 **紧盯运输提升事故防范,督促矿山企业深入排查在用的罐笼、无轨胶轮车、绞车、串车、猴车等各类提升运输设备设施安全情况,从源头消除跑车亡人事故。**要 **重拳出击 “打非治违”,既要严厉打击隐蔽工作面,也要痛击长停矿偷采,督促压实属地打击盗采责任,严密防范偷采、盗采行为引发矿山安全事故。**要 **进一步加强和规范安全生产严重失信主体名单管理,实施信用联合惩戒,加大行刑衔接力度,打到关键、精准追责,形成强力震慑。

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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