On April 7, the State Mine Safety Supervision Bureau held a party group meeting to convey the spirit of studying and implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech when participating in the voluntary tree planting activities in the capital and the spirit of the Central Party Building Leading Group meeting. The meeting emphasized that we must further improve our political stance and overall awareness, resolutely shoulder the political responsibility for the construction of ecological civilization in mines, use party rules and disciplines to correct thoughts and actions, promote the transformation of learning results into a powerful driving force for overcoming difficulties and starting businesses, and concentrate our efforts. Focus, work hard for a long time, make good results, and make every effort to prevent and resolve major safety risks in the mining field.

会议指出,to 统筹好发展、安全和生态的关系,严把矿山安全准入关,积极引导矿山企业保水开采、地下矿山充填开采等,持续推进矿山行业绿色低碳、安全高质量发展。to 加快尾矿库回采、闭库和销号,确保尾矿库只减不增,深化推进长江经济带、黄河流域等重点流域区域尾矿库安全治理,严防泄漏污染事件发生。to 强化部门联合执法,严厉打击突破生态红线违法生产建设等行为,倒逼不符合安全和环保标准的矿山淘汰退出。to 以矿山安全生产治本攻坚三年行动为抓手,全力贯彻落实《硬措施》,严厉整治惩治各种造假和违法行为,有效督促属地和矿山企业逐矿井抓紧从隐蔽致灾因素普查、超前治灾、风险隐患、基层基础、科技赋能、应急能力等各个环节全面发力,切实提升矿山本质安全水平。

会议强调,当前矿山安全生产仍然处于压力叠加、负重前行的关键期,尤其需要铁一般的纪律统一思想、统一行动、知行知止、令行禁止,to 深刻领悟党纪学习教育的重要意义,结合实际制定有针对性和操作性的党纪学习教育工作方案,明确重点、压实责任,加强督促指导和过程管控把控,坚决杜绝搞形式、走过场。 to把开展党纪学习教育作为重大政治任务,在学习教育、执法为民、廉洁从政、从严执纪等方面树立标杆、当好表率。to 强化自我革命精神,加强对关键人、关键事、关键时的政治监督,精准运用 “四种形态”,加大监督执纪问责力度,全力推进知敬畏、存戒惧、守底线、善作为、敢斗争、实履职。

会议要求,to 真刀真枪压实责任,抓实督促矿山企业严格落实重大灾害治理措施,对所有煤与瓦斯突出、冲击地压、水文地质复杂和极复杂矿井,逐矿逐采区逐头面排查会诊挂牌督办实办,切实有效落实设防等级、两个 “四位一体”综合防突措施、水害综合治理措施、防冲击地压措施、风险隐患管控整改,坚决防范遏制各类事故发生。to 密切关注金属非金属矿山相关矿种市场变化及开采情况,及时分析研判风险,强化“督政”力度,有针对性地督促指导有关地区加强安全防范。to 加强近期顶板、运输、瓦斯、火灾、提升、机电、透水、放炮、溃仓事故多发,以及采煤机、掘进机截割头伤害等事故规律性和共性问题分析研究,立足防小事故就是为防大事故,督促属地和矿山企业把人员素质提升、灾害有效治理和预防措施真正落实落地见效。 to 加大隐蔽工作面、安全监控系统弄虚作假打击力度和行刑衔接力度,坚决杜绝因灾害防治措施执行不到位,违规冒险蛮干,人为使煤矿瓦斯、一氧化碳监控失去监测监控、预警和断电撤人功能,蓄意逃避监管监察等违法行为。 to提高明查暗访质量,摸真情况、查真问题,推动解决相关地区的突出问题、共性问题、老大难问题。to 加强极端天气预警和应急处置,完善叫应、回应、响应机制,把安全防范措施落实到井下所有人员,做到早防范、早部署、早应对。

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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