① Participation of major market entities

智能矿山行业下游的各大能源集团积极响应国家政策号召,加快矿山智能化建设步伐。以National Energy Group, Jinneng Holdings, Shaanxi Coal Group 等国内领先的大型能源集团为例:

National Energy Group发布了《国家能源集团煤矿智能化建设指南(2022 版)》《国家能源集团煤矿智能化建设验收评级及奖励办法(试行)》等文件,并提出以数字化转型赋能集团公司高质量发展,加快构建智能生产、智慧管理、智慧运营体系,全方位推进智能矿山建设。

jinneng holding 按照“资源开采数字化、技术装备智能化、生产过程可视化、信息传输网络化、管理决策科学化”的智能化建设模式,建成了塔山、同忻、麻家梁等一批 5G+智能矿山。2023 年,晋能控股出台了煤矿智能化建设实施方案,要求做好煤矿智能化方案设计、推进信息网络平台建设、提升矿井安全保障能力、推进采掘工作面减人提效、主要生产系统智能化建设应推尽推、积极拓展智能化场景应用,目标到 2025 年智能化煤矿占比达 70%。

Shaanxi coal group 以“生产智能化、管理精细化、运营标准化、决策科学化”的“智慧陕煤”为发展目标,着力打造智能矿井和智慧矿区,并已建成多座全国智能化示范矿井,实现了采煤、掘进、辅助、机器人、监测监控等多个方面的智能化改造。此外,陕煤集团和西安交通大学联合组建“5G+工业互联网研究院”,探索5G 技术群与能源产业的融合应用,打造中国西部地区能源 5G+工业互联网公共服务平台。

At the same time, in order to better empower the intelligent construction of China's mines, well-known companies in the communications industry are also actively investing in the intelligent mining industry. In April 2021, Huawei, as a leading ICT company in the industry, established the "Coal Mine Corps", which is committed to building a unified mining industry Internet architecture and empowering the digital transformation and upgrading of coal mines; in March 2023, the Shanxi Province Government and Huawei signed a strategic cooperation agreement to promote the development of the digital economy, focusing on promoting the construction of the coal industry Internet and smart mines. In addition, major operators are also actively deploying in the smart mining industry.

In May 2022, China Mobile and China Unicom successively established "Mine Corps" to continue to promote the construction of 5G+ smart mines relying on operators 'experience and advantages in 5G network construction.

At present, China's mine intelligence construction is still in its infancy, but with the active participation of major companies in the smart mining industry, China's mine intelligence construction has made remarkable progress. According to data from the China Academy of Information and Communications, as of the end of 2022, 5G networks have been used in 201 domestic mining companies; according to data from the National Administration of Work Safety, the number of domestic mining intelligent mining working faces increased from 494 to 1019 between 2020 and 2022, covering all major domestic energy groups, and the momentum of intelligent transformation and upgrading is rapid.

② Typical application scenarios of intelligent coal mine construction

At present, the intelligent construction of coal mines is still in its infancy, mainly concentrated in production units such as coal mining and excavation. Some typical scenarios have taken the lead in carrying out intelligent transformation, such as:

A. Remote control of coal mining and excavation working faces

Some coal mines have realized remote control of coal faces and heading faces based on 5G transmission networks. Through the mining 5G industrial CPE, coal miners and tunnel boring machines are connected to the 5G network. Relying on the large bandwidth, low latency and high reliability characteristics of 5G, the machine's operating status data, airborne sensor data, airborne industrial video data and other information are quickly transmitted to the monitoring and control center, thereby realizing remote control of underground coal miners and tunnel boring machines and monitoring of equipment status, location and working environment, solving the problem of low efficiency, poor safety, The problem of high costs has basically realized the unmanned work face and greatly improved production efficiency.

B. Video splicing of fully mechanized mining face

The integration of 5G, video cloud, artificial intelligence and other technologies can splice the coal wall video of the fully mechanized mining face with the cutting angle video of the coal machine, providing a comprehensive and clear view for visual remote monitoring, thereby realizing panoramic monitoring of the working face without blind spots. Ensure the safe production of the fully mechanized mining face.

C.AI security monitoring

AI-based image analysis technology can realize video identification, analysis and statistics in multiple areas underground, thereby realizing safety monitoring and monitoring of key scenarios. For example, the AI monitoring system can identify and analyze underground personnel violations, as well as the amount of coal belt, foreign matter, coal stacking and deviation in the coal transportation system, and can perform real-time monitoring and alarm on environmental equipment such as working face supports, wind windows, and traffic lights., assist in discovering hidden dangers in a timely manner, improve system response speed, and provide decision-making support for safe production.

With the gradual and in-depth application of next-generation information technologies such as 5G, AI, big data, and cloud computing in the mining field, more mining scenarios will enter the intelligent stage, and eventually realize comprehensive intelligence of mines.

③ Market space situation

In recent years, China's continued tight energy supply pattern and the turbulent international geopolitical situation have profoundly revealed the importance of national energy security. Coal plays the role of a "ballast stone" for stable energy supply. In addition, with the further development of the national economy, people's living standards and quality of life will continue to improve, per capita energy consumption will gradually increase, and energy demand will maintain a rigid growth trend. Coal is China's main energy consumer, and it is expected that total coal consumption will still be increased steadily in the future.

In order to better leverage coal's main energy position and ensure the stability of China's energy supply, the coal industry is facing digital transformation and upgrading, and the construction of smart mines has become an intrinsic fundamental need for the development of coal companies themselves.

Since 2017, the scale of fixed asset investment in China's coal industry has steadily increased. In 2022, the fixed asset investment in the coal mining and washing industry will reach nearly 500 billion yuan, mainly used for the maintenance of mines and the replacement of mechanization and intelligence. Among them, investment in intelligent mining construction occupies an important position. According to data from the State Administration of Mine Work Safety, the number of intelligent coal mines in China increased from 242 to 572 between 2020 and 2022. As of June 2023, the total investment scale in intelligent construction has reached nearly 200 billion yuan.

According to the "Smart Empowering the Coal Industry New Trillion Market" released by Ernst & Young (China) Enterprise Consulting Co., Ltd., the cost of intelligent transformation and upgrading of single mines in existing production mines is about 149 - 263 million yuan, and that of single mines in new mines is about 195 - 385 million yuan. According to data from the China Coal Industry Association, as of the end of 2022, there were approximately 4,400 coal mines nationwide. The overall market space of smart coal mines calculated by classification according to mine types will exceed 1 trillion yuan.

According to the "2023 China Smart Mine Analysis and Outlook" issued by Toubao Research Institute, the communication system market space in the smart coal mine market in 2027 will be approximately 12.98 billion yuan, the power supply and distribution market space will be approximately 9.66 billion yuan, and the video surveillance market space will be approximately 7.40 billion yuan. In addition, China still has many demands for intelligent transformation of non-coal mines. Among them, the market size of non-coal mine information and communication intelligent transformation in 2027 will be approximately 4.79 billion yuan. Overall, the intelligent mining industry has broad development space in the future.

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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