
Number of words in this article:2332, reading time is about 4 minutes


** Author| ** First Finance Feng Difan, Elegance

On April 10, local time, the World Trade Organization (WTO) released global trade in goods data for 2023. According to the website of the Ministry of Commerce, when introducing the international market share of China's trade in goods in 2023, the head of the Foreign Trade Department of the Ministry of Commerce said that the data show that in 2023, China's export international market share is 14.2% and import international market share is 10.6%. Are basically the same as in 2022. Against the background of the difficult recovery of the world economy, China has maintained the overall stability of its international market share, showing strong development resilience. The head of the Foreign Trade Department of the Ministry of Commerce said that global exports of goods fell for the first time in three years. In 2023, global exports totaled US $23.8 trillion, down 4.6%, falling again after two consecutive years of growth in 2021 and 2022. Among Asia's major export-oriented economies, Chinese exports fell 4.6 per cent, while exports from South Korea, India and Vietnam fell 7.5 per cent, 4.7 per cent and 4.7 per cent respectively. Cui Fan, a professor at the School of International Economics and Trade at the University of International Business and Economics, told China Finance and Economics that although China's exports of goods in 2023 were lower than in 2022, its share in the world market remained stable. Trade volume is a common indicator of trade activity. Global trade in goods fell by 1.2% in 2023. In terms of demand from major markets, imports from Europe, North America and Asia fell by 4.7%, 2.0% and 0.6%, respectively. A person in charge of the Foreign Trade Department of the Ministry of Commerce said that China's export international market share is 14.2%, maintaining its position as the largest country in trade in goods for seven consecutive years. Professor Sang Baichuan, dean of the School of International Economics at the University of International Business and Economics, told China Finance and Economics that during the three years of the epidemic, global trade fluctuated greatly, with a relatively large growth rate in 2021 and 2022. "China's foreign trade growth rate during these three years is significantly higher than the global growth rate, so China's share of international trade is on the rise. In 2023, in the face of the downward trend of global trade, China's trade development is basically the same as that of international trade, and the decline in exports is consistent with the decline in the growth rate of global exports. " He explained.

China's various high-quality products are well received in the international market商务部外贸司负责人表示,2023年,中国进出口5.94万亿美元, 其中,出口3.38万亿美元,国际市场份额14.2%,与2022年持平,连续15年保持全球第一;进口2.56万亿美元,国际市场份额10.6%,较2022年微增,连续15年保持全球第二。 商务部外贸司负责人表示,稳定的进出口市场份额充分表明,依托产供链配套集成优势和持续创新能力,中国的各类优质产品深受国际市场欢迎。依托超大规模市场优势,中国进口也为各国经济发展提供了强劲动力。 桑百川对第一财经记者表示,疫情期间,国际社会对于价廉物美的中国商品的需求强烈,而中国较好地协调维持供给能力,能够更好满足国际市场的需求,因此同期中国出口增速高于全球。而由于中国国内的生产相对有序进行,这也稳定住了进口需求,特别是投资品进口的需求。 “‘新三样’产品成为去年中国出口的亮点,国际社会对于新能源的新能源、新能源汽车的需求非常强烈,这也是在应对全球气候变化的过程中,消费观念的变化和国际社会对于改变能源结构的(共识)环境下出现的一些新特点。”桑百川说。

China's trade performance in 2024 is worth looking forward to 商务部外贸司负责人表示,2024年中国贸易表现值得期待。WTO预计,2024年全球贸易量将增长2.6%,较2023年提高3.8个百分点,2024年一季度贸易领域也出现了一些复苏迹象。 商务部外贸司负责人称,同时,WTO也谨慎表示,地缘冲突、保护主义等带来的不确定性仍在显著上升,全球贸易仍有下降可能。为应对严峻复杂的外部环境,商务部正按照党中央、国务院决策部署,会同各地方、各部门研究储备一系列务实管用的政策举措,着力培育外贸新动能,帮助外贸企业开拓市场。中国将持续推进高水平对外开放,深化同各贸易伙伴密切合作,努力为全球贸易复苏作出新的积极贡献。 4月12日,国新办就2024年一季度进出口情况举行发布会。海关总署发布的数据显示,今年一季度,进出口规模历史同期首次突破10万亿元,进出口增速创6个季度以来新高。据海关统计,一季度,中国货物贸易进出口总值10.17万亿元人民币,同比(下同)增长5%。其中,出口5.74万亿元,增长4.9%;进口4.43万亿元,增长5%;出口和进口分别较去年四季度加快4.1个、2.3个百分点。 同时,中国对共建“一带一路”国家、其他金砖国家进出口增速均高于整体。一季度,中国对共建“一带一路”国家进出口4.82万亿元,增长5.5%,占进出口总值的47.4%,同比提升0.2个百分点。其中,对东盟进出口1.6万亿元,增长6.4%。同期,对其他9个金砖国家进出口1.49万亿元,增长11.3%,占14.7%。此外,对欧盟、美国、韩国和日本分别进出口1.27万亿、1.07万亿、5354.8亿、5182亿元,合计占33.4%。 民营企业进出口保持两位数增长。一季度,中国民营企业进出口5.53万亿元,增长10.7%,占进出口总值的54.3%,半壁江山。同期,外商投资企业进出口2.97万亿元,占29.3%;国有企业进出口1.64万亿元,占16.1%。 机电产品和劳密产品出口势头良好。一季度,中国机电产品出口3.39万亿元,增长6.8%,占出口总值的59.2%;其中,电脑及其零部件、汽车、船舶分别增长8.6%、21.7%、113.1%。同期,劳动密集型产品出口9757.2亿元,增长9.1%;其中,纺织服装、塑料制品、家具及其零件分别增长5.4%、14%、23.5%。 崔凡对第一财经记者表示,2024年一季度出口以美元计价同比上涨1.5%,其中月度数据同比波动较大。其中一个因为2023年一季度疫情放开以后,月度数据波动大,导致今年月度同比基数波动较大。3月底公布的PMI指数中的新出口订单指数上升幅度较大,达到51.3,“预计全年进出口情况将好于去年。”他称。 而针对WTO对贸易前景的示警,崔凡也补充道,但订单上升有可能伴随着境外限制措施增加,在积极应对贸易摩擦的同时,今年的外贸发展应坚持以质取胜战略,争取把价格做上去,提高出口效益,同时应注意进出口平衡发展,积极扩大内需,鼓励进口优质产品。 **


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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