Freight drivers accidentally discovered that the BUG in charging Mini programs has not only become a "frequent visitor" at charging stations, but also promoted "welfare" through word of mouth 在“砺剑2024”第七次集中清查整治行动中,上海宝山警方在市局刑侦总队指导下, Seven suspects were successively arrested for using loopholes in the charging station system to steal electricity charges, with a cumulative amount of approximately 20,000 yuan involved.
"At most, one license plate evaded a total of more than 2000 yuan in electricity bills." 3月14日晚,宝山区某新能源充电公司负责人到上海市公安局宝山分局杨行派出所报案称,公司在核对全市各充电站充电记录和收益账目时发现,全市有多个充电站近期连续出现充电后未付电费的情况,其中最多一个车牌竟然累计“免费充电”90余次,对公司造成了经济损失。


据犯罪嫌疑人孙某交代,自己于春节期间在某充电站充电时,因赶时间送货,在电量未充满时就选择了退款,竟发现不仅预充款全额退回,充电桩还在继续工作。事后, He has tried and tested this charging method of using BUG to "collect wool for free". Not only does he frequently evade charging service fees, but he also tells other freight and online ride-hailing drivers through word of mouth ,其中有6名司机选择效仿,各自多次作案逃漏电费几百至上千元不等,对相关新能源充电公司造成了持续性的经济损失。

police suggested 勿以恶小而为之,享受服务就应按照“服务对价”支付费用。本案中的7名货运和网约车司机利用BUG多次“免费薅羊毛”的行为虽数额不多,但由于次数频繁,已构成盗窃罪,将受到法律处罚。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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