In a recent dialogue with Yang Yudong, editor-in-chief of China Business News, Zhu Chengyi, President of Dow Greater China, said that China has emerged in the process of high-quality development, some fast-growing key industries, such as new energy, electric vehicles, lithium batteries, photovoltaic products have become the "three new products" for exports, and the demand for high value-added materials in related fields is increasing day by day. "We will make these fast-growing China's leading areas the focus of Dow's future growth."

In the process of advancing the strategies of "decarbonization and growth" and "turning waste into treasure", Dow, one of the world's leading materials science companies, has regarded sustainable development as the growth engine and the core of its innovation strategy. Currently, 87% of Dow's R & D projects are concentrated in the field of sustainable development."Our goal is to have sustainable elements in 100% of R & D projects in the future." Zhu Chengyi also revealed that Dow will soon open a sustainable development exploration center in Shanghai, inviting upstream and downstream of the value chain to explore sustainable development concepts and cooperation opportunities.

host:Yang Yudong, editor-in-chief of China First Finance and Economics

guests:Zhu Chengyi, President of Dow Greater China

host: 今天我们第一财经很开心邀请到陶氏公司的大中华区的总裁朱成怡女士来做客我们第一财经的《总编时刻》。我们知道包括经合组织,联合国包括世贸组织很多机构都在预测,2024年全球经济下行压力还是非常大的,相对2023年还会有进一步放缓,我们看陶氏2024年全球业务布局和发展战略,会来怎么样应对这个大的宏观环境,你们发现哪些领域还有一定增长潜力?

Zhu Chengyi: 谢谢杨总,首先介绍一下陶氏公司,陶氏是一家具有120多年历史,全球领先的材料科学公司,在全球31个国家和地区运营,我们的产品种类丰富,致力于为包装、基础建设、交通运输、消费者应用等领域助力我们客户成功,提供可持续的、有创新性的材料解决方案。说到宏观环境,今年中国政府设定的GDP的增长目标是在5%,继续要扎实推进高质量发展,高质量发展、可持续发展目标跟我们的材料解决方案路径是完全吻合的。再具体一点来讲,在关键的高质量发展过程当中,我们也看到一些快速增长的关键行业,比如说在新能源方面,电动车、锂电池、光伏已经成为了中国出口新三样,相关领域对高附加值材料需求是日益攀升的,陶氏有相关技术对口,甚至有一些技术已经广泛应用在这些领域,我们会把这些快速增长的中国领先领域作为我们未来增长的重点。

From a global perspective, China is Dow's largest overseas market. Dow will have three strategic priorities in 2024, including in the next 5 to 10 years. The first is to continuously enhance the resilience of our supply chain and leverage local advantages on the one hand. On the other hand, we can also leverage our global supply and service capabilities, which combine to provide better services to our customers. The second point is our cross-department and cross-business horizontal integration, providing one-stop services to tap our own potential to customers, and striving to accelerate the speed of solving customer pain points and the speed of innovation. The third point is to drive sustainable innovation with the market. We believe that only innovation that meets market demand can go further, so we must start from the needs of market customers and also take into account environmental protection, safety, green and low-carbon technologies before it can be spread. So overall, we are still very optimistic about the future opportunities for the development of China's entire market. We will continue to increase stable investment in China. We hope that we can seize these market development opportunities in China and bring our business growth to a higher level.

** Moderator:** This year Dow celebrates its 45th anniversary in China, and Greater China is, as you said, the world's second largest market. What new opportunities and new solutions are there for the new trends in China's domestic market that Dow has observed?

Zhu Chengyi: 陶氏现在聚焦在循环经济、绿色建筑、低碳转型、新能源、交通领域等等,刚刚提到一些快速增长的领域,我再举一个例子来说,比如说可再生能源方面,不管是光伏还是风能还是储能,特别是从最近中国政府报告提到历史性我们可再生能源装机量已经超过了火电,去年也是达到了两位数百分比的增加,包括我们的电动汽车在去年经济形势比较挑战形势下还是达到了两位数增长,这些领域都是陶氏继续会关注、布局共同成长的一些领域。

host: 就像您刚才所说的在全球市场上不止中国,新能源汽车、可再生能源其实对于可持续材料需求非常大,这也是陶氏非常擅长一个领域,而且迭代的非常快,中国目前恰巧就像您说的新能源汽车、光伏风电、储能等等,有着全球领先的优势,但是我们又发现其实这个市场又特别卷,所以我们想问陶氏如何和中国本土产业链上下游合作伙伴一起来卷这个创新,卷这个市场?

Zhu Chengyi: 我们对卷认识就是关注在自己擅长的部分精耕细作追求卓越,我们的专长是在材料方面,所以我们首先要做的就是在材料方面的技术创新,全球能源转型正在加速,对技术创新特别是材料方面技术创新的要求也是越来越多。陶氏在可再生能源方面,不管是光伏、风电、储能从它的制造、封装到最后运营当中都有一系列整体材料解决方案,可以跟我们的供应链上下游一起为我们可再生能源系统长期稳定运营提供良好的保证。

Zhu Chengyi: 陶氏在和本地客户产业链的合作上也有两个实践,一个是我们把客户创新中心设在了上海,在这里我们每年都跟客户尤其是客户的客户,有时候是我们的供应商一起来探讨行业一些痛点,把客户的需求或者市场的一些需求和我们陶氏研发人员开放性思维有机结合,能够积极的加速我们的创新有效性和速度,这是一个实践。第二个实践就是我们马上要在上海开幕的一个可持续发展探索中心,在这边我们会邀请我们的价值链上所有相关方,包括我们的供应商我们的客户,客户的客户,包括我们的行业协会,中国的相关部门甚至大学来一起探索可持续发展一些理念和合作机会。

We also encourage market-driven sustainable innovation, because we are enterprises and must ultimately achieve commercialization, so we must proceed from the needs of the market to go further. One example is that at the CIIE last year, we brought Jaguar's FormulaE pure electric equation car I-TYPE 6 to the scene. On this car, we demonstrated some very interesting innovations of Dow in electric vehicles. For example, some of its structural bonding, some thermal management systems, including some anti-electromagnetic interference materials have been perfectly reflected and applied in this car. We hope that such cooperation can accelerate our innovation speed. At the same time, it will also bring the results to more of our potential customers of new energy vehicles to solve some challenges and opportunities.

host: 我们知道陶氏其实还有一个非常大的巨大的我认为是一个体量,是关于循环经济的承诺,到2030年每年将商业化300万吨这样一个体量,来采用塑料废弃物和其他形式替代原料生产的、循环的可再生产品,而且到2035年用于包装领域产品将实现100%可重复使用和再利用,到2050年实现整体碳中和,对于实现阶段性包括未来这样一个巨大目标,你认为面临哪些挑战?

Zhu Chengyi: 当然有很多挑战,首先陶氏体量我们有12000多种产品,有大约一万个客户,所以我们深知我们的产品从生产到使用到最后回收再利用,整个环节都对社会整个环境有着非常重要和深远的影响,从技术上来讲第一个挑战就是技术的挑战,怎么样用再生塑料,不同生物基或者是其他可替代原料做成的塑料,最后产品的性能是不能被牺牲的,所以这里面就需要很多创新,陶氏现在有87%的项目都是集中在可持续创新方面,我们的目标是在未来100%所有研发项目都要有可持续元素,这是我们直接可以触碰到的挑战。第二从更广泛意义来讲,整个从塑料废弃物回收、清洗、分类到可再生树脂造粒,甚至再到找到这些可再生树脂的合适应用场景实现商业化,整个一个闭环是非常大的挑战,这里面不光需要材料供应商的努力,当然我们也在做工作,我们也希望有更多合作伙伴,上下游合作伙伴能够加入到我们的队伍中,来积极探索循环经济的可能性,在这边我也想呼吁一下,比如我们的社区因为涉及垃圾的分类,我们的政府也在当中可以起到一些非常积极的促进作用,能够帮助我们企业一起来构造一个塑料循环的生态环境,加速可能的塑料循环商业化。

host: 就像您刚才说的回收其实是可持续的非常重要一个环节,很多可持续利用没有办法推进一个很大障碍我们观察下来其实就是说回收很难,尤其是包括很多成本非常高,所以作为产业链上游材料供应商,我们觉得陶氏可以发挥的作用也非常大,我们如何推进就像您刚才说的在包装在特种塑料回收利用提高,也包括在技术创新,在生物基材料使用,商业模式上有没有一些比较具体的创新?

Zhu Chengyi: 可以的,从我们的材料专长出发,从技术上怎么样开发更可持续的更安全的材料本身,是研发当中的重中之重,这里面我也想举例给到杨总和我们的观众,其中一个是我们的软包装,食品包装也好各种软包装,他回收一个挑战虽然看着是薄薄的一层包装,但里面有不同的材质,不同材质的回收就是非常大的挑战,我们跟我们合作伙伴一起研发了双向拉伸的聚乙烯树脂,他能够使单一材料包装膜达到非常优异的性能,在中国我们和立白合作,成功开发了第一款完全可以回收的洗衣凝珠的包装,这个技术目前也在跟狮王、蒙牛其他一些品牌商合作,在他们的包装产品上使用。

host: 所以我们说可持续也好,循环经济也好,不止是生产商、原材料供应方这么单一的主体责任,就像朱总说的确实是通过创新,通过理念,通过整个大的政策环境,包括整个生态来共同推进,各方共同努力才能把这个事情真正推向一个最高的效率和最完美的方案。

Thank you again, President Zhu for accepting our interview. Thank you.

** Zhu Chengyi:** Thank you, President Yang.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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