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** Source| ** Xinhua Agency, CCTV News

According to Xinhua Agency, Iran's Tasnim News Agency reported that in the early morning of the 14th local time, Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps began to launch large-scale missile and drone attacks on Israeli targets.

According to CCTV News, on the 14th local time, Iran's official news agency IRNA quoted sources familiar with the matter as saying that Iran fired its first batch of ballistic missiles at Israeli targets.

数十 架 无人机从伊 朗向以色列发射。 图源: 纽约邮报引自社交媒体

Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps issued a statement on its military operations against Israel on the 14th. The statement said that in response to Israel's crimes, including attacking the consular office of the Iranian Embassy in Syria and killing many military personnel, Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Aviation and Space Force used dozens of drones and missiles to target certain Israeli targets. Strike operations.

The statement said that the details of the operation were supervised by the General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces, approved by Iran's Supreme Security Council, and cooperated with the Iranian Ministry of Defense and the Iranian military.

Iranian state television reported earlier in the day that Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps launched an intensive drone military operation against Israel.

In the early morning of the 14th local time, the Iranian Defense Minister said that any country that opens its airspace or territory to Israel to attack Iran will receive a decisive response from Iran.

Israel:Ready for defense and attack

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On the evening of the 13th local time, Israel Defense Forces spokesman Daniel Hagari said that "Israel is ready for defense and attack."

Hagari said that the current Israel Defense Forces air defense arrays, Israeli Air Force fighter jets carrying out defense missions in the airspace and Israeli naval ships are all on high alert.

Hagari said that when the Israel Defense Forces intercept drones, the global positioning system will be interfered with. In the event of any other attack that requires a separate warning, the IDF will update the public. The siren will sound only when the drone enters the relevant location in Israeli airspace. The Israel Defense Forces will strive to intercept targets as early as possible.

On the 14th local time, the Israeli Prime Minister's Office stated that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held a wartime cabinet meeting at the Kiriyat military headquarters in Tel Aviv.

Iranian Foreign Minister:Necessary warnings have been issued to the United States

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On the evening of the 13th local time, Iranian Foreign Minister Abdullahian posted on social media saying that in a phone conversation with the Foreign Minister of the Netherlands, the Foreign Minister of Belgium and the Foreign Minister of Cyprus on the 13th, he said that Iran had issued the necessary warning to the United States.

Earlier, US media quoted three sources as saying on the 12th that Iran issued a warning to the United States through Arab countries that if the United States intervened in the dispute between Israel and Iran, the US military stationed in the Middle East would be hit.

Biden:Firmly support Israeli security

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On the 13th local time, the White House issued a statement saying that Iran has begun to launch air strikes against Israel, and the attack may last for several hours. The statement said that U.S. President Biden's national security team will maintain continuous communication with Israeli officials and other partners and allies, and regularly update Biden. Biden said the United States firmly supports Israel's security and helps it resist threats from Iran.

Multinational airspace has been completely closed

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The Israel Airport Authority said on the night of the 13th local time that due to Iran's attack, Israeli airspace would be closed from 0:30 local time on the 14th. The Israel Airports Authority said it would update based on developments.

In the early morning of the 14th local time, the Iranian Defense Minister said that any country that opens its airspace or territory to Israel to attack Iran will receive a decisive response from Iran.

According to a flight radar map on the 14th local time, the airspace of Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Iran has been completely closed.



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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