"Because your phone releases illegal information,

We need to handle the shutdown..."

前不久,市民赵阿姨接到了这样一个电话。The other party claimed that he was a staff member of the Shanghai City Cyberspace Administration and wanted to shut down Aunt Zhao's mobile phone and ask Aunt Zhao to provide personal information to assist in the investigation. 警觉的赵阿姨拨通了上海市互联网违法和不良信息举报中心的电话021-55056666。在工作人员提醒下,了解到 This is a trap set by criminals, and the actual purpose is to defraud citizens of personal information and then commit fraud.

Aunt Zhao introduced that the caller claimed to be "Liu Weijian", an employee of the Shanghai City Internet Information Office, with the job number 9949. In addition to telling Aunt Zhao that her mobile phone number would be suspended, she also asked Aunt Zhao for relevant information and home conditions. However, Aunt Zhao quickly became suspicious."He asked when the part-time worker at home would leave, and I suspected that he was not authentic."

In order to further verify the statement of "Liu Weijian", Aunt Zhao consulted the Municipal Internet Illegal and Bad Information Reporting Center. Coincidentally, while Aunt Zhao was consulting, the fraudster's phone number just happened to be dialed in, and Ms. Zhao "live" the entire conversation with the fraudster to the staff of the reporting center (the following is the phone recording).

On the phone,"Xiao Liu of the Cyberspace Administration" told Aunt Zhao that she had contacted the mobile business hall and would not shut down Ms. Zhao's number for the time being, but she could not explain why it had been shut down before.

** When Aunt Zhao questioned the authenticity of her identity and asked "Are you real or fake?" several times, the fraudster arrogantly moved out the real address of the Shanghai City Cyberspace Administration to "verify the real identity," saying that Aunt Zhao could directly "come to Cyberspace Administration to speak face to face." ** However, when Aunt Zhao proposed not to go to the Cyberspace Administration but to go to the Public Security Bureau with the fraudster, the fraudster hung up the phone. It can be seen that the fraudsters were just bluffing when they moved out the real address of the Cyberspace Administration.

上海市互联网违法和不良信息举报中心表示,Cyberspace Administration staff will not directly call citizens. Such fake phone calls from Cyberspace Administration staff asking citizens for personal information are fraud. 市民若接到这类电话,切勿透露任何个人信息,可不予理会,也可拨打“96110”或就近前往属地派出所报案。

In fact, similar routines are not new. Last year, the Shanghai Anti-Rumors Platform reported the same scam:The party concerned, Laobo Wang, received a video call starting with +86. The caller claimed to be a director of the Shanghai Cyberspace Administration. Because Laobo Wang had posted more than 20,000 pieces of fraud information on his mobile phone card number in Haikou, he needed to trace responsibility and asked him to cooperate. Make a transcript, thus obtaining Laobo Wang's home address, WeChat and other personal information, and pulling it into a WeChat group to further implement fraud. The more he thought about it, the more wrong he became, the more he discovered the problem."Shouldn't the police come forward and make a statement for suspected crimes?" He raised questions in the group, but was kicked out of the WeChat group. In the end, he did not suffer actual losses. He called the Municipal Internet Illegal and Bad Information Reporting Center for consultation.

It is understood that the reporting center has recently received consultations and reports from many citizens on similar cases. 这类诈骗电话通常为+86开头的网络视频电话,自称上海网信办工作人员,以停机威胁受害人告知个人信息。除了及时提醒致电人外,该中心也已向公安机关移交相关线索。目前,公安机关正在对案件进行侦办,上海辟谣平台将持续追踪后续情况。

At the same time, we once again advise the general public to be vigilant and not to believe the words of people claiming to be public servants, corporate customer service personnel, etc., and not to easily disclose their own and their family members 'private information, so that criminals can take advantage of it.



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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